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    1、The answer is BConversation 11Which of the following music does the man like best? AClassical music BRock music CJazz2What does the man advise the woman to do? ACome to his house this weekend BHold a party in her house CTake the violin course with himConversation 23How does the woman like the electr

    2、onic organizer? AUseful BLight CExpensive4Which of the following will the man record with the organizer? AMusic BStories CLecturesConversation 35When will the concert be on? AOn Sunday night BOn the night of September 14th COn the night of September 4th6Where does the man live? AIn London BIn Cambri

    3、dge CIn LutonConversation 47What arc the speakers doing? APaying some bills BBuying some stamps CSending a birthday card8What do we know about the machine? AIt cant wait too long BIt can exchange money CIt can speak9How much is the womans credit? AOne dollar BTen dollars CFour dollarsConversation 51

    4、0What is the mans nationality most probably?, AChinese BJapanese CGerman 11How long is the man going to stay in San Francisco? AFor two weeks BFor a few days CFor a few weeks12What is the mans room number at the hotel? A646 B246 C264Conversation 6 13What happened to the man? AHe was badly ill BHe ha

    5、d his legs broken CHe was hit by a car14What did the man do in the hospital in Africa? AHe lay in bed all day BHe did some exercise CHe did some reading, 15When will the man get recovered according to the doctor? AIn about two weeks BIn about three weeks. CIn about half a year SECTION B (75 marks) I

    6、n this section, you will hear a short passageListen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve heardFill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, You will hear the short passage TWICE Customs of dinner parties in Britain and AmericaBrief information* party starting

    7、 between 7 and 8 pmand ending at about 16. * evening starting with drinks and snacks* meal starting first with soup or omething small, then meat or fish with vegetables, and 19the dessert, finally ending with coffeedos and dontsbefore the party*bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine 17 *say h

    8、ow much you like the room or the pictures on the wall* dont ask how much things costduring the party* 18 everything on your plate*take more if you wantafter the partycall the hosts the next day, or write them a short 20. PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)SECTION A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath e

    9、ach of following sentences there are four choice marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21We are sorry to have to announce that the Leeds train that _ due to arrive at 12 : 20 has been delayed by one hour and will now arrive at 13 : 20. Awas Bis Cwill be Dhad be

    10、en22Take great pains to read _ you can or you wont have a better understanding oflife Aas much as Bbooks as much as Cbooks as many as Das many books as23With masses of homework _, I can hardly spare time to practice playing the piano Adone Bto do Cdoing Dbeing done24Did Betty go shopping with you ye

    11、sterday? Even if she _ a lot of studying, she would have preferred staying home to going shopping Adidnt have Bshouldnt have Chadnt had Dhasnt had25If we work hard with a strong will, we _ overcome any difficulty, however great it is Amust Bneed Cshould Dcan26He was so busy that _ I could say hello

    12、to him he had rushed out of the room Awhen Bbefore Csince Duntil27The computer system broke _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet Adown Bout Cup Din28It is estimated that the novel will be _ of his best sellers, for his novels are quite popular among young people Aother B

    13、either Canother Dthe other 29No sooner _ on the TV than I heard the news that the stampede in Cambodias capital, Phnom Penh, had left 375 victims dead Ahad I turned Bdid I turn CI had turned DI turned30The Arabian Nights _ well known all over the world, in which many a story_ interesting and instruc

    14、tive Ais; are Bare; is Care; are Dis; is31A lot of people find it useful to have a phrasebook when they travel to a country _they dont know the language Awhere Bwhen Cwhy Dwhich32All the preparations for the task _, and were ready to start Acompleted Bcomplete Chad been completed Dhave been complete

    15、d33All the citizens strongly insist those found _ harmful advertisements in the street should be punished strictly Aputting up Bbeing put up Cput up Dto be putting up34The members of the board are discussing the problem right now; it will _ have been solved by the end of next week Aluckily Bimmediat

    16、ely Chopefully Dundoubtedly35Always remember it is none of your business _ other people think about youJust believe in yourself Ahow Bwhat Cwhich DwhenSECTION B (18 marks) For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and DFill in each blank with the word or p

    17、hrase that best fits the contextGrowing old is something that nobody can understand until they experience it for themselvesI may not be old but I am certainly beginning to 36 it? turned 18 just over a week agoI am now an adultAs a child you 37 adultsor grown-ups as I used to call themto always be in

    18、 controlto know what is right and wrong 38 as a teenager, I thought that when I reached 18 I would be far more 39 in many aspects of lifeBut now that I am 18, 1 know that is not trueIt is clear to me now that you do not 40 learning when you are 18Every day you learnsomething 41 , no matter what your

    19、 ageHowever, I do understand when you become an adultyou have to 42 more responsibilityWhereas before I seldom had to clean the dishes, set the table or help out around the house, now I do all of thoseI have already 43 myself the nickname housekeeper I can even drive now, which is pretty 44 , becaus

    20、e of the frequency of accidentsBut thats not to say that 18 is not 45 to beNot only can I drink alcohol, but I can also 46 In fact, being 18 has made me really interested in politics because it now means that I can change things on 47 DayMore and more of my friends want to become politicians, and it

    21、 is great tothink that they can change things for the better36Adislike Bfeel Clearn Dlove37Aexpect Bcriticize Cdeny Dknow38AEven BBut CSo DSince39Acomfortable Binterested Cassured Dcontented40Acontinue Bdesire Cstop Drefuse41Ainterested Bunique Cvaluable Dnew42Atake on Bput on Ctake up Dput up43Ahon

    22、ored Bchosen Cearned Dwon44Ascary Bamazing Cfascinating Ddifficult45Aadventurous Btough Cgood Dannoying46Aelect Bvote Cvolunteer Dinvolve47ALabor BIndependence CChristmas DElectionSECTION C (12 marks) Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.If

    23、 you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon find 48. it too expensive to stay in a hotel and will want to find another place to live. 49. As is true in cities very where in the world, the 50. farther you live outside the city, generally the lower the rents will be.

    24、 However, travelling to and 51. from the city by bus, car or train may make it as expensive as living in the city. Naturally, it is easier to join in the life of a city 52.if / when one is close to the center. 53. For this reason, you may prefer to live as close to the center of the city as possible

    25、. Or, 54. you may prefer to rent a place for only a month or two until you become more familiar with 55. the area.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks) Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four cho

    26、ices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AThe story of Madame Tussaud is as fascinating as that of the exhibition itself. From a housekeepers daughter to a successful business woman, her life has all the marks of a Hollywood blockbust

    27、er.Madam Tussaud was born in 1761 and named Marie Grosholtz. Her father was killed in battle only two months before Manes birth. For the first five years of her life, Marie lived in Berne with her mother, who worked as housekeeper for Dr Philippe Curtius. A doctor, with a talent for wax modeling, Cu

    28、rtius became her teacher.It was Curtius who opened the original wax exhibition in Paris in 1770 and introduced Marie to some famous people. At only 17, she modeled the famous writer Francois Voltaire, followed by a portrait of American statesman Benjamin Franklin when he was in Paris as US ambassador. Both figures are still on display at Madame Tussauds, London today.Her work at Curtius successful wax exhibition led to an invitation to the court of Louis XVI and his queen. For nine years she lived at


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