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    1、H-how,是指细节;A-after,是指后果;T-thought,是指感想。其中W/H/A宜在要点扩展中运用,T宜在文章最后发表感想运用。以06年江苏高考英语模拟卷作文题中“介绍中国历史和文化”这一个要点来看看如何运用W/H/A 来扩展要点。介绍中国历史和文化通过上面这个图,相信可以很清除的看到思路是如何扩展的,从原因可以引申出中国历史悠久、文化繁荣,从细节可以引申出中国历史和文化的各个方面,从影响可以引申出文化交流等方面。这里同学们要学会的是一个思路拓展的方法,具体拓展的各个小的方面可以自行发挥,但是一定要注意与主题关联,否则就是偏题。原句为Thirdly, they should int

    2、roduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners. 首先让我们来添加原因,Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners since China is one of the cradles of human civilization and has a flourishing culture.细节,这是最容易发挥的一个途径。Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and h

    3、istory, such as traditional customs, various dynasties, Confucianism and so on. 但是要注意适可而止、过犹不及的道理,发挥到这个层次就不要再往下写了,否则整篇文章的主题就变成了如何介绍中国历史与文化。Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to make foreigners know China better and advance cross-cultural communication. 只要记住拓宽思路的三条途径,要把要点变

    4、的更具体,文章更长是很容易的,其他要点的拓宽跟上面所述同理,在此就不再赘述,自己试着按照上面提供的方法将其他几个要点也加以发挥。这样的思路拓宽练习要经常进行,养成了习惯,这样到考试的时候才能自然想出来。无论怎样的主题,怎样的体裁,这个方法是不变的,所谓以不变应万变。最后我们来看一下T,thoughts,也就是感想。这个样题是要求考生写出感想的,那对于没有要求写出感想的题目,这个就是最后救急的招数。如果在考场上作文写的差不多了,发现字数远远不够,但是鉴于时间和卷面整洁都不可能重新再写,最后的方法就是发表感想,但是切记感想要与主题相关。获得高分的英语书面表达的六大特性1. 条理性。指的是合理布局文

    5、章结构。首先,在文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序等方面要有一定的条理性。其次,根据需要,安排好段落,各段之间要层次分明,也要重视每一段的开头和结尾,开头语往往是总起句,结尾语往往是总结句。2. 准确性。指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用词和句法等,要准确、地道地表达。必须要牢牢掌握一些常用句型或习惯表达,避免中式英语,在实践中不断总结中英用法的差异,养成用英语思维写作的习惯。3. 流畅性。指根据整篇文章思想的需要,有效采用不同的连接手段,使文章层次清楚、行文连贯。4. 简洁多样性。简洁性就是语言简洁,不重复。多样性就是能随情景内容的变化写出句式多样的语句。这也是新课程标准对写作的评价标准

    6、。5. 思想性。新标准对写作的要求,增加了情感因素,在准确流畅表达写作要点的同时,适当增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味,使文章读起来更亲切,完全达到与读者进行交流的目的。6. 美观性。指的是卷面书写规范、清楚、干净、整洁。解题方法仔细审题先弄明白格式、文体。如果是让你写信,你要弄清收信人,写信人;如果让你写通知,要记住口头通知需要前言后语,也就是说开始要打招呼,要说Attention,please之类的话,结束要说Thats all, thank you;如果让你看图写话,要注意如果是故事性的,例如前几年考的看奶奶,小狗救人骑车带人参观农场,要确定基本时态为过去时。如果是描写一个地方,介绍一

    7、个产品,那主要应用一般现在时。确定内容要点内容要点一个也不能丢,如果人家给的是文字提示,可以用笔在试题外标出、,如果人家给的是图,那要先看懂图画的意思,每个图都要看看再动笔,不要看了一个图马上就写。应该写草稿许多学生在做单项填空时左思右想,反复考虑,很舍得花时间,而留给写作文的时间往往就十来分钟,这其实是不会考试。写作二十五分呢,不比单选的那两三道题重要?写草稿,但要快,修改后再抄一遍,三四分钟即可,既减少错误,又可使卷面整洁。 尽量用简单句写,用见过的句型写决不要生造自己没过的句型,也不要为了显示自己的才华故意用上一两个大词、怪词。须知最主要的是把意思表达准确,把事情说明白,能用简单句把意思

    8、表达清楚,那这个简单句就是最漂亮的句子。先搭架子,后放砖。如:我昨天在这个饭馆吃了一顿好饭。I had a dinner. 就是一个架子,而后再加时间,地点状语。要学会“曲线救国”一种方法不会,争取用另一种近似的句式来对付。比如说,表达花钱买东西这个意思,I paid 5 dollars for the book.可是这个for弄不准了,究竟该用for还是on,还是to,记不清了。那就不要瞎凑一个。可以换用cost,即The book cost me five dollars.也可用I spent 5 dollars on the book多从交际的角度考虑问题什么话该说,什么话不该说,要想明

    9、白。比如有的写信末尾总要带一句Remember me to your family.你了解人家家庭情况吗?不了解就别乱问候。注意书写、拼写、标点符号和大小写江苏省海门市2008届高三第三次诊断性考试第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)目前荧屏上青少年才艺展示表演越来越多,不同学生就此有不同看法。请根据以下表格内容,以Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? 为题,为某英语杂志写一篇英语短文。看法理由太早参加演出,不利学习1.没有形成自己的演出风格,仅靠模仿,不是真艺术;2. 女孩们过多迷于“明星梦”,忽视学习;3. 演出花费太多

    10、时间与精力,不利集中精力学习。应该参加演出,展示才华1. 表演节目提供了参与社会活动的机会;2.丰富演出经验,有利于将来的音乐生涯;3.人各有梦,抓住机会实现梦想。你的观点1. 2. 3. 注意: 1、行文应连贯流畅, 内容要充实完整; 2、题目和开头语已经给出, 不计入总词数; 3、词数150左右。参考词汇:模仿:imitateAre middle school students too young to be on TV shows?At present there are more and more teen talent shows on the TV screen . Are mid

    11、dle school students too young to be on TV shows? Some students think so. _ 参考答案: Some students think so. In their opinion, teenagers havent formed their own style of performance yet. Just imitating others voice and actions is not the real art of singing and performing. Its reported that some young g

    12、irls are too absorbed in “star dream”, thus ignoring their study. Whats more, such TV shows take up too much time and energy. As middle school students, they should concentrate on their study at present. However, other students think it right for teenagers to show their talents of art. TV shows like

    13、 “Super Voice Girls” provide students with an opportunity to participate in social activities, where they can gain rich experience, which will surely contribute a lot to their future musical career. As we all know, different people have different dreams. Its very important for them to grasp the chan

    14、ce and try to make their dreams come true.Personally, important as study is, it is not the only thing we can do. We should have a wide range of opportunities to develop our abilities. We may as well show our qualities to people when possible.(or: As for myself, although it is a good stage for young

    15、people to show their ability, as middle school students, they must first have more knowledge. They should put more effort into their schoolwork.)江苏省无锡市普通高中2008届高三2月质量调研 下列图表是某校高三学生高考志愿(选择专业和学校)的调查结果。请给一英语报社写一篇简要的报导,并说说你自己的观点。注意:1报导须包括所有要点,可适度发挥;2开头已经写好,但不记人总词数; 3词数:150左右。The above graph is the resul

    16、t of a survey which shows the different opinions of the senior three graduating students of the school on how to choose their majors and universities.About 35 % of the students insist that the choice should be based on their own interest. They say interest is the way leading to success. They think i

    17、t a miserable thing to be obliged to study what they have no interest in.About 45 % of the students, however, consider it is the need of the society that matters a lot, for, they say, it will help them find the job they like best. In addition, interest can be developed andchanged.Interestingly, ther

    18、e are about 20% of the students who find it so difficult to make a choice that they prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents or teachers.In my opinion, interest is the most important of all. Without interest you cant study the subject very well and may have more difficulties with your ca

    19、reer.江苏省常州高级中学20072008学年高三第四次阶段教学质量调研假如你是李鹃,在某报上看到以上一则招聘广告,你很想应聘这份工作,请根据以上广告及以下信息写一封英文邮件:姓名李鹃性别女年龄18特长擅长英语;善于共处经历做了两年家教;现为爱心俱乐部成员1.开阔眼界,了解社会; 2. 树立信心,培养交际能力,3 4.1词数在150左右。2邮件开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。3至少再补充两条理由。4. 提示词:Loving Heart Club爱心俱乐部 l have ust read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw

    20、it I took an interestin becoming one of the five volunteer English teachersNow Im writing here to apply forthis opportunityId appreciate it so rnuch if you could possibly consider my applicationIm looking forwardto your early reply Yours sincerely, Li HuaDear Student Union, I have iust read the ad o

    21、n the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the five volunteer English teachersNow Im writing here to apply for this opportunity I am Li Hua, a girl aged 17I have a good command of English and can get along well with othersFor two years I have been tutoring students in EnglishPresently 1 work as a member of Loving Heart C


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