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    1、9. Do you know the _ (经理 ) of the hotel?10. He can _ (骑) a horse, but he cant swim.六、 单项选择(20分)( )1 -Your pen is very nice. - _.A. OK B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it is D. Thank you( )2. You a teacher, I a student. My sister a student, too. A. are, am, is B. am, is, are C. is, are, am D. are, is, is( )3.

    2、There are _ maps in my classroom, but there arent _ pictures in it. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any( )4. She a book her hand.A. there has, on B. have got, in C. has got, in D. there is, on( )5. -Are there any shops your school?-Yes, there is . A. next, some B. next to, one C. in

    3、front, one D. next to, not any( )6. Have you got pork beef?A. any, or B. any, and C. some, and D. some, or( ) 7. Excuse me. _you _a pen? A. Are, have B. Have, got C. Can, have D. Do, get( ) 8. I like to play football with you _I have got a meeting(会议)now. A. and B. but C. or D. also ( ) 9. He likes

    4、reading, _his brother likes reading too.( )10. _students are there in the classroom? Forty.A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How ( ) 11. Lucy _ a new bike. A. have got B. has got C. is D. are( ) 12. - Where are you from? - _ from Beijing. A. Hes B. We are C. Shes D. They are( ) 13. My mothers _

    5、a sister, but she hasnt got a brother. A. has got B. got C. have got D. has( ) 14. Thank you _ your bike. A. in B. from C. for D. on( ) 15. Are there any _ on the desk? - Yes, there are.A. computer B. dictionaries C. book D. pen( ) 16. - Have you got a big family? - _ .A. No, I dont. B. No, I havent

    6、. C. No, I hasnt. D. No, Im not.( ) 17. The man under the tree is my uncle. _ is a doctor. A. She B. He C. Her D. His( ) 18. Meat and fish _ healthy food. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 19. There is some _on the table. A. meat B. apples C. tomato D. vegetables( ) 20. Apples are healthy _. A. food B.

    7、 drink C. fruit D. vegetables七、句型转换(5分)1. David has got a brother. (变为否定句) David _ _ a brother.2. There are two books on the desk. (对划线提问) _ _ _ books are there on the desk?3. There are some notebooks in my backpack. (变为否定句)There _ _ notebooks in my backpack.4. She can ride a bike. (变为一般疑问句) _ she _

    8、 a bike?5. We have got a good teacher. (变为一般疑问句) _ we _ a good teacher?八、完成句子(20分) 1可乐是一种不健康的饮料。Coke isnt _ _ _.2. 我有两本新字典。I have got_ _ _.3你有兄弟姐妹吗?没有。_ you _ _ brothers or _? No, I _.4汉堡是不健康的但是是我喜欢的食物。_ are _ but _ my _ food. 5它是我们全家人都喜欢的食物。Its _ _ _ all the family.6. 不要吃太多的冰淇淋。 Dont eat too much _

    9、 _.九、完形填空(10分)My name is Cheng Si. Im twelve. This is a _ 1 _ of my family. Please look at (看)the black car in the picture. Its 2 car. Hes behind it. _3 in a blue coat is my mother. _ 4 is in the black car. The girl on the red bike is my sister. _ 5 name is Cheng Yao. She and I 6 students. We _7_ a

    10、cat. Its Persian(波斯的) cat. _ 8_ name is Mimi. Wheres it? You cant find it in the car_ 9 _ behind the car. Oh, its_10_ the car.( )1. A. picture B. book C. room D. house( )2. A. my father B. my fathers C. his D. her( )3. A. The man B. The girl C. The woman D. The boy( )4. A. She B. He C. Her D. Him( )

    11、5. A. Its B. His C. Her D. She( )6. A. be B. am C. is D. are( )7. A. has got B. have got C. want D. play( )8. A. It B. Its C. Its D. It is( )9. A. and B. or C. so D. but( )10. A. at B. from C. like D. under十、阅读理解(10 分) Every (每个) country (国家) has got its favourite food. Italians(意大利人)like to eat(吃)p

    12、izza. Indians(印度人) like to eat hot(辣)food. Japanese(日本人)like to eat fish. Often they dont cook it. The English favourite food is fish and chips(薯条).The American favourite food is fast(快) food, but its not good for health. We Chinese like to eat rice, noodles and vegetables. They are healthy food.( )

    13、 1. _ like to eat pizza. A. Chinese B. American C. English D. Italians( ) 2. Japanese like to eat _. A. pizza B. hot food C. fish D. fast food( ) 3. Daming likes to eat _. A. hot food B. fast food C. vegetables D. pizza( ) 4. Hamburgers are _food. A. unhealthy B. healthy C. hot D. good( ) 5. The peo

    14、ple in _often buy fish and chips. A. America B. England C. China D. Italy 初一英语新标准(上) Module 6一. 词组1. 呆在家里2. 在我妈妈的生日聚会上3. 去年4. 它是全家人都最喜欢的.5. 我们称它为 “桌子”.6. 唱得好7. 讲一些中文8. 你想要去看电影吗?9. 在下午10. 在早上11. 在晚上12. 一个星期的几天13. 和我一起14. 邀请某人做某事15. 请求某人做某事16. 上演,放映17. 魔术表演18. 太极拳课19. 在体育馆20. 从-到-21. 给你最美好的祝愿22. 去操场23

    15、.你全家人最喜欢的聚会食品是什么?二、单词拼写:(10分) 10. When is the _(游泳)lesson ?1 Thanks for your _(邀请). I would like to your party.2 Mr Green likes _(看)books at night . 3 I can say many work _ in English .(地点)4 What is the _ of the computer ?(价格)5 Would you like to go to the _?(电影院)6. Jackie Chan and Zhang Zhiyi are fi

    16、lm _.(星)7. Lets go to a football match _(和)Yingying on Saturday.8. Daming is_(去)to go to a basketball match on Friday.9. The film is _(放映)in the evening.三、 用所给词的适当形式填空:(6分) 6.Let your mother _ (come) to my office.1 He would like to _ (invitation ) you to his party .2 Does Daming _ (invite) Tony _(se

    17、e) a film ?3 Tony _ (ask) Daming _ (go) to a basketball match. 4 Their daughter _ (be) going to visit her friend.5 Would you like _ (play) football with me?四、 单项选择 ( 19分)( ) 1. -Would you like to go to the cinema with me on Sunday?- _. A. Thats right. B. Thats not right.C. Yes, Id love to. D. You ar

    18、e right.( ) 2. - Do you like the green bike? - No, I want the red _ . A. it B. one C. them D. ones( ) 3. My sister would _ a glass of milk. A. to like B. like to C. likes D. like( ) 4. Jim and I _ in Team Two. A. is B. are C. am D. have( ) 5. Lingling and Betty go to the cinema _Sunday evening. A. i

    19、n B. on C. at D. to( ) 6. -_ go to the Taijiquan classes tonight. -Good idea. A. Would you like to B. Have you C. Can you D. Lets( ) 7. -_ is the film? -Its in the evening. A. Where B. Who C. How D. When( ) 8. _ go to the park with me? A. Lets B. Would you like to C. Are you D. Have you( ) 9. -Lets

    20、go to the theatre this evening. -_. A. Thats a great idea. B. Yes, please C. Yes, we have got a theatre D. No, its in the evening.( ) 10. The film is on _the afternoon. A. at B. in C. to D. on( ) 11. Lets go _Lingling. A. with B. and C. to D. by( ) 12. Yao Ming is my favourite _.A. film star B. TV s

    21、tar C. basketball player D. singer( ) 13. There is a basketball game at the _. A. cinema B. stadium C. office D. theatre( ) 14. -Would you like some orange juice? -_ . Im thirsty(渴). A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, I would D. Thats OK.( ) 15. -Would you like a small hamburger? -_. A. No, I woul

    22、d like B. No, I wouldnt C. No, thanks D. No, I dont( ) 16. -Whats _ at the cinema this Sunday? - Harry Potter. A. on B. in C. to D. of( ) 17. Tony and Betty _ Martin to play football. A. let B. invite C. asks D. see( ) 18. The _ of the book is thirty yuan.A. placeB. time C. dayD. price( ) 19. School

    23、 starts in the_. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night五、 句型转换:(10分)1. The football match is on Sunday .(划线提问)_ _ the football match?2. The Lion King is at Dalian Stadium .(划线提问_ _ the Lion King ?3. They play basketball in the park on Sunday.(划线提问)_ and _do they play basketball ?4. I would like

    24、 to drink some milk .(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ _ drink _ milk?六、 完成句子:(10分) 1.你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?_ you _ to _ _ the cinema _ _?.2.托尼请大明去看篮球比赛。Tony _Daming _ _ _a basketball match.3一个星期里有七天。 There _ _ days in a week .4星期天是一星期的第一天。Sunday is the _ day _ the week.5. 我想到体育馆打网球。I would like _ _ tennis at the _.6. 什么时候有

    25、钢琴课 ? _ is the _ _?九、用in, on 或 at 填空 (5分) 1. Would you like to do it _Sunday? 2. We drink juice _the afternoon. 3. We are going to stay _home and watch the film _TV. 4. The Taijiquan class is _Garden Hotel.十、完型填空(10分)My 1 is Wang Hua. Im a schoolgirl. I 2 in a middle school. There are many girls 3 m

    26、y class. We 4 good friends. I go to school early(早). Classes begin(开始)at 7:30. We have four 5 in the morning and two 6 . I have lunch(午餐) at school. After(在-之后) school, we 7 games. _ 8 the evening, I do my homework. Sometimes(有时) I 9 TV. This Saturday Im going 10 my grandmother.( ) 1. A. sister B. daughter C. name D. mother( ) 2. A. is B. are


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