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    1、The nature and goal of each taskTask oneFormNatureGoalReportObjectiveTo help the readers to understand the tableTask twoEssaySubjectiveTo convince the readers3. How: How to achieve the writing goal of each task?The criteria of the writing testContent:essential components of your response complete &

    2、relevantTask 11.an overview of the general trends2.a summary or description of the key features in the graph or diagram3. supporting data 4. at least 150 words (180 words)Task 21. responses to all parts of the question2. position on the topic3. ideas relevant and appropriate to the topic4. developme

    3、nt of the ideas or/and support to the ideas5. relevant conclusion to the topic6. at least 250 words (300 words)Organization: Readers will notice it when you fail to do it well. Coherence布局 The logical organization of your ideas and sentences in both your paragraph and essay as a wholeCohesion连接The o

    4、rganization of your language, showing the relationship between your ideasGrammarGrammatical range1. sentence types: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex2. other grammatical structures: concession, modals, cause/effects, active/passive, conditionals and tensesGrammaticalaccuracy1. correct

    5、punctuation2. correct tense3. agreement of subject with the verbVocabulary ( Lexical Resource)1. to use appropriate and accurate words and expressions2. to use a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic3. to use correct word forms4. to use some idiomatic language 5. to use accurate spelling 总结:IE

    6、LTS写作就是用西方的思维方式和地道的英语表达来阐述合理的想法。第二部分:议论文概述:1. 议论文的分类1) 问题现象类:问题出现的原因问题带来的影响解决问题的方法原因和方法最好是一一对应2) 表达观点类对两个相对立的观点进行分析,最后得出自己的观点观点对立的形式一般有两种:A/B, A/D2. 议论文的结构1) 问题现象类开篇问题现象介绍主体根据要求分段总结问题要点复述A. 观点偏向型:一般采用5段式开篇(第一段)介绍主题+陈述观点主体1(第二段)论证第一个分论点主体2(第三段)论证第二个分论点主体3(第四段)让步段:陈述对方观点后回归自身观点总结 (第五段)复述自身观点B. 观点中立型:一

    7、般采用4段式介绍主题+文章布局论证第一个观点论证第二个观点总结(第四段)阐述自己的中立观点观点中立型范文:Question:The aging populations of more developed countries are going to cause social and economic problems for society in the future, especially for the younger generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?In the modern

    8、world today, people are expected to live longer because of better health care resources, the availability of better quality foods and the higher standards of living. (介绍背景) While the changing age structure of society might be problematic, it should not always be viewed as something threatening. (文章布

    9、局)There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern industrial societies with growing aged population and declining birth rates. (第一个观点) The most obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their retirement pensions and providing reside

    10、ntial care accommodation. (第一个论点) Governments cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the extended families. (支撑论据)However, the valuable contributions that active and health

    11、y aged individuals can make should not be overlooked. (第二个观点) Firstly, these retired individuals could take the role of carers for their grandchildren, (第一个论点) allowing both parents to work longer hours and save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to improve the family

    12、s living standards. (支撑论据) Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their services as drivers for the very old and sick. (第二个论点) For example, they could deliver meals directly to their homes and assist with transportation to and from specialist appointments or hospital.(支撑论据)In conclusion, there are b

    13、oth positive and negative issues associated with aging populations. It is best to take a balanced approach. People need to work together and recognize that all members of society contribute in many diverse ways to the well-being of the whole community. (本人的中立观点)Task 2 题目范围TopicSubtopicMediaPrivacy i

    14、ssues; censorship; influence of advertisingEducationTesting and assessment; public and private education; home-schoolingEnvironmentEco-tourism; global warming; pollutionHealth & NutritionObesity; alternative medicine; diet; exercise;health careCommunicationThe internet; mobile phones; text messaging

    15、Society& CultureCommunities; traditions, habits and customs; arts and music; traditional culture versus popular cultureFamilyParents and children; responsibilities in a family; generation gap; relationships-marriage and divorceEmploymentUnemployment; workplace conditions; job training; apprenticeshi

    16、ps TransportInfrastructure; vehicle safety; road tolls;choice of transportTechnologyDependence on technology;computers and mobile phones; trends and changesSciencesMarine biology; archaeology; architecture; geography第三部分:136写作基础词汇第一部分Education:1parenting名词家长给小孩的教育The rise in maternal employment in a

    17、ll family types, combined with the rise in single parenting, calls for significant attention to building strong support structures for children and teenagers.2schooling教育He did not get much schooling.3cultivate及物动词培养Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself.4awareness=sense=recognition意识 Youth glided pa

    18、st without our awareness. It is shown that there exist sense of inferiority, sense of loss, anxiety, sense of depression in the course of the development and getting useful of the civilian-run college students. Theres a growing recognition that parents should pay more attention to their children.5cr

    19、eative/original形容词有创造力的 He combines creative imagination and true scholarship. His designs are highly original.6physical身体的Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of physical situation.7psychological心理的There could be some psychological explanation for his badhealth.8peer同龄人The opinions of hi

    20、s peers are more important to him than his parents ideas.9motivation动力 The relative price effect states that the only efficient motivation for employees is for employers to offer monetary rewards-the more money that is offered, the higher the motivation. As is well known, the failure or success of E

    21、nglish learning is largely decided by students motivation, therefore, as a teacher, the realization and arousal of students learning motivation play an extremely important role in teaching a language.10adapt to动词短语适应You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.11discipline纪律The children ar

    22、e happy at the school, but they lack discipline.12memorise记忆Try to memorise the names of all the people you see there tonight.13acquire获得She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.14stimulating有趣的Ecology as a subject has many stimulating characteri

    23、stics.15prevalent无处不在的The prevalent opinion is in favor of reform.16objective客观的He finds it difficult to remain objective where his son is concerned.17biased有偏见的Her colleagues are generally biased against her.18celebrity名人An unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture is damaging the academic success

    24、 of British students, a survey of teachers found on Friday, with celebrity couple the Beck hams the favorite inspiration.19journalist记者Hes a journalist on the Daily Telegraph.20the press名词短语新闻界The majority of the press support the Governments foreign policy.21coverage报道Theres little coverage of fore

    25、ign news in the newspaper.22misleading有误导性的The brochure was extremely misleading about the cost of the holiday.23dependable可靠的I need someone dependable to look after the children while Im at work.24up-to-the-minute非常及时的Now were going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on th

    26、e crisis.25sway影响大众Her speech failed to sway her colleagues into supporting the plan.26informative信息量大的The book is extremely informative about life in Roman times.27entertaining娱乐性强的His books arent particularly well-written, but theyre always entertaining.第二讲:语言从构成上可以分为5个层次:词汇,短语,句子,段落和文章,其中句子是最重要的一

    27、层,因为它是构成完整意思的最小单元,也是我们文章的基石。四步句子速成法讲解了如何一步一步写出好的英文句子,是一种对英语语法的全新运用方法。写作步骤语法内容第一步写出完整的句子三大基本概念第二步写出正确的句子英语特殊形式第三步写出漂亮的句子句式多变方法第四步写出精彩的句子特殊句式结构第一步:运用三大基本概念写出完整的句子三大基本概念:单词词性,句子成分以及句子结构。第二步:熟悉英语特殊形式写出正确的句子动词变化:时态,语态,第三人称单数名词变化:单复数第三步:掌握句式多变方法写出漂亮的句子句式多变方法:非谓语动词,三大类从句,情态动词1. 非谓语动词1) 不定式2) 动名词3) 现在分词4) 过去分词2. 三大从句:1) 名词性从句 (主,宾,表,同)2) 形容词性从句 (定语从句)3) 副词性从句 (状语从句)3. 情态动词情态动词是给出有关能力,可能性或必要性的助动词,后面跟不带to的不定式,其形式不改变。第四步:了解特殊句式结构写出精彩的句子特殊句式结构:


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