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    1、quarrel普通用词,既可指言词激烈的争吵,也可指温和的言词上的不和。strife指因不可缓和的矛盾而引起的争吵或斗殴。英语解释a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreementa fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is truea discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposala variable in a

    2、logical or mathematical expression whose value determines the dependent variable; if f(x)=y, x is the independent variablea summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie例句Indeed, she had quite a long argument with the lory, who at last turned sulky, and would only say, I am olde

    3、r than you, and must know better你瞧,爱丽丝已经同鹦鹉辩论了好长时间了,最后鹦鹉生气了,一个劲儿地说:“我比你年龄大,也就肯定比你知道得多。”Unacceptable terms,suggestions,arguments,solutions不能接受的条件、建议、论点、解决办法Validate a theory,an argument,a thesis,etc证实某理论、论据、命题等.Untenable arguments,claims,propositions,etc站不住脚的论据、要求、主张等Reduce an equation,argument,issue

    4、 to its simplest form把某方程式、论据、问题化为最简单形式Be very eager for(a fight,an argument,etc)憋足了劲儿要(打架、争吵等)Potent arguments,reasoning,etc有说服力的论据、推理等.Defeat sb decisively in an argument,a competition,etc(在辩论、竞赛等中)把某人打得一败涂地.Resolve an argument,a difficulty,a crisis解决争端、困难、危机This hurtful, infantile argument illust

    5、rates how spouses, instead of looking for love, may look for flaws这种互相伤害又带有孩子气的争吵清楚地说明了夫妻间可能是在互相挑毛病,而不是在寻找爱情。相似短语in argument在辩论argument byte自变量字节argument descriptor变元描述符argument function辐角函数,幅角函数argument list自变量表,变元表argument of latitude升交角距argument of perihelion近日点辐角argument subschipt变元下标argument ta

    6、ble变量表critical argument临界幅角相似单词argumentn.2.C论据,理由,论点3.U辩论argue的中文翻译解析argue的中文意思动词1.不及物动词:争论,争吵,争辩2.T,I论证,说理,争辩3.及物动词:证明,表明词形变化名称arguer时态argued,arguing,argues这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。argue指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。quarrel指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。debate侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。dispute

    7、侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。discuss最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。reason指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。present reasons and argumentshave an argument about somethinggive evidence ofReligion converts despair, which destroys , into resignation, which submits.-Blessingtom Marguerite, Iris

    8、h writer宗教将具有破坏力的绝望转化为令人俯首贴耳的绝望。爱尔兰作家玛格丽特O Fantine, maid worthy of being called Marguerite or Pearl, you are a woman from the beauteous Orient呵,芳汀,您是一个值得称为白菊或明珠的姑娘,您是一个满身珠光宝气的妇女。The arguement darkened her mood.那场争论使她的心情不好。When gun speaks, it is too late to argue大炮一响,谈判已晚I really wish you wouldnt sin

    9、g such vulgar rubbish, I said to Marguerite casually, making it sound like a request.“别唱这些下流歌曲了,”我带着一种恳求的语气亲切地对玛格丽特说。The fact was that the young Duchess was in the tertiary stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerites arrival, she succumbed.不过公爵小姐的肺病已经到了第三期,玛格丽特来巴涅尔没几天,公爵小姐便离开了人间。argue into

    10、劝(某人)使做某事argue on辩论争论某事argue for支持,为支持而辩论argue with与某人议论argue away把.辩解过去argue with sb跟某人辩论argue over争论,辩论argue to the contraryv. 提出相反意见argue aboutargue in circle用循环论证法来辩论(先假设结论是前提的证据, 又利用前提去证明结论)arguev.1.I争论,争吵,争辩3.T证明,表明re arguen. 上诉Area的翻译解析Area的意思名词 区域C范围,U面积C地区Calculate the surface area of the p

    11、atch, assuming it has no microvilli.假设没有微绒毛计算一小块的表面积。Where the reservoir is in soil, elimination of the reservoir is not feasible but it may be possible to limit mans exposure to the affected area.只要土壤里有感染源,消灭感染源就不实际,但是可以限制人们接触感染地区。A bright and intensely hot area in the suns chromosphere,usually ass

    12、ociated with a sunspot.谱班太阳黑子区附近出现的明亮和极热的区域,通常是与黑子联系在一起On a more basic level, habits like spitting and littering still persist in China s urban and rural areas.在一个更基础的层面上,在中国的广大城乡地区,随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾的习惯仍在持续。Information provided by China INFOBANK is well-recognized by our customers in areas such as quality,

    13、trust-worthiness and timeliness.中国资讯行以优质、可靠和及时的商业资讯,深受客户信赖Behind the cutting edge is the tail, which has a smaller diameter. The permanent lining of the tunnel is assembled in this area.切削口的后面是直径较小的盾构尾部,隧道的永久性衬砌就在此处进行。This may result in yarns that are considerably weaker in some areas than in others

    14、, causing breakage to occur easily at the weak points.从而引起应力的不均匀分配。纱线某段的强度比其它段要低,在纱线的弱段容易产生断头。Ear protection this area请戴防护耳罩If you have given poor ratings in certain areas, please assist us in improving our services by providing your valued suggestions.如阁下对我们任何一项服务给予了较低的评訯,请提出详细的意见以协助酒店改善对住客的服务。A sh

    15、ort distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying,used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.支距在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积in the area of在方面catchment arean.排水区,下游区distressed area灾区plot area图形区Print Area打印区域wilderness area自然保护区bare area裸区,赤裸区inbound area收件区,(一个BBS站用于储存其它BBS站通过网络发送来的文件或信件的子目录)alternate area交替区,替代区analyzed area分析区域area1.U 面积(表面的范围或量度)2.C 面积(某一量度的表面)3.C表面的一部分;(地球表面的)地域,(城市等的)地区;留作某种用途的空间4.C领域, 方面5Arean. 区域;C范围,U面积;C地区strip area带形地区area name区域名O.C.P.area内陆转运地区overland common points area.


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