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    1、大英2单词大英2-单词U1style n. manner of doing things 行为方式,风格 bustling a. full of busy activity 繁忙的,熙攘的 kindergarten n. 幼儿园 elementary a. 基本的,初级的,基础的 telling a. impressive; effective 难忘的;有力的 lobby n. (旅馆的)大堂,(公共场所入口处的)大厅 attach vt. fasten or join (one thing to another) 系,贴,连接 attendant n. 服务员;侍者,随从 slot n. a

    2、 narrow opening 狭缝,狭槽 vigorously ad. energetically 用力地;精力充沛地 vigorous a. 有力的,精力充沛的tender a. young; gentle and loving 年幼的;温柔的 not in the least not at all 一点也不find ones way reach a destination naturally; arrive at 到达;进入,流入 bang v. (cause to) make a sudden loud noise, esp. by hitting two things togethe

    3、r 猛敲,猛击 exploratory a. done in order to find out sth. 探索的 phenomenon (pl phenomena or phenomenons) n. 现象 staff n. 全体职工,全体雇员 initial a. of or at the beginning, first 开始的,最初的 assist v. help 帮助 reposition vt. 改变的位置 insert vt. put, fit, place (in, into, between) 插入,嵌入 somewhat ad. to some degree, a litt

    4、le 有点,稍微 expectantly ad. 期待地 await vt. (fml) wait for 等待,等候 occasion n. a particular time when sth. happens 时刻,场合 on occasion now and then 有时,间或 frown v., n. 皱眉 slightly ad. 轻微地 slight a. 轻微的neglect vt. give too little attention or care to 忽视 parental a. of a parent or parents 父的,母的;父母的 relevant a.

    5、directly connected with the subject 有关的,切题的 investigate v. try to find out information about 调查;探究 creativity n. the ability to make new things 创造力 anecdote n. a short amusing story about a particular person or event 趣闻,轶事 exception n. 例外 colleague n. a person one works with 同事 action n. 动作;行动 on on

    6、es own without anyones help; alone 独立地;独自地 desirable a. worth wanting 值得向往的;称心的 accomplish vt. manage to do (sth.) 完成(某事) activity n. 活动,行动 accomplishment n. skill; successful completion 本领,技艺;完成,成就 in due course at the proper time 在适当时机 sympathetically ad. 同情地 sympathetic a. 同情的critical a. very imp

    7、ortant; very serious or dangerous 至关重要的;危急的 effectively ad. 有效地 effective a. 有效的self-reliance n. acting without asking for support from others 依靠自己,自力更生 principal a. (rather fml) main, chief 主要的,首要的 rear vt. look after until fully grown up 养育,抚养 make up for repay with sth. good, compensate for 补偿,弥补

    8、 misdeed n. a wrong or wicked act 不端行为 view vt. (fml) regard, consider 看待,考虑 creative a. resulting from newness of thought 独创的 solution n. (the act of finding) an answer to a problem 解决(问题的办法);解答 in retrospect 回顾 artistic a. relating to art 艺术的 well-intentioned a. having good intentions 好意的 intentio

    9、n n. purpose 意图 observer n. 观察者,观察员 clumsily ad. awkwardly and ungracefully 笨拙地 clumsy a. 笨拙的extreme a. very great 极度的,极端的 n. the furthest possible limit, an extreme degree 极端,过分 facility n. (fml) ability to do sth. easily and well; (pl) equipment, aids, etc. which make it easy to do things 熟练,灵巧;设备

    10、,设施 mold vt. make (sth.) into a particular shape or form 塑造 performance n. 表现,行为;演出,表演 tradition n. 传统 continual a. happening again and again, repeated 不断的,一再重复的 apply vi. 适用;申请 calligrapher n. 书法家 work no/at 从事 craft n. skill, esp. with ones hand 手艺;工艺 reversal n. a complete change of order, direct

    11、ion, or position 颠倒 priority n. sth. that one must do before anything else; sth. that holds a high place among competing claims 优先考虑的事;重点 bold a. brave and confident 勇敢的,无畏的 departure n. action different from (what is usual or expected); an act of leaving 背离;出发,离开 inseparable a. impossible to separa

    12、te from sth. else 不可分离的 evolve v. (cause to) develop gradually (使)逐步发展 summarize vt. make a short account of the main points (of sth.) 总结,概述 originality n. 新颖;独创性 independence n. the state of being free or not controlled by another person, country, etc. 独立;自主 contrast v. 对比 culture n. 文化 harbor vt.

    13、keep (sth.) secretly in ones mind 怀有 fearful a. (fml) afraid 害怕的,担心的 (on the one hand) on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 comparable a. that can be compared with sth. 比得上的;可比的 promote vt. help to grow or develop 促进,推进 emerge vi. come out 出现 pick up gain; learn 获得;学会 overstate vt. state too strongly 把讲得过分,夸大

    14、 enormous a. extremely large 巨大的;极大的 technological a. 技术的,工艺的 innovation n. (an example of) the introduction of sth. new 革新;新事物 exaggerate v. make (sth.)seem larger, better, etc. than it really is 夸大,夸张 breakthrough n. an important event or discovery 突破 reliance n. dependence 依靠,依赖 achievement n. 成就

    15、;成绩 valid a. based on truth or sound reasoning 有根据的 foster vt. help the growth and development of 培养 worthwhile a. worth doing, worth the trouble taken 值得的 superior a. better than average or than others of the same type 优良的;较好的U2mansion n. a large house, usu. belonging to a rich person (豪华的)宅邸,大厦 re

    16、mote a. far away in space or time 遥远的 dime n. (美国、加拿大的)10分硬币 billion num.(美、法)十亿;(英、德)万亿 discount n. amount of money which may be taken off the full price 折扣 pickup n. a light van having an open body with low sides 小卡车,轻型货车 muddy a. covered in mud 沾满泥的;泥泞的 sigh vi. 叹气,叹息 billionaire n. 亿万富翁;大富翁 carr

    17、y on behave in a wild or improper way; conduct; continue 举止随便;进行;继续做 folk n. (usu.pl) people in general 人们;人民 get away with do (sth.) without being caught or punished 做(某事)而未被发觉或未受惩罚 shell n. (AmE) 猎枪弹;炮弹;壳 local a. of a particular place 地方的,当地的 treatment n. 对待;待遇 corporate a. 公司的 memo n. a note of

    18、sth. to be remembered 备忘录 folksy a. simple and friendly 友好的,坦率的 mayor n. 市长 by/from all accounts according to what everyone says 人人都说 cheerful a. (of a person) happy in a lively way; (of sth.) making one feel happy 愉快的;令人愉快的 blend v. mix together thoroughly (将)混合 blend in mix harmoniously 融洽,十分协调 fl

    19、ashy a. attracting attention by being too smart and decorated 浮华的,华而不实的 throw ones weight around (infml) 盛气凌人 reserve vt. keep for a special use; book (a seat, room, table, etc.) 将留作专用;预定 pastor n. 牧师 barber n. 理发师 open up (infml) 开门;打开 democrat n. 民主党人;民主主义者 employee n. 雇员,受雇者 headline n. (报纸上的)标题

    20、wallet n. 皮夹子 hold to keep to 遵守,不改变 celebrity n. famous person 名人 stock n. 资本;股票,证券 on the run in flight; continuously active 奔逃,逃避;忙个不停 steer v. 驾驶 steer clear of keep away from 避开,避免 reporter n. 记者 schemer n. 阴谋家 scheme n. 阴谋;计划 ranking n. 地位;等级 rank v. (将)列为(某等级) make up form, constitute 构成,组成 e

    21、xecutive n., a. 经营管理方面的(人员);行政方面的(人员) pep n. (infml) keen activity and energy 劲头,活力 rally n., v. 集会 pep rally a gathering intended to encourage the listeners 鼓舞士气的会议 opening n. the act of becoming or making open, esp. officially (正式的)开张,开幕 liable a. likely (to do sht.) 有可能做的 yell v. shout loudly 喊叫

    22、lay down establish 制定;设立 loyalty n. being true and faithful (to) 忠诚 system n. 系统 qualify v. (使)具有资格 option n. 期权,购买(或出售)权;选择自由 stock option 优先认股权 court n. 球场 scholarship n. 奖学金 tornado n. 龙卷风 cultivate vt. improve by care, training or study; develop 培养,陶冶 reward v. give (sth.) to sb. in return for w

    23、ork or services 奖赏 retired a. (of a person) having stopped working, usu. because of age 退休了的 retire v. (使)退休 stun vt. make (sb.) very surprised 使惊吓 generosity n. the quality of being willing to give money, help, etc. 慷慨,大方 stingy a. unwilling to spend money 吝啬的 employer n. 雇佣者,雇主 aboard adv., prep.

    24、on or into (a ship, train, aircraft, bus, etc.) 在(船、车、飞机等)上 come aboard (fig) become a new member of an organization 入伙,加盟 handout n. information given out in the form of a printed sheet, leaflet 印刷品,宣传品 deserve vt. be worthy of 应受,值得U3location n. a place or position 场所;位置 fast-food a. 供应快餐的 dining

    25、room 餐厅 dine vi. (fml) eat dinner 进餐 embarrass vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed 使窘迫;使不好意思 guitar n. 吉他 dumb a. foolish; unable to speak 愚蠢的;哑的 unison n. 一致;齐唱;齐奏 in unison acting in the same way at the same time 一致地;一起 consist vi. 组成,构成 consist of be made up of 由组成 squat vi. 蹲 palm n. 手掌 yeah

    26、ad. (infml) yes fade vi. lose color or brightness; disappear slowly 褪色;变黯淡;消失 awhile ad. for a short time 片刻 overall ad. in general 大体上 a. including everything; total 包括一切的;总计的 trade (sth.) for (sth. else) 用(一物)交换(另一物) suspense n. 悬念 keep (sb.) in suspense delay telling (sb.) what they are eager to

    27、know 使产生悬念,故意迟迟不告诉 interrupt vt. stop (sb.) from continuing what they are saying or doing 打断的讲话,中断的行动 bet vt. be sure 敢说,确信 distract vt. take (sb.s attention) away from sth. esp. for a short time 转移(注意力);使分心 simultaneously ad. at exactly the same time 同时地 simultaneousa. prom n. (AmE)(高中、或大学等的)班级舞会 o

    28、ops int. (infml) 哎哟 clench vt. hold (ones teeth, hands, etc.) together tightly 咬紧;握紧 monotone n. (语调、色彩等的)单调 hysterical a. 歇斯底里的 er int.(用于表示迟疑、沉吟)哦,呃 uh int. 嗯,唔 glorious a. wonderful; splendid; having or deserving great fame and honor 极好的;辉煌的;光荣的 dessert n. (餐后)甜点心 recipe n. 烹饪法;秘诀 hand down give or leave to people who are younger or come later 把传下去 at any rate whatever may happen, in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 community n. the people living in one place, district, or country, considered as a whole 社区;社会 welfare n. 福利;幸福 narrow down make (a lis


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