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    江苏省无锡市天一实验学校学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案 牛津版Word格式.docx

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    江苏省无锡市天一实验学校学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案 牛津版Word格式.docx

    1、( ) 7. What dos the woman mean?A. She doesnt need an umbrella at all.B. Her home is quite far from here.C. She is sure its not going to rain.( ) 8. What is the womans favourite food?A. Noodles. B. Vegetables C. Hamburgers.( ) 9. When will Ben visit his aunt?A. After shopping and eating lunch.B. Befo

    2、re he goes shoppingC. After shopping and before lunch.( ) 10. What does the man NOT plan to do in the city?A. Take some photos. B. Visit the museum. C. Meet his friend.第二部分、听对话和短文答题,你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( ) 11. Why are they planning a barbecue?A. They have not seen their friends for

    3、a long time.B. The spring weather is just right for a barbecue.C. They would like to visit the new forest park.( ) 12. What doe Wendy NOT say they need to buy?A. Some fresh fruit for dessert. B. Some meat and snacks. C. Barbecue forks and drinks. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。( ) 13. A. B

    4、ills words hurt (伤害) him.B. Bill didnt answer his question.C. Bill asked him the easiest question in the world.( ) 14. A. one group B. two groups C. three groups( ) 15. A. The rich man B. Bill C. Everyone 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20 小题。( ) 16. Where does Alice live?A. In Shanghai. B. In an office. C. In a schoo

    5、l.( ) 17. How does Alice teach?A. Not good. B. Very well C. She teaches only four students.( ) 18. What time does Alice come back from work in the afternoon?A. B. C. ( ) 19. Where does Alice have supper?A. On the farm B. In the school C. At home( ) 20. How does Alice go to work?A. By bus B. On foot

    6、C. By bike.二、单词辨音(共10题,每小题0.5分,计5分)( )21. A. palace B. Canada C. manager D. famous( ) 22. A. elder B. everybody C. hotel D. below( ) 23. A. pizza B. sick C. king D. ring ( ) 24. A. local B. hotel C. office D. postcard( ) 25. A. funny B. minute C. hundred D. study( ) 26. A. soon B. neighbourhood C. z

    7、oo D. cool( ) 27. A. short B. forward C. information D. fork( ) 28. A. theatre B. beach C. wheat D. eat( ) 29. A. grow B. own C. row D. shower ( )30. A. double B. sound C. ground D. thousand三、单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)( )31. _girl with _ apple in her hand is my _ best friend. A. The, an, the B. The, an,

    8、/ C. A, an, / D. A, an, the( )32. One million, two hundred thousand and twenty-six means _. A. 102,000,206 B. 1,200,026 C. 10,002,026 D. 1,200,260( )33. Mr. Smith usually goes to work _ his car. But sometimes he takes a bus.A. in B. by C. takes D. on( )34. What else do we need, Mum? _ else. Weve got

    9、 everything ready. A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything( )35. He always tells me funny things and _. A. makes me to laugh B. makes me laughing C. makes me laugh D. makes me laughs( )36.-Hello. Who _? -_ Kitty speaking.A. are you; I am B. is that; This is C. are you; This is D. is this;

    10、Its( )37. Mary _ a room _ a friend of _ in the city center. A. shares, with, hers B. shares, with, her C. share, and, hers D. share, and, her( )38. A park is the best place _ kites. I often go there at weekends.A. flies B. flying C. fly D. to fly( )39. _ there _ a basketball match next week? Yes, th

    11、ere is. A. Will, be B. Is , going to have C. Will, have D. Is, going to be( ) 40. _ is the centre of the city from here? Its _. A. How long, two kilometres away. B. How far, two kilometres away. C. How far, two kilometres far away. D.How long, two kilometres far away.( )41.Why _ ask a computer engin

    12、eer _ your computer? A. not to, to check B. not, check C. not to, check D. not, to check( )42.- What is your pen friend _? - _ her mother, she is very friendly.A. likes, Like B. like , Like C. likes , Likes D. like , Likes( )43. - Its too hot. What about having a glass of cold drink? -_! A. Sounds g

    13、ood B. Good luck C. Thats right D. Me, too( )44. _ is the basket _ of eggs?A. Who; full of B. Whose; is full C. Whose; full D. Who; full( )45. - The opera show is really wonderful. Dont _ it. - OK, I _.A. miss, dont B. watch, dont C. watch, wont D. miss, wont四、完形填空 (共10题,每小题1分,计10分)One day the boss

    14、asks Tom to meet his friend Mr. Green in London. But it is his _46_ time to come to London. He doesnt know the _47_ to Mr. Greens home He thinks he can ask people for help. When he _48_ to London, he gets off the bus.There are _49_ people in the street. He looks around and stops a _50_ and tells her

    15、 where he wants to go. The woman is very _51_. With her help, he finds Mr. Greens home. Two weeks _52_, Tom needs to visit Mr. Green again. But he cant _53_ where his home is. He stops a person to ask the way. Its the same woman. The woman is very_54_. She says, “Are you_55_ looking for the place?”(

    16、 )46. A. last B. first C. second D. third( )47. A.name B. way C. city D. man( )48. A. comes B. gets C. arrives D. goes( )49. A. many B. much C. a little D. a lot( )50. A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl( )51. A. helpful B. funny C. sick D. quiet( )52. A. after B. later C. behind D. late( )53. A. remembe

    17、r B. forget C. know D. tell( )54. A. sad B. glad C. surprised D. sorry( )55. A. never B. still C. just D. again五、阅读理解 (共15题,每小题1分,计15分)AMr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes(便条) for each other. Read these four notes of today and

    18、answer the following questions. 3:30 pm To Mike, Mr. Tyler rang. No football practice today. Im going to Donnas house to play and be back at 5:00 pm. Liz 4:00 pm To Liz, Its your turn to walk the dog. I have to do my homework after school. Remember to play with Teddy when you get home! Mike 6:45 pm

    19、Has anyone seen my tennis shoes? Im in my bedroom doing my homework. Mike 9:00 pm I saw your shoes this morning. They smelt terrible so I put them outside the back door. Good night, dears! Mum( )56. Who should walk the dog today?A. Mike B. Mrs. Brown C. Liz D. Mr. Brown( )57. What is Mike doing at 6

    20、:50 pm?A. Practicing football B. Walking the dogC. Playing tennis D. Doing his homework( )58. Where can Mike find his tennis shoes?A. Outside the back door B. In his bedroomC. In the living room D. At Dannas house( )59. According to(根据)the notes, Teddy is _.A. Mikes mother B. Mikes brotherC. the dog

    21、 in the family D. Mikes football couchBSome people enjoy reading and they like to go to the book show. There are many books in the show. If you cant find some books in libraries or bookshops, come to the book show. You must find them here. Readers like these books very much. In a book show, you can

    22、buy a lot of books with less money. The show also invites some writers. People can buy a lot of their favorite books and meet their favorite writers. The book show may be crowded, but they still love to visit it. It is fun to go there.Today more and more people like reading including(包括)children and

    23、 adults. They often go to many book shows to read and buy books. When they read, they can learn much more from books. It is important for children to learn to read. They can also know a lot about the writers after reading the books. ( )60. Can you find the book you need in the book show? A. You can

    24、find them. B. Yes, many books are in the show. C. Yes, of course. D. There are many books in the show.( )61. What cant you see in the book show?A. Many libraries. B. Favorite writers. C. Some adults. D. Many children.( )62. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “crowded”?A. 劳累的 B. 著名的 C. 繁忙的 D. 拥

    25、挤的( )63. Which of the sentence is right?A. The show invites readers and writers. B. You cant find the book you like in the show.C. People can learn a lot by reading. D. Only children like reading books.CWhere do you like to live? For this question, different people have different answers. Some peopl

    26、e like to live in a city because there are many shops and supermarkets. They think it is convenient(方便的)to buy things. But some people think it is good to live in a quiet town because they dont like the dirty air in the big city. They dislike pollution in the city.Today, some people like travelling,

    27、 so they would like to buy house cars. House car is both a house and a car. You cant buy it with a little money. There is a driving area in the car. You can do lots of things in the car. There is a bed and a lamp in the bedroom. You can make dinner in the kitchen. You can also find a fridge and a si

    28、nk in it. You can listen to music and watch TV in the sitting room. If you are tired, you can have a shower or a bath in the bathroom. You can do most things you want to do. Life is travelling. Do you want to live in this kind of car?( )64. Whats the advantage(优点)of living in the town?A. There are no cars and buses. B. There isnt much pollution. C. There arent any places to buy things. D. The air is dirty there.( )65. What cant you do in the house car?A. Have a shower. B


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