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    英语单词练怎么拼写范文word版 10页Word文件下载.docx

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    英语单词练怎么拼写范文word版 10页Word文件下载.docx

    1、引语元音字母:a e i o u辅音字母:b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z后缀是加在一个词尾的一组字母,如:beauty,beautiful(ful是后缀)辅音字母的双写A 只有一个元音字母并以单一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词,如果后面接以元音字母开头的后缀,则首先要双写该辅音字母,然后再加后缀:hitinghittingknited=knittedrunerrunner但是:keep, keeping(两个元音字母)help,helped(两个辅音字母)love,lover(以元音字母结尾)qu这时相当于一个辅音字母:quit,quitting一

    2、个词如以w、x或y等辅音字母结尾,加后缀时不用双写该字母:row+ed=rowedboxing=boxingB 含有两个或三个音节的词,如是以单一辅音字母结尾的,而该辅音字母前只有一个元音字母、重音又在最后一个音节时,加后缀时应双写该辅音字母。例如(重读音节用黑体字):acquited=acquitted beginerbeginnerdetereddeterredrecuring=recurringmurmuredmurmuredanswer+er=answererorbitingorbitingfocused写成focused或focussed均可,而biased可写成biased或bia

    3、ssed。C handicap,kidnap,worship等词末尾的辅音字母也要双写:handicap, handicappedworship, worshippedkidnap,kidnappedD 以字母l结尾的词,如果l前面是单独一个元音字母或两个单独发音的元音字母,加后缀时则要双写字母l:appal, appalledduel, duellistrepel,repellentcruel,cruellymodel, modellingquarrel, quarrellingdial, dialledrefuel, refuelledsignal, signalleddistil, di

    4、stiller末尾字母e的省略A 以e结尾的词,如e前面为辅音字母,要加上以元音字母开头的后缀时,先省略e:believe er believerlove inglovingmoveablemovable但是dye和singe加后缀ing时其末尾的e不能省略,以免与die和sing搞混: dye, dyeingsinge,singeingage加后缀ing时其末尾字母e也不省略,但在美国英语中要省略e:age,ageing(英)aging(美)likable也可写成likeable。以ce或ge结尾的词,有时要保留字母e。参见第357节。B 后缀如以辅音字母开头时,单词末尾字母e可以保留:en

    5、gage,engagementfortunate,fortunatelyhope,hopefulimmediate,immediatelysincere, sincerely但是以able/ible结尾的形容词变为副词形式时,其末尾字母e要省略:comfortable, comfortablyincredible, incredibly下列词中的末尾字母e也要去掉:argue,argumentdue, dulyjudge,judgementjudgmenttrue,trylywhole,wholly(注意这里双写字母l)C 以ee结尾的词加后缀时不省略字母e:agree,agreed, agr

    6、eeing, agreementforesee, foreseeing, foreseeable以ce和ge结尾的词A 以ce和ge结尾的词后接以a或。开头的后缀时,要保留字母e:courage,courageouspeace,peaceablemanage, manageablereplace, replaceableoutrage, outrageoustrace, traceable这样做是为了避免读音上的变化,因为c和g一般在e和i之前弱读,在a或o之前则重读。B 以ce结尾的词,加后缀ous时要将e变为i:grace,graciousspace,spaciousmalice, mal

    7、iciousvice, vicious后缀ful一个词后面加上后缀full时,第二个l要去掉:beautyfull=beautiful(但是要注意副词形式为beautifully)usefull=useful(但是要注意副词形式为usefully)如果需要加后缀的词本身也是以ll结尾,那么这一词的第二个l也要省略:skill+fullskilful注意:fullfillfulfil连字号A 复合词是将两个或两上以上的词连起来组成的一个词。这种复合词有下列几种写法:(a)作为一个词:bystander旁观者hairdresser美容师teacup茶杯(b)作为两个或更多的词:amusement

    8、arcade游乐厅post office邮局(c)写成带有连字号的词:launchingpad发射台layby马路旁可停车之处toothbrush牙刷不可能对如何使用连字号的方法订出一个在任何情况下均适用的固定的规则。有时在复合词使用已久且为人所熟知时,连字号可省去,如layby,toothbrush。但这并不是一成不变的,连英国作者也有时会将几种形式混用,例如:他在不同场合可能把牙刷写成toothbrush, tooth brush或 toothbrush 三种形式。如果复合词是由几个单音节词组成的,则写成一个单一的词的可能性更大。不能判断时,最好的办法或是不用连字号,或是查词典。B 必须有

    9、连字号的情况:(a)如没有连字号会引起发音和意思上的变化时:cooperate合作re-cover(cover again)又盖住(b)如复合词是为句子的需要临时组合的:a doit-yourself shop提供自己动手的用具的商店a goasyouplease railway ticket不限定时间与车次的火车票,通用票(c)用于形容词短语中表达年龄、大小、重量和时间的长短等:a fiveyear-old child五岁的孩子a tenton vehicle十吨卡车a six-foot wall六英尺高的墙a fiveminute interval五分钟休息复合词没有复数形式,不加s。副词

    10、与分词用在复合形容词中时,之间常用连字号,特别是在有被误解的危险时更要加连字号:lowflying aircraft低飞的飞机quickdissolving sugar速溶白糖C 连字号还用以将一行最后一个词分开,单词的前一部分留在上一行,后一部分移到下一行。一定要在词的自然可分处分,如在两个音节之间:discouragedlook-inginter-val单音节词不能分行写。篇三: 初中 英语 单词拼写练习 Unit 3单词拼写练习 1.The weather in China is very d_ from that in England.2. _ (笑) is good for our

    11、health.3. Its n_ for us to do exercise every day. Because its helpful.4. A_ those two girls are twins, they look very different. 5. Your hairstyle is the s_ as mine. 6. My little brother is eight years old, and he is a p_ school student. 7. Please speak l_ to let everyone hear you clearly. 8. Can yo

    12、u give me any _ (信息) about the exam?9. His bag is _ (相似) to mine. 10. He is not telling a joke. He is s_.11. Dont t_ the door; the paint(油漆) is wet.12. Lets s_; you have half and Ill have half. 13. It is unkind to l_ at a person in trouble. We should help him. 14. Tina is _ (outgoing) than Sue. 15.

    13、Jim plays the drums _ (well) than Tom.16. Its necessary for us _ (have) a good sleep at night.17. Did you enjoy yourself in yesterdays singing c_? 18. The West Lake is a f_ place to visit. Everyone may have fun there.19. Pass me that pair of glass, please. I cant see the words c_. 20. Everyone wants

    14、 to _ (赢) the gift. 21. Tina is _ (勤奋的) than her desk-mate.22. As the old s_ goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”精选习题1.Is your eating habit _ Lilys?A. the same B. same as C, same to D. the same as2.The boy doesnt speak _ his sister, but his handwriting is very good.A. as well as B. so good a

    15、s C. more better than D. more worse than3.Its difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because _of them are good.A. neither B. both C. So D. or4一What about the silk scarf? 一Wonderful! Nothing feels _.A.nice B. better C. Best D. worse5.A train can run _ a bus.A, so quickly that B. quickly than

    16、 C.as quickly D. more quickly than6一Lets buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers Day.-Why not make some by hand? Its much _ .A. interesting B. more interesting C. The most interesting D. less interesting7. The weather in Beijing is colder than _ in Shanghai.A. it B. that C. those D. this8一Both o

    17、f the skirts are in style. 一But I think this one is _ . A, popular B, much popular C. more popular D. the most popular9.The blue skirt is _ than the white one.A. dear B. much expensive C. expensive D. much more expensive10.Sometimes walking is even _than driving during the busy traffic time.A. fast

    18、B. faster C. slow D. slower11. (201X,浙江) -Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly?一Yes,it made me _ many times.A. laughB. cryC.sleep D. sing12. Its important _ us _ _English well.A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. of; to learn D.or; learning13. (孝感)-Lets go shopping at the new mall. 一Why n

    19、ot shop online? Its _.A. expensive B. more expensive C. Less expensive D. the most expensive14.(201X,甘肃白银)Now, some robots are _ to do the same things _ peopl e. A. enough smart;as B. enough smart;for C, smart enough;as D: smart enough;with15.(201X江苏无锡)_Amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesnt l

    20、ike to see horror films.A. Since B.As C. Though D. 不填16. (201X,襄阳)-Helen, can I wear jeans and a T- shirt to the school talent show?-OK,but a dress might be _.A.good B. bad C. better D. worse17.(热点题)The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _ because of the dry weather.A. fewer and fewer B.

    21、 more and more C. less and less D. little and little18(热点题)Li Na _ a gold medal again in Shenzhen_ January 5th,201X.A. beat;in B. won; in C. Won; on D. beat;on19.There are more students in Grade Two than _ .A. grade one B. other grade C. in Grade One D. others grade20. The Internet makes the world become_.A. bigger and bigger B. more and more C. smaller and smaller D, more and more beautiful


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