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    1、parallel block:并行搜索;平行搜索;并行检索并行查找;平行搜寻parallel reaction:平行垫块;平行台;并行块;Parallel tests:并行分程序例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT If something has a parallel , it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different plac

    2、e or at a different time. If it has no parallel or is without parallel , it is not similar to anything else. (存在或发生在不同地点或不同时间的) 类似的事情例:Readers familiar with military conflict will find a vague parallel to the Vietnam War.熟悉军事冲突的读者们会发现一个和越南战争大致相似的事件。2.N-COUNT If there are parallels between two things

    3、, they are similar in some ways. 相似之处Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.对不同国家的民乐的详细研究表明它们有很多相似之处。3.V-T If one thing parallels another, they happen at the same time or are similar, and often seem to be connected. 与同时发生Often there are emotional reason

    4、s paralleling the financial ones.经济原因的常常伴有情感原因。4.ADJ Parallel events or situations happen at the same time as one another, or are similar to one another. 同时发生的; 相似的.parallel talks between the two countries foreign ministers.两国外长之间相似的谈话。5.ADJ If two lines, two objects, or two lines of movement are pa

    5、rallel , they are the same distance apart along their whole length. 平行的.seventy-two ships, drawn up in two parallel lines.72艘船,停靠成两条平行线。6.N-COUNT A parallel is an imaginary line round the earth that is parallel to the equator. Parallels are shown on maps. 纬线 usu the ord N.the area south of the 38th

    6、parallel.38度纬线以南的地区。cafeteria英 kftr 美 ,kftrn. 自助餐厅; 小餐厅;快餐厅Cafeteria Nipponica:日式餐厅;吃货大食堂;大盛食堂;美食梦物语commercial cafeteria:商业自助食堂;自助餐餐馆;自助餐食堂Cafeteria Service:简易自助式服务;式服务Cafeteria Attendant:员工餐厅服务员cafeteria messroom:自助餐室KINGO Cafeteria:南洋精工自助餐设备Sirius Cafeteria:天狼星咖啡馆cafeteria cashier:食堂收银员cafeteria s

    7、upervisor:食堂主管;员工餐厅主管1.N-COUNT A cafeteria is a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it. Cafeterias are usually found in public buildings such as hospitals, colleges, and offices. 自助餐厅travel agent旅行社;旅行代理人,旅行代办人Appointed travel agent:指定旅游代理O

    8、fficial travel agent:特定旅游代理a travel agent:旅行代理商unlicensed travel agent:无牌旅行代理商travel &tour agent:旅游举办人licensed travel agent:持牌旅行代理商European travel agent:欧洲旅游代理商For Travel & Tour Agent:旅行社包机申请Virtual Operation in Travel Agent:旅行社虚拟经营1.N-COUNT A travel agent or travel agents is a shop or office where

    9、you can go to arrange a holiday or trip. 旅行社He worked in a travel agents.他在一家旅行社工作。2.N-COUNT A travel agent is a person or business that arranges peoples holidays and trips. 旅行代理商requirement英 rkwam()nt 美 rkwamntn. 要求;必要条件;必需品acknowledgement requirement:对承认的要求energy requirement:能量需要;能源需要;需能量;能量需要量wat

    10、er requirement:需水量;又称需水量;对水资源的需求test requirement:试验要求;测试断言;测试要求irrigation requirement:灌溉需水量;灌溉需要量;灌水定额;浇灌需要量fertilizer requirement:需肥量disclosure requirement:公开资料规定;披露要求;公开的要求Gross Requirement:需求量;总需求;毛需求;毛需求量Business Requirement:业务需求;务需要1.N-COUNT A requirement is a quality or qualification that you

    11、must have in order to be allowed to do something or to be suitable for something. 必备条件Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品满足了所有法定的必备条件。2.N-COUNT Your requirements are the things that you need. 需要; 必需品 正式Variations of this programme can be arranged to suit your requirements.这个软件可以被设置成各种各样的形式以

    12、适应你们的需要。architecture英 ktekt 美 rktktn. 建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构Islamic architecture:伊斯兰建筑;中古伊斯兰建筑;伊斯兰建筑物;伊斯兰建筑研究Renaissance architecture:文艺复兴建筑;文艺复兴时期建筑;意大利文艺复兴建筑;文芤复兴时期的建筑ARM architecture:ARM架构;arm体系;ARM体系结构;处理器neoclassical architecture:新古典主义建筑classical architecture:古典主义建筑;古典建筑;Fantastic Architecture:古典建筑学;

    13、古希腊与罗马之建筑garden architecture:奇异建筑;奇异建筑派;奇趣建筑Cognitive architecture:园林建筑;园林建筑学;庭园建筑;庭院建筑Architecture 101:认知架构1.N-UNCOUNT Architecture is the art of planning, designing, and constructing buildings. 建筑艺术He studied classical architecture and design in Rome.他在罗马学过古典建筑艺术和设计。2.N-UNCOUNT The architecture of

    14、 a building is the style in which it is designed and constructed. 建筑风格.modern architecture.现代建筑风格。Liaabbr. 铅工业协会(Lead Industries Association);美国皮革业联合会(Leather Industries of America)n. (Lia)人名;(罗、意、匈、柬)莉娅(女名),利亚;(俄)利阿Lia Leendertz:莉亚黎德兹Lia Fil:命运之石;命运石头LIA WEI:魏离雅LIA MONOCL:国际联合实验室Lia Pernell:莉埃博内尔Ja

    15、ckey Lia:梁Lia Cook:亚库克LIA Origins:国际天文联合实验室liang lia:娘儿俩feel at home在家中般轻松自在;感觉自在feel sb at home:使某人感到宾至如归Feel like at home:像在家一样自在feel quite at home:感觉像在家里I feel good at home:我感觉在家很好Grandma feel lonely at home:奶奶在家感到寂寞I feel happy at home:让我感觉到家的快乐I feel right at home:家的感应I feel really at home:我感觉像

    16、在家一样feel at home in:精通;熟悉agent英 ed()nt 美 edntn. 代理人,代理商;药剂;特工vt. 由作中介;由代理adj. 代理的n. (Agent)人名;(罗)阿真特foaming agent:发泡剂;insurance agent:起泡剂;sole agent:泡沫剂bonding agent:保险代理人;保险代理;保险公司;保险代办别人代理Agent Aika:独家代理;总代理商;总代理;独家代理人blister agent:粘合剂;将单层粘合形成多层板的胶剂;键合剂Shipping agent:海底娇娃蓝华;海底娇娃兰华Paranoia Agent:糜烂

    17、性毒剂;起疱剂;糜烂剂;发泡剂alkylating agent:船舶代理;货运代理人;装运代理人;轮船代理人1.N-COUNT An agent is a person who looks after someone elses business affairs or does business on their behalf. 代理商 商业You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.你在直接购买,而不是通过代理商购买。2. see also travel agent3.N-COUNT An agent in the arts wor

    18、ld is a person who gets work for an actor or musician, or who sells the work of a writer to publishers. (艺术界的) 经纪人My literary agent thinks it is not unreasonable to expect $500,000 in total.我的文学经纪人认为预期总共50万美元并非不合情理。4.N-COUNT An agent is a person who works for a countrys secret service. 间谍All these y

    19、ears hes been an agent for the East.这些年来他一直为东方国家做间谍。5.N-COUNT A chemical that has a particular effect or is used for a particular purpose can be referred to as a particular kind of agent . 剂.the bleaching agent in white flour.白面粉中的漂白剂。fit in适应,适合;装配好;找时间做Fit All In:充满视窗fit sb in:正在翻译fit clearance in

    20、:内配合fit it in:在日程当中安排;合适fit failure in term:非特Fit t in window:适合窗口fit me in:安排;危排fit page in window:全页显示;使页面适合窗口命令fit spread in window:跨页显示;使扩展页适台窗口命令1.PHRASAL VERB If you manage to fit a person or task in , you manage to find time to deal with them. 安排时间处理We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in.我们在家在外都长时间地工作,我们到处奔波,尽力安排时间做每一件事。2.PHRASAL VERB If you fit in as part of a group, you seem to belong there because you are simi


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