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    江苏省建陵高级中学届高三上学期第一次质量检测 英语 Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

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    江苏省建陵高级中学届高三上学期第一次质量检测 英语 Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

    1、4. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a library. B. In a classroom. C. In a bookstore.5. Where is the womans cell phone? A, On the desk. B. At her sisters house. C. With her sisters boyfriend.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话

    2、或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How did the womans dog escape? A. By going over the fence. B. Through a hole in the fence. C. Through the front door.7. What will the woman probably do next? A. Get a new dog. B. Look in her neighbors backyards. C. Leave picture

    3、s of the dog with her neighbors.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Who is Miley Cyrus? A. The mans favorite dancer. B. The mans daughter. C. A very popular singer.9. What did the mans daughter do yesterday? A. She did some change to her hair. B. She wore some strange clothes. C. She went to a concert.听第8段材料,回答第10至12

    4、题。10. What do we know about the woman? A. She knows the professor well. B. She is from New York. C. She is in her second year at school.11. Where are the clubs and bars? A. Over by the water. B. Near a university. C. Down the street.12. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Old fr

    5、iends. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long has Mr. Fox had headaches? A. Nearly a year. B. About six months. C. Several weeks.14. According to the woman, what is causing Mr. Foxs headaches? A. Stress. B. An accident at work. C. A lack of exercise.15. What is Mr. Foxs

    6、job? A. A doctor. B. A fireman. C. A policeman.16. What will Mr. Fox probably do soon? A. Take some time off and relax. B. Go back to work as usual. C. Have a brain operation.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. For how many years had no one seen the old man? A. About ten years. B. Over twenty years. C. Over thirt

    7、y years.18. When did the servant tell the police about the old mans death? A. A year after the old man died. B. A month after the old man died. C. A week after the old man died.19. What was peoples guess? A. The old man hid all his money in his house. B. The servant murdered the old man. C. The poli

    8、ce took the money.20. What did the old man leave to the servant? A. Only old candles and watches. B. A house and some money. C. All of his gold.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题; 请认真阅读下面各题,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Sun Yang, Olympic and world swimming champion of Chinahas re

    9、ceived_indefinite ban from competltion following his seven-day detention for driving without a license Athe;an Ban; Can:the Dthe;22The CCTV show“Chinese Characters Dictation Competition”has taken the country by storm,which is partly designed to arouse peoples_in the Chinese languageAresponse Benthus

    10、iasm C significance Dconsequence23What a day!Nothing seems to be going my way _,SusanYou are killing yourself for all the work ATake it easy BGo right ahead CGood luck DHave great fun24Excuse me,SirMy visa is due at the end of this monthCan I_it? 一SureYou can just go to the Public Security Office in

    11、 our city to fill in some forms Aexpand Bextend Cpostpone Dconfirm25They decided to chase the cow away_it did more damage here Awhen Bwhile Cbefore Dsince26Honesty is a kind of quality,and that is_it takes to communicate with others successfully Awhat Bwhere Cwhich Dwhen27Boss,we need to talk about

    12、it now! Im busyIf you_talk about it with me,please wait till I finish my work at hand Acan Bmay Cmust Dshould28Hi,Jack!When did you arrive in Nanjing? Last weekendI_a different culture since then Awas experiencing Bhave been experiencing Cwill be experiencing Dhad been experiencing29After the earthq

    13、uake,many people had to be_in the tents because most of their houses were badly damaged Aput away Bput out Cput up Dput off30It is wise to put milk on a shelf close to the bottom because it is especially_to temperature changes Aflexible Bfundamental Csensitive Dpositive31 -I cant manage this SundayA

    14、nother time,but not Sunday -Why_me earlier?Ive been looking forward to itAhadnt you told Bdont you tell Cnot to tell Ddidn32Everyone doesnt agree to the planSome support it while Im one of _opposed to it Athose who Bwho Cthose Dthat33No one in the department but Tom and I_ that the director is going

    15、 to resign Aknow Bam to know Cknows Dhave known34 intelligence,you are no worse than othersIt is your attitude that makes the greatest difference ARegardless of BIn terms of CIn case of DOn top of35Fully_in looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in th

    16、e club Aattached Boccupied Ccontributed Ddevoted第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Children have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation!Recently a campaign encouraging chi ldren to put away 36 and play outside has been organizedThe campaign,s

    17、aid to be the biggest 37 has been launched with the 38 of a documentary。film,Project Wild ThingIt tells the story of how, 39 an attempt to get his daughter and son outside,film-maker David Bond 40 as marketing director for nature The call to renew a 41 with nature comes from about 400 organizations,

    18、from playgroups to the National HealthServiceChildren are being 42 to take back their“wild time”43 30 minutes of screen use for outdoor activitiesThe organizers 44 that giving up 30 minutes of television and computer games each day in exchange for outdoor play will increase the 45 of fitness and ale

    19、rtness and improve chihlrens well-being According to the chairman Andy Simpson,right now,time spent outdoors is 46 activity levels are declining and the ability to identify common species has been 47 “With many more parents becoming 48 the dominance(统治地位)of screen time in their childrens lives,and g

    20、rowing scientific evidence that decline in 49 time is bad news for the health and happiness of our childrenwe a11 need to become marketing directors for natureWe want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids development,independence and creativity,by giving wild time a 50

    21、,”said MrSimpsonIn MrBonds opinion,the reasons why kids 51 they live in cities or the countryside,have become 52 from nature and the outdoors are complex“We need to make more space for wild time in childrenS daily routine 53 this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us too

    22、k for grantedIts all about finding 54 on your doorstep and discovering the sights,sounds and 55 of naturemaybe in a back garden,a local park,or just green space at the end of the road”36Asubjects BScreens Cstages Dscenes37Aever B1ikely Cthen Deven38Aoutcome Bdirection Cexposure Drelease39Aby Bon Cfo

    23、r Din40Abehaves BActs Ctreats Dregards41Aconnection Bcommitment Ccontract Dcampaign42Apulled Bforced Curged Dwarned43Aproviding Btaking Cswapping Dpreparing44Aallow Badmit Cacquire Dargue45Aamounts Blevels Cdegrees Dstandards46Adown Bup Cover Doff47Adeveloped Bshown Ctested Dlost48Adelighted With Bg

    24、uilty of Cconcerned about Ddesperate for49Afree Bactive Cspare Dnormal 50Ago Bbit Clook Dfit51Awhile Bthough Cas Dwhether52Aescaped Bdisconnected Csuffered Dprotected53Afreeing Bforbidding Cseeking Dserving54Aimagination Bfortune Cwildness Dsolution55Asenses Bvoices Cfeatures Dsmells第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;

    25、每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOn days when there is work,I talk to the other guys. Some of them tell me that the harvest season is coming in northern California,and they say that one can earn good money thereThings havent gone so badly in the car wash,but one afternoon I give

    26、the manger my thanks for having hired and promoted me.and with a little suitcase that night I board a Greyhound headed north。My ticket is made out for San Francisco,but I dont plan to go that farI plan to ride until I find a place where people are havesting,and to get off the bus thereI sleep on the

    27、 bus for a few hours that night,and in the morning,when I awake,I dont know where we are.I get up from my seat and walk down the bus aisle,looking for a Mexican or Chicano to tell me our location,but strangely enough,I dont see any among the passengers,who are all whiteskinned.I pay attention to the

    28、 road signs we pass,but they are not of much help.I can read the town namesbut I dont know where the towns lie.A map would help me,and I decide to buy one at our next stop.Lots of things are for sale at the bus stops gift shopbut there are no maps.I direct myself towards the shop operator,but I run into the language barrier.The operator is an


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