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    1、Zhao GuochunAnhui Polytechnic UniversityCONTENTSAbstract.3摘要.41. Introduction.51.1 Introduction of news.51.2 Definition of news English.5 2. Characteristics of news English.72.1 structure of news English.7 2.2 Vocabulary and tense.82.3 Long sentence.92.4 Background information102.5 Fast speed113. Ba

    2、rriers to understand news English .113.1 Pronunciation.113.2 Cultural barriers.123.3 Terms and slangs.133.4 Grammar.153.5 Psychological barriers.154. Approaches to understand news English.154.1 Lowering students anxiety.164.2 Enlarging vocabulary.174.3 Improving grammar.174.4 Broadening background i

    3、nformation.184.5 Strengthening phonetics practice.184.6 Connecting listening with writing.194.7 Training more.194.8 Focusing on the centre, step-by-step process.215. Conclusion.22Acknowledgements.23Bibliography.24 Abstract With the great research results concluded by predecessors, the paper is tryin

    4、g to paraphrase the characteristics of news style and a summation of the trouble that people usually get in and a few accessible approaches to relief the listening problem are shown in the paper. The paper also provides a series of ways, from the perspective of subjective factors and objective facto

    5、rs, helping to exercise listening comprehension and increase learning efficiency for people who are eager to enhance English listening ability, and it will greatly increase the possibility to understand news English in a short time and students will pay more attention on the English learning. The pa

    6、per is divided into six parts. Firstly, it is the introduction of news English. Secondly, it is the characteristics of the news English. Thirdly, the barriers to understand news will be showed in this part. The fourth part may be peoples focus, which is the skill of improving listening ability. Foll

    7、owing is the conclusion part. And bibliography is going to be the last part. Later I will show the details of my paper.Key words: news English, barriers, ways, learning interest对如何快速听懂新闻英语的分析与探索摘要该文在借助前人研究的基础上,通过分析新闻语体的五大特征,总结出人们在听新闻语体时经常遇到的困难,并就客观因素与主观因素提出一些解决问题的方法,有助于人们提高听力理解能力和学习效率,在短时间内提高英语听力水平,

    8、增加学习英语的兴趣。该文主要分为五个部分,第一部分主要介绍新闻与新闻语体的定义以及两者之间的区别与联系。第二部分详细阐述新闻语体的特色,主要包括五大类。第三部分主要分析听新闻语体时遇到的一系列障碍。第四部分就前面遇到的障碍提出一些解决方案,帮助人们减少听力障碍,增强学习信心。关键词: 新闻语体, 困难, 方法, 学习兴趣1. Introduction1.1 Introduction of the research News ,one of the most important ways through which people gain knowledge about what is goin

    9、g on in the world and around people, plays an important role in the learning of the English language. English news, a language variety which is totally different from daily communication, has its own particular feathers. It is easy to find that English is widely spoken in modern world. Obviously, wh

    10、at we need to do first is to understand peoples words as soon as possible when you are in the situation that English is spoken. Many related passages are written which offer a great deal of clues to learn news English. However, most of them are just involved in one aspect or two. Predecessors often

    11、pay much attention on introducing approaches to understand news English. Recently, according to the survey which shows that 78% of the students majoring in English find it is too difficult to understand News English. Mostly, they can not hear every word clearly, and can not get the meaning quickly,

    12、either. So, what my paper aims to is the exploration of ways to understand News English quickly.1.2 Definition of news English What is the definition of news English? Usually, peoples understanding is that news English is news, just a number of affairs which are reported in English. In fact, the acc

    13、urate definition of news English is much wider than the common understanding. According to Ding Xiya, news English mainly refers to the English which is used in the news report, a kind of language which has the characteristics of news and be available to the transmission of news(丁西亚, 2011:4). News E

    14、nglish is also called journalistic English. Everything has its own feature, the same as journalistic English. 2. Characteristics of news English 2.1 structure of news English First, lets see the structure of the news English. Zhang Yan have said that there are two kinds of structure(张燕, 2008:560). O

    15、ne is the Inverted Pyramid Form, which puts the most important parts in the beginning, called lead including six parts:who, what, when, where, why and how. For example, ROME, Nov.8- A provincial prosecutor, his driver and his bodyguard were machine-gunned to death on a country road south of here tod

    16、ay by political terrorists, who also wounded one of their accomplices and later killed him. After reading this news, we can get the six parts easily, whoa provincial prosecutor, his driver and his bodyguard, whatwere machine-gunned to death, whentoday (Nov.8), whereon a country road south of here (R

    17、OME), whypolitical (assassination), how (done by) terrorists who also wounded one of their accomplices and later killed him. However, sometimes, there are four parts or even three in a news report. For example,Oil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will hold an emergency

    18、meeting Friday to discuss. Here, three parts are included, they are whatan emergency meeting will be held, whenFriday, whoOil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries. The other one is Chronological Form, consisting of three parts: beginning, events vintage sequence, and ending

    19、. Mostly, this kind of structure is available to sports news or crime process. For example, the Lakers were hosting New Orleans at Staples centre. Early on the Lakers big men work a nice little passing play, as Pau Gasol finds Dwight Howard for the throw down. Off to the third quarter and after a qu

    20、iet first half, Kobe starts to heat up. The triple gives L.A. the lead. Then in the final 12 the Black Mamba would start to go offas the purple and gold take a 7- point lead. But the final 12 minutes belonged to Kobe. The steal here leads to a fast break hoop. Bryant had 23 of his 30 points in the f

    21、inal quarter. The Lakers go on to beat the Hornets 104- 96. We can see clearly in the news at what time what happened. Time sequence is often used to describe the events which happened one step by one step.2.2 Vocabulary and tenses Second, it is the vocabulary and tenses. Every sentence is consisted

    22、 of words. Thus it is of great importance to accumulate a wide range of vocabulary, such as, political words, military words, economic words, cultural words, religious words, scientific words and so on. To gain a basic knowledge of English grammar is also necessary. From the tense, we can learn when

    23、 the event has happened. For example, “a British team has begun building a car designed to smashed all previous land speed records and go faster than even the speed of sound.”In this news, if you have not learned most of the words, you could not get the message this news conveys. And if you do not k

    24、now “and” is a conjunction, which is used to connect two words or two sentences, you could not tell the subject of the last sentence. Present perfect tense shows that this event has already happened and it is possible to design the special car to exceed all previous land speed records.2.3 Long sente

    25、nce Next is the long sentence. News writers are used to adding modifiers to nouns in order to make the passage long and beautiful. A majority of persons are reluctant to pay much time to listen to a long sentence, especially he or she has the difficulty to understand the exact meaning of the sentenc

    26、e(杨世登,2008:40). For example, the growth of Chinas IT industry slowed this year due to the global economic technology downturn and it prompt s Chinese IT businesses to analyze strategies for dealing with future bumps in the road, said Lu Xinkui, vice minister of information industry on Saturday at th

    27、e second IT Fortune xorum organized by China Computerworld, one of the biggest IT media groups in the nation. There are many modifiers in the news. It is easy to be confused and impatient for us. The main information is the growth of Chinas IT industry slowed this year. Most of the words are made to

    28、 modify the person Lu Xinkui. When listening, we need to be familiar with this pattern and get the main information quickly.2.4 Background informationWhat appears to be the fourth element is the background information. According to Chiang&Dunkel and Schmid- Rineharts research, it is of great help to

    29、 have an understanding of the topic and accumulation of the background information, which could stimulate ones imagination to link your known message with the news(刘亚萍,2009:99). When you hear of an organization, such as OPEC, it is possible for you to connect oil with the news, for which is organized with countries to d


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