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    1、A. so B. or C. but D. because 24. _ is your favourite writer?Mark Twain. A. What B. Who C. When D. Where 25. Tom is growing fast. He is even _ than his father. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 26. Must I finish the homework tonight? No, you _. You can finish it tomorrow. A. neednt B. must

    2、nt C. shouldnt D. cant 27. My sister _when I got home yesterday evening. A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping D. is sleeping 28. Mr. Green _ here since last year. A. lives B. will live C. was living D. has lived 29. The iPhone _ by Apple Computer Inc. before 2007. A. invent B. invented C. is invented D

    3、. was invented 30. Do you know_ the meeting?Tomorrow morning.A. when they had B. when they will haveC. when did they have D. when will they have 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Puppy LoveNate looked out his bedroom window. He had a perfect view of his neighbors backy

    4、ard and his neighbors new puppy, Peanut. Mr. Jensen had recently moved to the neighborhood. Helet Nate play with his little _31_ he brought home from the pet store just now.Nate was _32_. He wanted a puppy, but his sister had dog allergies(过敏). After a while, though, Mr. Jensen told him to stop play

    5、ing with Peanut because they made too much noise.The weather was getting colder. Nate could see Peanut was_33_ in the backyard a lot. It seemed like Mr. Jensen never played with Peanut. Nate also _34_ that Peanuts food and water dishes were always empty. Peanut looked skinny. He didnt run around lik

    6、e he used to.“Mom.” said Nate, “I am worried about Peanut. He doesnt have any protection from the sun or cold. I never see Mr. Jensen play with him. What should we do?”“Lets keep an eye on Peanut, Nate.” said Mom. “Being responsible means we _35_about other people as well as animals. We need to show

    7、 them respect and we have a responsibility to make sure their owners are kind to animals.”“Okay, Mom.” said Nate.Peanuts living conditions did not improve. One day Nate saw Mr.Jensen _36_ Peanut for barking too much. Nate told his Mom. His mother helped him call the Department of Animal Control. The

    8、 Officer Clark came to talk to Nate and his Mom and they explained how Mr. Jensen treated Peanut.“I think Peanut deserves(应得)a better home.” said Officer Clark. Because of Peanuts living conditions, Animal Control _37_ Peanut away from Mr. Jensen. Officer Clark placed Peanut in an animal shelter whe

    9、re volunteers helped. Here Peanut received food, water, exercise and, of course, love.Best of all, Nate was inspired to become a volunteer there. His work there taught him about being responsible and respectful to the animals and the _38_ who worked there.After a month, a kind family came_39_for a p

    10、et. Nate introduced the family to Peanut. Peanuts tail didnt stop wagging as each family member hugged him. When the family asked if they could keep Peanut, Nate smiled.Before Nate said goodbye to Peanut, he gave him a hug and said, “Thank you, Peanut, for teaching me that I have a _40_to care about

    11、 others.”31. A. dog B. cat C. horse D. rabbit32. A. surprised B. moved C. sad D. excited33. A. Noisy B. Alone C. safe D. happy 34. A. noticed B. Recognized C. Understood D. realized35. A. think B. worry C. Care D. talk36. A. hit B. push C. knock D. point37. A. Put B. Took C.gave D. threw38. A. Leade

    12、rs B. visitors C. volunteers D. doctors39. A. Waiting B. paying C. sending D. looking40. A. Bravery B. confidence C.wisdom D.responsibility 阅读理解(共50分)6、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分)Riverside High School is home to three very special people: Alan, Mario, and Natalie. These t

    13、hree students all give up several hours each week to help out other people.Mario loves animals and plans to be a vet. Every Saturday morning, while other teens are playing sports, studying or sleeping in, Mario is helping out at an animal hospital. But volunteering brings its own reward, according t

    14、o Mario, “Sure, I work hard,” he says, “but Im also learning a lot about animals.”Natalie likes reading. She taught herself to read at the age of four. She works as the volunteer at an After School Reading Center, helping young people to read. “Volunteering is great,” says Natalie, “because you can

    15、do the things that you love to do and help others at the same time.”Alan wants to be a professional singer. Most weekends, he works at a charity hospital. Volunteers dont receive any money. For Alan, the reward comes in bringing happiness to others. Alan says, “Everyone should do some kind of volunt

    16、eer work. Then the world would be a better place.”41. Riverside High School is home to _very special young people.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 542. Mario is helping out at _.A. a charity hospital B. a high schoolC. an animal hospital D. a reading center43. What does Natalie like doing?A. Studying. B. Playing.

    17、C. Singing. D. Reading.44. For Alan, the reward comes in _. A. bringing happiness to others B. doing the things he lovesC. learning a lot about animals D. receiving some moneyBSanta Claus Does Not ForgetBertie was a very good boy,but he always forgot. No matter what he was asked to do, in the end hi

    18、s answer always was “I forgot.” If he was sent to the store to get something, he would return with nothing but his usual answer.His parents decided that something must be done to make the little boy remember.Christmas was near, and Bertie was busy making out a long list of things that he wanted Sant

    19、a Claus to bring him.“Santa Claus may forget some of those things.” said his mother.“He cannot,” replied Bertie,“ because I will write all the things on this paper. Then Santa Claus can see it and put the things in my stocking(长袜).”Christmas morning came, and Bertie was up early to see what was in h

    20、is stocking. His mother kept away from him as far as she could, for she knew what Santa Claus had done.Finally she heard him coming to her room. He held a list in his hand, which is much longer than the one he had made out. He put it in his mothers hand, while tears of disappointment fell from his e

    21、yes. It was a list of all the things that Bertie had forgotten to do over the last six months. At the end of all was written, in big letters, “I FORGOT.”.Bertie cried for an hour. Then they went to grandpas house. There for the first time he saw a Christmas tree. It was very strange to Bertie, but o

    22、n the Christmas tree he found everything he had written on his list. Did he change his bad habit? Not all at once, but when his mother saw that he was very careless, she would say, “Remember, Santa Claus does not forget!45. When Bertie was asked to do something, his answer always was“_.” in the end.

    23、A. I remembered B. I returned C. I did D. I forgot46. Bertie made a long list of the things _.A. he put on the Christmas tree B. he had forgotten to do before C. he wanted Santa to bring him D. his parents wanted him to remember47. How did Bertie feel after he read the list Santa Claus left to him?A

    24、. He was disappointed. B. He was excited.C. He was pleased. D. He was angry.48. Why would his mother say, “Remember, Santa Claus does not forget!”?A. To make Bertie remember Santa Claus gifts.B. To remind Bertie to change his bad habit.C. To help Santa Claus not to forget the list.D. To tell Bertie

    25、Santa Claus never forgets.CHaving a Perfect HolidayAre you between 12 and 16 years old?Do you feel bored when you go and play with your friends nearby?Are you looking for the perfect holiday?Would you like fun, new friends and a new adventure?We have the answer! And all you need is a bike! Join a Yo

    26、u will join a group of up to 12 teenagers and one ortwo leaders. Youll see mountains, the sea, pretty country villages, and lakes. Youll cycle about 20 km on most days, but dont worryyou dont need to cycle up any mountains and you can go quite slowly if you need to. On the days when you dont cycle,y

    27、ou can have a go at some different sports, like swimming and caving, and youll move to a different hotel most nights.At the end of your holiday youll find you are fitter, more energetic and have more friends! It is really the perfect holiday.Places are limited, so book your place now!Phone 005 6867

    28、4758 or visit our website: www. .We have been the leaders in short exchange holiday between Chinese and American schoolchildren since 1995.The Culture Exchange Holiday offers programm in more cities than ever before New York, Washington DC, Houston, Dallas, San Francisco, Chicago and New Orleans. In

    29、 addition to English classes, you go to a real American school with children of your own age, and you live with an American family for four weeks. In return, an American schoolgirl or boy lives with your family and goes to your school.Weekends are spent with the American family, but on Sundays cultu

    30、ral visits are also offered to places of interest and on these visits you will meet other exchange students. Our group leaders are fully qualified and experienced tour guides. You can even enter our competition and win a free Cultural Exchange Holiday!Check out our five-week programme. Spend four weeks with an American family and then join us for a week touring Florida by train. Visit the Everglades, seethe dolphins and have fun at Disneyland!Want to know more? Fancy winning a free trip? Contact us at:.49. If we


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