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    1、完整版英语句型转换题及答案一、 根据要求完成句子。1.hat, his, have, sister, does, a, red (连词成句) ?2.What can I do for you?(改为同义句)Can I ?3.Whats the price of this ruler?(改为同义句) is this ruler?4.Can I look at this photo?(改为同义句)Can I a this photo?5.Mrs Green sells two books to Paul.(改为同义句)Paul two books Mrs Green.二、 句型转换.1. His

    2、name is Tom.(对划线部分提问) his name?2. James is fine.(对划线部分提问) James?3. Im Jenny.(改为同义句) is Jenny.4. Lindas telephone number is 605 4279.(改为一般疑问句) her 605 4279?5. name, is, family, Lucys, Read.(连词成句)三、 句式转换。1.want, a, he, movie, to. Chinese, do, see, action (连词成句) ?2.Mike wants to see a movie.(对划线提问) Mik

    3、e ?3.He wants to see movies. (同义句)He wants movies.4.Mary and his father really like action movies. (同义句)Mary his father really action movies.5.My sister likes the actor Paul Jacks on best.(同义句) actor is Paul Jacks on.6.Shi Weis mother and father like Beijing Opera, too.(同义句)Shi Weis like Beijing Ope

    4、ra.7.He wants to see comedies.(就划线部分提问) of he to see?8.Xia Wenhao often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. (就戈U线部分提问) Xia Wenhao often to see Beijing Opera?四、 按要求改写下列各句。1.name, is, family, Lucys, Read (连词成句)2.My name is Tom Brown.(改为同义句)Tom Brow n.3.She is Gina.(用I改写句子) Gi na.4.The girls telepho

    5、ne number is 375 -2215.(对画线部分提问) the girls telephone number ?5.My family name is Creen. My first name is Bob. (合并为一句)My name is .五、句型转换.1.My father works in a bank .(对画线部分提问) your father ?2.Mary likes climbing mountains on weekends.(改为一般疑问句) Mary climbing mountains on weekends?3.Toms parents speak F

    6、rench and Chinese.(改为否定句)Toms parents French or Chinese.4.What does she do?(改为同义句)5.work ,for,can ,you,a ,newspaper(连词成句)六、连词成句。1.you your find some can nice friend clips for.3.I ,they , think, make , feet, my, dont , hot, feel, can4.why, buying ,many, apples, so , are , you5.make, lanterns ,of , th

    7、ey, out , ,pumpkins.七、句型转换1.They are American lions. ( 改为单数句子 ) American lion.2.The wolf eats vegetables and fruit. ( 改为否定句 )The wolf vegetables fruit.3.Therere some elephants from Africa and India. (改为同义句 )Some elephants Africa and India.4.The giraffe lives in the grassland. ( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 ) the g

    8、iraffe in the grassland?Yes, .5.around, do,come, they, from, all, world, the(? ) ( 连词成句 )八、句型转换1.There are some girls in the classroom. ( 改为否定句 )There girls in the classroom.2.Are there any girls in your school? ( 作肯定回答 )Yes, .3.The hotel has twenty rooms.(改为同义句) twenty rooms in the hotel.4.There ar

    9、e fifteen classrooms in my school.(对戈U线部分提问) classrooms are there in your school?5.nineteen, are, in, Bettys, there, boys, class (.)(连词成句)九、句型转换1.Its Wednesday today. (对划线部分提问) today?2.Its ten oclock now. (对划线部分提问) now?3.They do their homework in the evening.(改为否定句)They their homework in the evening

    10、.4.Lets go to play football. (改为同义句) going to play football?5.have, less on, at, two, I, a, chemistry, half, past(连词成句)十、句型转换。1.do, how, you, coat, spell (连词成句) ?2.The chair is yellow.(对划线部分提问) the chair?3.My cap is in the bag.(对划线部分提问) your cap?4.My favourite food is eggs.(对划线部分提问) your food?5.This

    11、 is an apple.(改为复数形式)十一、句型转换1.Tom thinks they are scary.(改为否定句)Tom they scary.2.like?Her cousin likes thrillers.(就划线部分提问) of does her cousin3.They can sing and dance.(画线部分提问)4.She can play the piano (否定句)She piano.5.She wants to join swimming club.(就划线部分提问) club she to join?6.I can sing well.(用da ne

    12、e改为选择疑问句) you sing dance well?7.She plays the piano after dinner.(改为否定句)8.我们学校的音乐会是在星期天。Our is on Sun day.9.麦克喜欢和我交谈。Mike likes to .10.连词成句:guitar, Mike s,play, aunt,well,can,the,(.)十二、按要求变换下列句型1.This is a pencil case.(变一般疑问句)2.Is that her key?(做否定回答)3.not, is, my, this, book (连词成句)十三、句型转换1.It s a p

    13、ear.(改为否定句) a pear.2.You can sit down.(改为一般疑问句) sit down?3.I am in Grade 2 .(对划线部分提问) you in?4.Is that a cake?(作否定回答)5.is, what, three, one, and (连词成句) ?十四、按要求写出下列句子的形式1.My name is Amy.(就划线部分提问) n ame, please?2.My telephone number is 298-3026.(就划线部分提问) teleph one nu mber, please?3.Im Zhang Xiaoming.

    14、(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 ) Zhang Xiaomi ng?4.(连词成句)she, her, is, what, ?, Lucy, name , is.(连词成句)5.is, telephone, what, number, it, your, ?, is, 298-5197.十五、句子练习1.This is a yellow bus.(改为复数句) yelllow 2.Tim does his homework after class.(改为否定句 )Tim is homework after class.3.They usually play basketball in the a

    15、fternoon.(对划线部分提问) they usually in the aftemoon?4.She often goes to see movies with her mother.(改为一般疑问句) often to see movies with her mother!5.these,sister, please, things,to,take ,your(连词成句)十六、按要求写句子1.Janes uncle is thirty-five.(对画线部分提问) Janes uncle?2.Jennys birthday party is July 4th.(对画线部分提问) Jennys birthday party?3. When is Teachers Day?(回答问题)Its .4.How old are you?(改为同


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