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    上海牛津版 精品高考英语一轮备考学生版 第8讲 高频词2+六选四2+四字短语+记叙文Word下载.docx

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    上海牛津版 精品高考英语一轮备考学生版 第8讲 高频词2+六选四2+四字短语+记叙文Word下载.docx

    1、21.执行的,行政的(adj.)executive7.出现(v.)emerge层出不穷 keep emerging22.扩大,膨胀(v.)expand 延伸,延长(v.)extend 程度(n.)extent 广泛的(adj.)extensive8.强调(n.)emphasis强调(v.)emphasize23.出乎意料 beyond ones expectation9.忍耐(v.)endure忍耐(n.)endurance24.爆炸,炸裂(v.)explode 开发,剥削(v.)exploit10.参与,从事 be engaged in 25.使接触(v.)expose11.登机,注册入学(

    2、v.)enroll招募(v.)recruit雇佣(v.)employ26.灭绝的(adj.)extinct 灭绝(n.)extinction 存在(v.)exist 存在(n.)existence12.满腔热情的(adj.)enthusiastic27.极端的(adj.)extreme13.冠名,给标号(v.)entitle把权力和资格给某人Entile sb. to do sth.28.对熟视无睹 turn a blind eye to14.在上与匹敌 equal in同工同酬equal pay for equal work29.教室里除了一两把椅子外,几乎空了。(1)except:Ther

    3、e is nothing in the classroom except one or two chairs.(2)except for: The classroom is empty except for one or two chairs.15.估计(v.)estimate低估(v.)underestimateF1.某人面临某事(两种)sb.be faced with sth.= sth. face sb.10.为奠定坚实基础lay a solid foundation/basis for2.微弱的(adj.)/昏厥(n.)faint褪色的(adj.)faded11.坦白的(adj.)fr

    4、ank 坦白说(插入语)frankly=to be frank3.名声(n.) fame=reputation12.履行,实现(v.)fulfill4.可行的,行得通的(adj.)feasible 灵活的(adj.)flexible13.那个穿白衣服的女孩多才多艺,给观众留下了深刻的印象。(dress)That girl dressed in white is of many gifts, which leaves a deep impression on audience.5.他蹑手蹑脚地进入房间,唯恐吵醒睡着的孩子。(fear)He went into the room on tiptoe

    5、 for fear of waking up the sleeping baby.14.为了与时俱进,专家们正努力改进教科书。(effort)To keep pace with the times,specialists are making efforts to improve textbooks.6.流利的(adj.)fluent 时常的(adj.)frequent15.总经理不会原谅你玩忽职守的行为。(excuse)The chief manager wont excuse you for neglecting your duty.7.预见,预知(v.)foresee 预报(v.)pre

    6、dict16.你的文章首尾不呼应,要么删掉,要么重写。(eitheror)The beginning of your article doesnt agree with the end, so you either rewrite the end or delete it.8.健忘的(adj.)forgetful难忘的(adj.)unforgettable 17.您的旧家电在我们任何一家连锁店都能以旧换新。(exchange)Your old household appliances can be exchanged for new ones in any of our chain store

    7、s.9.形成(vt.)form改革(v.)reform转变(v.)transform 18.我完全被那壮阔的景象迷住了,无法转移视线。(fascinate)I was completely fascinated by the magnificent Scene and couldnt take my eyes off it.G1.代沟 gap缩小差距narrow the gap12.指导(vt.)guide 指导(n.)guidance2.注视,凝视gaze at 盯着stare at 瞥 glance at 13.有罪的,内疚的(adj.)guilty 罪恶,内疚(n.)guilt 犯罪或过

    8、错be guilty of 对感到内疚feel guilty about3.代代相传pass from generation to generation14.授予(v.)grant4.静下心来处理get down to doing 克服(困难) get over 通过,完成 get through15.失业教会我任何事情都不能视为理所当然。(grant)Unemployment teaches me that I cant take everything for granted.5.光荣的,荣耀的(adj.)glorious 光荣,荣耀(n.)glory16.他每天抽出一些时间复习学习过的知识

    9、。(go)He sets aside some time to go over the knowledge he has learned.6.紧附于,集中于be glued to 17.这个小男孩凝视着夜空,想象着自己乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空的情景。(gaze)This little boy gazes at the night sky, imagining travelling in space by spaceship.7.足够分配,参观 go around 追求 go after 参加,爱好 go in for 复习 go over 与相配 go with18.我宁愿多买些苹果,否则不够分发

    10、是很尴尬的。I would rather buy some more apples, or its awkward not to have enough to go around.8.统治,管理(v.)govern 执行,掌管(v.)administer19.老师刚要分发试卷,这时响起了手机铃声。(when)The teacher was about to give out papers when the mobile phone rang.9.因某事对某人表示感激be grateful to sb. for sth. 感激(n.)gratitude20.男士一般不擅长购物时和店主讨价还价。(

    11、good)Men arent good at bargaining with shopkeepers when they do some shopping.10.贪婪(n.)greed贪婪的(adj.)greedy21.只有经历过艰难困苦的人才明白人生的真谛。Only by going through difficulties and hardship can people understand the meaning og the life.11.保证,担保(v.)guarantee二、六选四高考英语六选四阅读解题的 十大技巧技巧一:从细节逻辑上判断-因果关系在做题时最重要的是要读懂空白前后

    12、的句子,明白这几句话的确切意思,然后根据意思的连贯性或逻辑性从选项中选取正确答案。在读懂意思的基础上,判断它们之间的关系来进一步确认答案。因果关系主要指前后的句子有着原因和结果之间的关系,这种关系往往说明了前因后果或者前果后因等情况。表示因果关系的连词有as a result结果,thus/therefore因此,so (such).如此-以至于等。技巧二:从细节逻辑上判断-转折关系转折关系主要指英语行文中后句对前句构成逆转逻辑关系。如果空格前后两句话之间是逻辑上的逆转,则空格处很有可能是个转折逻辑的句子。表示转折关系的连接词有:However然而, nevertheless仍然,然而,不过,

    13、 nonetheless尽管如此,依然,然而, still还;然而, though可是,不过,然而, yet然而, in spite of不顾,不管, at any rate无论如何,至少, in any case无论如何,不管怎样, whoever无论是谁, whatever无论什么,on the contrary正相反, in contrast与此相反, 相比之下, by contrast相反, 相比之下, in comparison比较起来,比较地, by comparison相比之下, conversely相反(地), otherwise否则;除此以外,not-but不是-而是,as

    14、well也等。技巧三:从细节逻辑上判断-例证关系前后句的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式多样,但就其本质而言无非是思维上的形象(例子、类比等)和抽象(观点)的辩证关系,用到的思维过程无非就是基本的归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观点到例子)。技巧四:从细节逻辑上判断-递进关系递进关系主要指英语行文中后句对前句是一种顺承逻辑关系。如果空格前后两句话之间是逻辑上的层进关系,则空格处很有可能是个递进的句子。表示递进关系的连词有:also也, 而且, further另外(的);, furthermore而且,此外, likewise同样地,照样地;也,又, similarly相似地,类似地,

    15、moreover而且再者,此外, in addition另外,加之, whats more更重要的是, too也,还, either也, neither两者都不, not onlybut also不但而且等。技巧五:从细节逻辑上判断-平列关系表示列举关系的有:first首先, 第一, second第二, third第三; firstly第一, 首先, secondly第二(点);其次, thirdly第三; first第一, next其次, then那么, 然后; in the first place第一,首先, in the second place第二, 其次; for one thing

    16、首先,一则, for another thing其次; to begin with首先,第一, to conclude首先,第一等技巧六:从词汇线索上判断-代词英语表达中的代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。技巧七:从词汇线索上判断-同义词/近义词英语前言后语之间往往有同义词、近义词、近义表达语甚至相同词汇的重复使用,这是我们解题的一个很好的判断线索。其实就其本质而言,上文讲的代词和下文将涉及的上下义词和同一范畴词都是特殊的同义/近义词。技巧八:从词汇线索上判断-上下义词/同一范畴词上下义词和同一范畴

    17、词就是前者包含了后者,或可以说后者是前者的一个子集。利用前后句中这样的特殊的同义关系常常可以很轻松地解题。技巧九:从试题位置上判断-问题在段首假如问题出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词或其他相关的词,推断出主题句。另外着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词。通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句间会有某种的衔接手段,尤其当选项是几句话时。技巧十:从试题位置上判断-问题在段尾 所选答案是引出下一段的内容。如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段开头是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段

    18、开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。分析与前文是转折或是对比关系。此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折、对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立、对比关系。如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章的主题,如果在段尾提出主题,会用一些信号词如转折词引出来,正确答案中应有这样的特征词。段尾通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,

    19、选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。课堂练习例1. Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Finally, it has taken a giant leap forward.B. All of the factors pushing online educ

    20、ation toward the mainstream of higher education are now crashing together.C. Over the past few years, he has been teaching himself programming.D. In other words, Courseras approach is a long way from a simple online video lecture.E. Yet the most exciting promise of their company and the like is the

    21、role they might play in improving education for the poor around the world.F. Ngs course in machine learning attracted 104,000 enrollees around the world.A School That Can Educate Us AllChristos Porios, 16, lives in a small Greek city. “My mothers a teacher and my fathers a mechanic,” he explains, ad

    22、ding that neither is knowledgeable about computers especially compared with him. 67 Porios was taking a free class in machine learning offered by Andrew Ng, a professor at Stanford University, over an online platform Ng developed with his colleagues. Drawing on what he learned, Porios was able to pa

    23、rticipate in the International Space Apps Challenge, a virtual hackathon (编程马拉松) using data from NASA and other government agencies.If one teenager in one small city can become a genius hacker through an online course, does it mean the world has changed? We have been hearing about the potential of o

    24、nline education for decades. 68 A number of online education platforms have appeared, featuring professors from top universities offering free courses. 69 Ng was amazed. “It would take me 250 years to teach this many people at Stanford,” he says. And so, just one month into the course, Ng and his St

    25、anford colleague, Daphne Koller, decided to leave their faculty posts (教职) and dive into online teaching full-time. In April, they launched their company, Coursera, with a $16 million round of venture funding. So far, it has managed to team up with 35 colleges in nine countries.To Ng and Koller, Cou

    26、rseras mission is simple and yet grand. That is to teach millions of people around the world for free, while also transforming higher education.According to Ng, the worlds top 20 universities enroll only about 200,000 students. There are million more who could participate in classwork at the higher

    27、level, but most of them are far from any of the leading universities. 70 Koller says Courseras total registration has hit 15 million. Porios, the young Greek, is only one of those registrants. His hope is to study in Germany or England someday. He is even toying with the idea of taking classes at MI

    28、T or Stanford but this time in person. 例2. Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. What accounts for this culture of generosity?B. This belief is

    29、central to the national character.C. How can a sense of generosity be cultivated?D. Americans generosity is rooted in selfless behavior.E. Americas philanthropic nature is not restricted to the rich.F. The formal practice of philanthropy traces its origin to a Founding Father. Charity -Humanitys mos

    30、t kind and generous desire - is a timeless and borderless virtue, dating at least to the dawn of religious teaching. Philanthropy(慈善行为)as we understand it today, however, is a distinctly American phenomenon, inseparable from the nation that shaped it. From colonial leaders to modem billionaires like Buffet


    本文(上海牛津版 精品高考英语一轮备考学生版 第8讲 高频词2+六选四2+四字短语+记叙文Word下载.docx)为本站会员主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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