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    1、I dont know what he said. (凡是从句都要使用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语在后)小结:能够划出主句和定语从句;先行词和引导词是基本功。试练如下几题:1. I shall never forget the day when I went to college.2. The boy who is playing on the grass is her brother.3. The letter which I received yesterday was from my best friend.4. The first thing that we should do is t

    2、o work out a plan.5. Do you know the park which was built last year?二. 引导词的三大功能 (I) 连接主句和从句。 (2) 代替先行词(以免重复)。 (3) 在定语从句中充当句子成分。I lost the book which I bought yesterday. (which在定语从句中作宾语)定语从句引导词的选用及其省略是高考的重点和难点,但是,始终围绕引导词的“三大功能”思考,是掌握定语从句的关键。技巧:定语从句都可以转换成一个陈述句。(which I bought yesterday=I bought the bo

    3、ok yesterday.)。1. The boy who is playing on the grass is my brother.2. I dont know the reason why (=for which) he didnt help me.3. Can you tell me the way in which you learn English?4. This is the school where I studied 10 years ago.5. My brother, who is an engineer, is thirty-two. 我的哥哥三十二岁,他是一个工程师。

    4、三先行词和引导词的关系1. 关系代词是先行词的复指A plane is a machine that can fly. (that = the machine) The boy who broke the window is called Tom. (who = the boy )2. 关系代词whose是先行词的所有格The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his grandfather.(whose = the boys)3. 关系副词是介词先行词The school where (=in which) I study is far

    5、 from my home. (where = in the school) 1. Do you know the boy whose mother is a doctor?2. This is the house where(=in which) we lived ten years ago.3. The girl who is standing there is Called Mary.4. I lost the pen which he lent to me.四. 关系副词引导的定语从句1. when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 I still remember the day wh

    6、en (=on which) I first came to Beijing. 我还记得我第一次来到北京那天的情景。2. where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。That is the house where (= in which) he lived ten years ago. 那是他10年前住过的房子。3. why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。I know the reason why (=for which) she was so angry.我知道她为什么那么生气。注:why作关系副词只用在reason后面。 “关系副词介词十which”五. 区别限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

    7、看形式:限制性定语从句和主句不可用逗号隔开。非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号隔开。 This is the book which I bought yesterday.His dog, which was very old, became ill and died. 看从句能否省略:限制性定语从句省去后,主句的意思就会不清楚。非限制性定语从句只起补充说明的作用,省去后主句的意思仍然清楚。 This is the hospital where he was operated on a few months ago. 这就是他几个月前动手术的医院。 (限制性定语从句) The sun, whi

    8、ch sis very hot, gives a lot of energy 太阳很热,它给人类很多热量。 (非限制性定语从句)看翻译:限制性定语从句译成定语(“的”),而非限制性定语从句单独译成一个句子。试比较: She has a sister who is a musician.(限制性定语从句) 她有一个当音乐家的姐姐。 (她有几个姐姐,其中一个是音乐家) She has a sister, who is a musician.(非限制性定语从句)她有一个姐姐,是音乐家。 (她只有一个姐姐,她是音乐家)六. 限制性定语从句的英译汉 方法:先译定语从句(译为“的”),再译先行词。 The

    9、 station is the place where we met together. 车站是我们见面的地方 方法:先译主句,再译从句,最后把它们相加。The station is the place where we met together.车站就是那个地方 + 我们在那里见面。练习:翻译下面的句子提示:无论是英译汉还是汉译英,都先找出先行词和定语从句。The teacher who taught us English was elected the headmaster of the school. Everything that she said seemed quite reaso

    10、nable.我还记得我小时候借过书的那个图书馆。汤姆考试失败的原因是他的粗心。这就是我学英语的方式。星期一是我最忙的一天。屋顶被毁的房子己经修补了。这就是我们去年参观过的学校。七. 选用关系代词还是关系副词?不能一见先行词是时间,地点,就不加分析地一律使用when或there. 因为时间和地点一般作状语, 有时也能作宾语或主语。作状语用where提问,作宾语当然不能用where. 当先行词是时间、地点和原因时,关键在于判断引导词在定语从句中充当状语还是宾语。换句话说,要求分析从句的谓语动词和先行词之间构成动宾关系还是动状关系。 I)I still remember the days which

    11、 we spent together. 2)I still remember the days when (= in which) we worked together.看(在汉语中)先行词能否放到从句谓动后面作宾语。This is the factory _ we visited last year.This is the factory _ we worked together last year.I dont know the reason _ he didnt do his homework.I dont know the reason _ he told you.八“介词关系代词”结

    12、构中介词的选用引导词与定语从句中某成分的搭配需要介词时,介词的选择要看从句语义(尤其要注意先行词和从句的谓语动词的习惯搭配)。 解题技巧:还原法(定语从句都可以还原为一个陈述句) Thats the reason for which he didnt go to school this morning.(for. reason系固定搭配) (定语从句=he didnt go to school for the reason this morning.) Thats the famous building, at the top of which theres a tower(塔子) (定语从句

    13、=theres a tower at the top of the famous building). My glasses, _ which I was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broken.He is a person with great experience, _ whom we can learn much.I found a knife _ which I cut the cake.九. 其它考点.“名词代词+of which /whom”一般引导非限制性定语从句,指部分和全体的关系, She has three sons,

    14、two of whom are teachers. =She has three sons and two of them are teachers. 说明:非限制性定语从句都可以改为一个并列句。2. What she said is true.= All that she said is true.她说的是真的。可见 what=“先行词十关系代词”This is the way (in which / that) I learn English. 这就是我学英语的方法。当先行词是the way (方式方法),引导词用in which或that, 也可省略牢记:what和how不可以作定语从句

    15、的引导词。what引导从句多表示“所的人(事物)”。改错:All what she did was right.译:我不喜欢你和你妈妈说话的方式。十. 引导词一览表关系代词关系代词主 语宾 语定语指人whothatwhomwhose指物whichThatwhose (=of which)指人和物 when= on (in, during) which 在那时;当时关系副词 where= on(in,in front of)which 在那里;往那里 why= for which 为什么as作关系(代副)词也可以引导定语从句。 (1)“这一点”As is well known,the earth

    16、 is round. 众所周知,地球是圆的。 (2)“象样的人(物);凡是样的人(物) 用于such/the same/as. as结构。This is the same book as I bought yesterday.这是一本和我昨天买的一样的书。如何填定语从句的引导词 引导词代替先行词并在定语从句中充当句子成分,所以引导词是由先行词的种类和引导词在定语从中所作的成分决定的。 具体地讲,要注意下几个方面: 一. 首先找准先行词。一般来说,先行词一看即知,但有时侯比较复杂,这时找准先行词便成为解题的关键。 1) Is this factory _ we visited last week

    17、? 2) Is this the factory _ we visited last week? A. which B. where C. what D. the one 分析:如果把原句还原成陈述句,第一句为:This factory is _ we visited last week. 缺少先行词,只有项才能保持主句结构的完整性,the one代替the factory。第二句为This is the factory _ we visited last week. 先行词为the factory, 引导词在定语从句中作visited的宾语。故选A 3) I read a funny sto

    18、ry when I was at school, _ I still remember clearly A. which B. when C. that D. where本句的先行词为a funny story, 先行词和定语从句被时间状语从句when I was at school隔开(这就是所谓的“分隔式定语从句”),答案为A. 如误判先行词为school, 就易误选D。 二. 再确定先行词的种类和引导词在定语从句中所充当的成分。 1. 先行词是人,引导词whothat,如: The number of people who/that lost homes reached as many

    19、as 250,000. The boy (whom/who/that) we saw yesterday was Johns brother. 2. 先行词是物,引导词用whichthat,如: It sounded like a train whichthat was going under my house. The car (which / that) my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake. 3. 先行词是时间(如:day, month, year), 引导词在定语从句中作状语时,用when(表示“当时”),不作

    20、状语(比如宾语)时用which / that。 I still remember the days when we studied together. I still remember the days (which/that) we spent together. 4. 先行词是地点(如:place, house), 引导词在定语从句中作状语时,用where(表示“在那里;往那里”),不作状语(比如宾语)时用which / that。 This is the place where we worked last year. This is the place (which/that) we

    21、visited last year. 5. 先行词是人或物,引导词如果在定语从句中作定语(表示“人物的”),用whose.如:We found the boy whose father is a doctor. The tree whose leaves are yellow is dying soon. 6. 先行词是the reason, 引导词如果在定语从句中作状语时用why(表示“为什么”),不作状语(比如宾语)时用which / that。 The reason why he didnt come is not known. The reason (which/that) he to

    22、ld us is reasonable. 7. 先行词是the way(方法),引导词如果在定语从句中作状语时用(in which/that),千万不要用how,不作状语(比如宾语)时用which / that。 I want to know the way (in which/that) you learn English. 8. 先行词是整个主句时,用whichas引导非限制性从句。 He married her, whichas was natural. which和as引导非限制性定语从句时有区别。(位置上)as从句可以放在句首、句中和句尾,而which从句不能放在句首。As we h

    23、ad seen, oceans cover more than 70% percent of the earth.(词义上) as有“正如,好象”之义,习惯上常与表示感知的动词或形容词连用,多构成固定表达,常见的有As is well known,As we know, As was expected等。而which(这时表示“这”或“这一点”)引导的非限制性定语从句无此惯例。 As is known to us, the moon goes round the earth. Jack came late for school,which made his teacher angry. 三.

    24、特殊情况 1. 只能用that的情况: 先行词是不定代词(如:all, everything, nothing, anything, little, much, few等)或先行词被all, only, every, no, some, any, little, few, very(恰好,正是)等修饰时。 复习:不定代词意思是所指对象不确定,如:Some are lazy. All that he said is true. Everything that can be done is done. Ask any questions that you dont understand. He w

    25、as the only one of the students that was praised. (与He was one of the students who /that were praised.不同) He is the very man that they are looking for. 先行词既有人义有物时。 He talked about the peoples and the countries that he had seen. 先行词是序数词,形容词的最高级或被序数词,形容词的最高级(包括first, last)修饰时。 The first thing that we

    26、should do is to work out a plan. He was the second (person) that told me the secret. He is one of the richest that live in this area. This is the best book that I have read this year. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。 Our village is no longer the place that it used to be. 主句是以who / that开头的特殊疑问句或先行词是疑问代词who时(以免重复)。 Wh

    27、ich is the room that Mr. Wang lives in? Who that has seen his works doesnt admire him? 被same修饰的先行词后可用that而不用who或which.Yesterday I met the same scientist that you met last year.I found the same book that he lent to me yesterday. 2.不能用that的情况 引导词在定语从句中作介词宾语且置于该介词之后时,先行词如果是人用whom,先行词如果是物则用which,(并且都不可以

    28、省略)。 The person at whom the boys are laughing is my brother. The room in which we live is very clean. 说明1: 将介词移至定语从句中或句尾时,whom可换用who或that也可省去;which可换用that也可省去。 The man (whom/who/that) I spoke to just now is our manager.The day (which/that) she arrived on was Wednesday. 2: 在一些固定搭配的动词短语中,动词和介词不可分割,一旦分割开,意思就发生了改变。 This is the pen which Im looking for. ()不能变成This is the pen for which Im looking. ( 在非限制性定语从句中. The sun, which is very hot, gives a lot of energy to man. 先行词是时that(以免重复)。 Whats that which is moving on the table? 3. 只能用as的情况 先行词是the same, such或被the same, such, a


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