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    1、托福考试听力模拟试题2托福考试听力模拟试题2 大学生电脑主页大学生的百事通】 收集整理, 【本文由大学生电脑主页 托福考试_考试大 1. (a) there was only one bank near the school. (b) she went to the bank by herself. (c) she borrowed money from the bank to pay her school fees. (d) there were free courses in banking at her school. 2. (a) bill thinks hes paying for

    2、the books. (b) bill thanked me for getting the books. (c) i think im supposed to pick you up, bill. (d) i appreciate your getting my books, bill. 3. (a) she didnt tell us when the demonstration would begin. (b) didnt she give this demonstration before she ate (c) i understand the demonstration will

    3、be at eight oclock. (d) didnt she say she would be late for the demonstration 4. (a) linda must take ten more classes to get her degree. (b) after receiving her degree, linda took some night classes. (c) it took linda ten years to earn her degree. (d) if linda got her degree, she could teach night c

    4、lasses. 5. (a) industry should be far from cities. (b) cars pollute more than industry does. (c) dont waste money fixing your new car. (d) the automobile industry isnt growing fast. 6. (a) i use an alarm clock to wake up. (b) i used to wake up too early. (c) i usually get up early. (d) i do more if

    5、i get up early. 7. (a) mary doesnt want a roommate. (b) mary doesnt want to walk home. (c) mary asked us to leave her alone. (d) mary prefers to arrive home early. 8. (a) you read that letter before i did. (b) blue print is less eye-catching than red print. (c) fred noticed that blue sign immediatel

    6、y. (d) i think you need a new red sign. 9. (a) he got up and left. (b) he defended his point of view. (c) he answered the question correctly. (d) he gave us good directions. 10. (a) i like going to the meetings to hear scott talk. (b) im disappointed i cant go to the meeting. (c) ill go to the meeti

    7、ng even though i dont want to. (d) im not sure if i can go to the meeting. 11. (a) david wouldnt tell me where he will spend his vacation. (b) david didnt get to go on vacation. (c) i didnt take david on vacation with me. (d) i cant tell david where im going for my vacation. 12. (a) ben isnt the onl

    8、y loud person. (b) ben doesnt allow radios here. (c) only ben is allowed to use the radio. (d) just ben thinks the radio is too loud. 13. (a) they wouldnt let us take the car home yet. (b) after our long walk they drove us home. (c) we forgot where we left our car. (d) id rather walk than drive toda

    9、y. 14. (a) kevin was afraid his train would be the last to leave. (b) kevin didnt want to miss the train, so he ran to catch it. (c) kevin knew he would miss the train because he couldnt find the station. (d) kevin saw his train leaving as he ran through the station. 15. (a) if we want to be on time

    10、, we must make a right turn. (b) though we went the wrong way, we were still on time. (c) since were not late, we must have come the right way. (d) were late because we went the wrong way. 16. (a) the better students were absent. (b) less than half of the class was away. (c) its better if no one mis

    11、ses class. (d) more than half of the students were not in class. 17. (a) the television station staff has asked for viewers ideas. (b) the television announcer has given viewers some suggestions. (c) the television station manager has phoned some people already. (d) the station is trying to purchase

    12、 more televisions from those people. 18. (a) john never asked me to return his call. (b) i had returned johns phone call. (c) i really tried to call john back. (d) john doesnt believe in returning my calls. 19. (a) the lunch today didnt include apples. (b) the lunch today wasnt hot enough. (c) i did

    13、nt think todays lunch looked very good. (d) today the whole lunch was good. 20. (a) robert is very opinionated. (b) robert tends to monopolize discussions. (c) robert seldom thinks about other people. (d) robert seldom tells people what hes thinking. 21. (a) hell help the woman move them. (b) hell k

    14、eep them for the woman. (c) he can carry them with one hand. (d) he has a few more of them for the woman. 22. (a) he spends too much money. he bought an expensive watch.)b( (c) he really does like television. (d) he should watch more television. 23. (a) booking a flight to spain. (b) paying for private lessons. (c) giving spanish tests to students. (d) studying


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