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    1、1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as CA. job enlargementB. transferC. promotionD. job rotation把一个员工放在另外的岗位上,以此获得更高的薪酬和地位,这种方式称为晋升2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except DA. they are im

    2、portant ot employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time关键岗位包含下面所有的特征除了这一点:他们的内容随时间会改变3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to p

    3、rocess redesign is known as CA. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing某一个通过全面质量管理来达到重新设计企业运作流程的方法称为:业务流程再造4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to BA. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and phy

    4、sical description工作规范描述了相关于技能和身体方面的要求5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as BA. task analysisB. organization analysisC. resource analysisD. skills analysis当我们决定要把培训重点放在哪里的时候,我们要对组织的目标、资源、环境

    5、进行测量,这种测量称之为组织分析6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as CA. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method有一种工作评估体系,在该体系中,我们把某个岗位的特定要素与关键

    6、岗位的类似要素比较一次来做判定,这种评估体系称为比较法。7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to CA. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers在招聘活动中,要作最后决定是否雇佣一个候选人,这是直线经理的责任。8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known

    7、 as DA. organization analysisB. individual analysisC. job analysisD. task analysis当我们要决定要把培训重点放在哪里的时候,我们要对岗位责任作分析,这种分析称为任务分析。9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are know as CA. down

    8、sizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. Outplacement assistanceD. Employee assistance programs(EAPS)有时候组织为那些已经被终止了雇佣关系的员工提供服务来帮助他们到社会上再找到份工作,这种服务称为再就业咨询。10. Job _B_ form the basis for the administration of applicable employment testsA. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details

    9、工作规范组成了雇佣测试管理的基础。1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known as _B_A. similarity error 相似的错误B. halo effect or error 晕轮效应C. leniency error 宽大错误D. single criterion 单一准则有时候,评估者们在作评估的时候,会过多关注

    10、被评估者某一方面的特征,而忽略或影响到对其他方面特征的评估。如果出现这种现象,我们称评估者犯了晕轮效应的错误。2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as AA. the paired comparison 配对比较B. the individual ranking 个人排名C. the g

    11、roup order ranking 组顺序排序D. critical incidents 关键事件有一种绩效评估的方法,在这种方法里我们把某一个员工的绩效和每一个其他人比较,能得出更好还是更差,这种方法称为:配对比较法。3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as _A_ A. p

    12、erson analysis 个人分析B. demographic analysis 人口分析C. individual analysis 个别分析D. group and individual analysis 组和个人分析当我们判断员工的任务表现是否能被接受,以及分析个人和团队的特征是否能被放入培训环境,这种分析称为个人分析。4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as _A_A. career paths 职业道路B. job progressions 工作进展C. ca

    13、reer lines 事业线D. job paths 工作路径个体员工在组织内前进的道路称为:职业道路5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which _B_A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organization标准涉及到组织的整体目标B. standards capture the entire range of an employees responsibilities标准覆盖了员

    14、工所有的责任C. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over time个体倾向于长时间保持某种程度的表现D. factors outside the employees control can influence performance以外的因素,可以影响员工的控制性能我们在绩效考核时如果没有犯效标不足的错误,意味着所有的标准覆盖了员工所有的责任6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? DA. knowled

    15、ge, skill, and responsibility 知识,技能,和责任B. mental ability, skill, and responsibility 心理能力,技能,和责任C. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibility 知识,脑力能力,和责任D. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability 知识、脑力能力和责任海氏评价法使用以下哪三个因素来评价岗位:知识、脑力能力、责任心7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan? DA. establishing fair and precise measurement standards建立公平的和精确的测量标准B. ensuring


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