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    1、我可以知道打电话来的是谁吗?16. May I ask who is next?我可以问谁是下一个吗?17. May I be of service, madam?我可以为您效劳吗,小姐?18. May I recommend our , sir?我可以推荐我们的吗,先生?19. May I help you with , madam?我可以帮助您做吗,小姐?20. Would you like me to book a for you?您想要我为您订一个吗?21. Would you like to sit by the window?你想坐在窗边吗?22. Would you like t

    2、o have a cup of tea?您想要喝一杯茶吗?23. Is there anything else I can do for you, madam?还有别的什么事情要我为您的,夫人?Expressing good wishes:(祝愿/祝福)25. Have a pleasant stay at the Zhonggecheng, sir.祝愿您在中阁城过得愉快。26. Have a pleasant stay with us, madam.祝您和我们在一起过得愉快,小姐。27. Have a nice day! Have a pleasant evening. Have a go

    3、od weekend!祝你今天过得愉快。祝您晚上过得愉快。祝您周末过得愉快。31. Enjoy your stay/day.祝您在这过得愉快/祝您今天愉快。32. Happy New Year! .Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday!祝您新年愉快!圣诞快乐!生日快乐!Answers to good wishes:(对方一般祝愿的回答)35. The same to you, sir/madam. You too, Mr. 。你也一样 ,先生Expressing thanks:(致谢)39. Thank you for telling us.谢谢您告诉我们。40. T

    4、hank you for your compliment.谢谢您的赞扬。41. Thank you for coming./calling/ waiting多谢光临。谢谢您的问候/等候。44. Thank you for being so understanding.谢谢您如此理解我们。45. That is very kind of you. 您真好。Answers to thanks:(对致谢的回答)46. You are welcome. Its my pleasure. It doesnt matter.别客气。50. Glad to be of service. Please fee

    5、l free to contact us anytime.很高兴为您效劳。请随时和我们联系。Apologizing:(致歉)52.Im awfully sorry.太打扰您了。53. I beg your pardon, sir.请您原谅,先生。54. Excues me for interrupting.对不起,打扰您了。55. Sorry to bother you.56.Im very sorry, There could have been a mistake. I do apologize.非常对不起,可能犯了一个错误,我深表歉意。57.Im sorry. Would you exc

    6、use me, please?对不起,打扰一下好吗。58 Im sorry .I am being called.对不起,我要去接电话。59.Im sorry to have kept you waiting, sir.对不起,让您久等了,先生。60.Im sorry. The house/restaurant is fully booked.对不起,房子订满了/餐厅订满了。61.Im sorry. We have run out of .对不起,我们用完了Answers to apology:(对道歉的回答)62Thats all right.没关系。Directing:(指示)65Let

    7、me show you.让我教您。66This way, please.这边请。67Please dial “0”, sir.先生,请拨0。68It will be on your right hand side .You wont miss it.在您的右手边,您不会错过的。69Go straight ahead.笔直往前走。70Go down to the lobby.请下楼到大堂。71Please take the lift to the 3rd floor.请乘电梯到三楼。72Turn left/right at the first corner. 请在每一个转弯处向左转/向右转。Ar

    8、ousing attention:(提示)73Here you are.给您。74Here we are.我们到了。75There comes the taxi.出租车来了。76There he is.正是他。77Be aware of the ceiling, sir.小心撞到头,先生。Reassuring:(表示安慰)78.Dont worry, madam. Well see to it.别担心,小姐。我们将关注处理此事。79.Ill look into the matter.我们将调查此事。80.Ill be with you in a moment.我将马上过来为您服务。81. Th

    9、ere is no hurry, sir. Take your time.别急,先生,慢慢来。82.It wont be too long ,sir.不会担误您太长的时间,先生。83. Please take you time, madam.请慢慢来,小姐84.Well let you know as soon as there is any available.一旦拥有,我们就马上通知您。85.Ill report it to my manager.我将向我的经理汇报。Willing to serve:(表示乐意效劳)86. Very good, sir. Ill be glad to he

    10、lp.很好,先生。我乐意帮助您。87. Certainly, madam. Ill be happy to do it.当然可以,小姐,我很高兴去做。89. Yes, certainly, just leave it to us, sir.是的,当然可以,请把它留下,先生。90. Glad to be of service. Please feel. Free to contact us anytime.91. My name is , if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. 我的名字是,如果有什么事情,请让我们知道。D

    11、eclining:(表示婉拒)92.Im afraid such information is confidential.恐怕无可奉告。93.Thats very kind of you, but I cant accept it , thank you all the same.您真好,但是我不可以接受的,谢谢您。94.That wont be necessary, sir ,but thank you all the same.那没有必要,先生,但同样谢谢您。95.Im afraid we cannot do that.恐怕我们不能那样做。Positive answers:(肯定答复)96

    12、. Certainly, sir, I will bring it to you right away.当然要,先生,我将马上送过来。97. We do have available.我们特备有。Uncertain answers:(未肯定时的答复)98.Im sorry I cannot guarantee ,but Ill do my best.对不起,我不能保证,但是我将尽力。99.Im sorry, madam, Im not sure, but Ill ask my manager/the chef about it for you.对不起,小姐,我不能肯定,但我将去向我的经理/厨师

    13、询问此事。100.If you wait a moment ,sir, Ill try to find out.先生如果您可以等一会,我将尽力去找到。Negative answers:(否定的答复)101.Im sorry, there is no discount.对不起,没有 折扣。102.Im sorry, madam, Im afraid we dont have any available.对不起,小姐。恐怕我们没有Expressing happiness:(表示高兴)103.My pleasure, Im happy everything was to your satisfact

    14、ion.别客气,所有事情都让您满意,我很高兴。104.Im glad to hear that.我很高兴听到此事。Expressing pity:(表示遗憾)105.Im sorry to hear that.听到此事我很难过。106.its great pity.太可惜了。Expressing concern:(表示关怀)107. Did you have a nice trip?您旅途愉快吗?108. Are you all right, sir?您还好吗,先生?109. I hope you did not hurt yourself.我希望您没有受伤。110. Would you li

    15、ke to see the doctor?您要去看医生吗?111. I hope you feel better now.我希望您现在感觉好些。Being modest:(表示谦让)112. After you, sir.您先请,先生。113. You first, sir.Asking for a pass:(请让路)115. May I come through, please?我可以过去吗?Agreeing:(表示同意)116.thats true.对的。117. Absolutely, sir.绝对是的,先生。118. Exactly, sir.确实是的,先生。Disagreeing:

    16、(表示不同意)119. Not really. Its good value for the price.不是的,它是物有所值的。Understanding:(表示明白)120. Yes, I see, sir.是的,我明白,先生。Not understanding:(表示不明白)121. Could you speak slowly, please?请您说慢一点,好吗?122.Im sorry, I dont quite understand .Should I get the manager?对不起,我不太明白。我可以和经理联系一下吗?Saying goodbye:(告别语)124.Goo

    17、dbye, and have a nice trip.再见,旅途愉快。125. Thank you for coming.谢谢你的光临。126. Sorry, I have to go. Nice talking with you.对不起,我要走了。和你谈话真愉快。127. We all look forward to serving you again.我们都希望再为您服务。128. Hope you enjoyed staying with us.但愿您和我们过得愉快。129. Do come again.请再来。130. Hope to serve you next time.希望下次再

    18、为您服务。Occupation and Position (职位与职务)Assistant Manager 大堂副经理_Attendant 客房服务员 Captain (head waiter) 领班Clerk/Staff 职员 Driver 司机 General Manager 总经理 Manager 经理 Operator 接线生 Porter /Bell boy 行李生Receptionist 接待员 Resident Manager 住店经理Secretary 秘书 Supervisor 主管Deputy-General Manager 副总经理 Waiter 餐厅男服务员 Waitr

    19、ess 餐厅女服务员 Bar 酒吧Beauty Salon 美容室 Bookstall/Bookshop 书亭Business Center 商务中心 Cashiers 收银处Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅 Coffee Shop 咖啡厅Engineering Department 工程部 Florist 花店Food and Beverage Department 餐饮部Food Street 食街Front Office Reception 前台接待处General Managers Office 总经理办公室Grill Room 扒房 Hair Salon 理发室House

    20、keeping Department 客房部Information 询问处In-house Doctor 医务室Karaoke 卡拉OKLaundry 洗衣部Lobby Bar 大堂吧Personnel and Training Department 人事培训部Night Club 夜总会Health Club 康乐部Recreation Department 娱乐部Reservation 订房部Room Service 送餐部Security Department 保安部House Keeping Department 管家部Training Center 培训中心Western Resta

    21、urant 西餐厅Sauna Department 桑拿部Numerals (数字)Cardinal Numbers(基数) Ordinal Numbers(序数)One 一 first 第一Two 二 second 第二Three 三 third 第三four 四 fourth 第四five 五 fifth 第五six 六 sixth 第六 seven 七 seventh 第七eight 八 eighth 第八nine 九 ninth 第九ten 十 tenth 第十eleven 十一 eleventh 第十一twelve 十二 twelfth 第十二thirteen 十三 thirteen

    22、th 第十三twenty 二十 twentieth 第二十thirty 三十 thirtieth 第三十forty 四十 fortieth 第四十fifty 五十 fiftieth 第五十sixty 六十 sixtieth 第六十seventy 七十 seventieth 第七十eighty 八十 eightieth 第八十ninety 九十 ninetieth 第九十one hundred 一百 one thousand 一千 one million 一百万 Dates & Time 日期和时间1The days of the week(星期)Sunday(Sun) 星期日 Monday(M

    23、on) 星期一Tuesday(Tues) 星期二 Wednesday(Wed) 星期三Thursday(Thu) 星期四 Friday(Fri) 星期五Saturday(Sat) 星期六2The months of the year (月份)January(Jan) 一月 February(Feb) 二月March(Mar) 三月 April(Apr) 四月May (May) 五月 June(Jun) 六月July(Jul) 七月 August(Aug) 八月September(Sep) 九月 October(Oct) 十月November (Nov) 十一月 December (Dec) 十

    24、二月3Time 时间hour 小时 minute 分钟 second 秒钟 quarter 刻钟 oclock 点钟Its four past eight(eight four) 8:04Its fifteen to nine(a quarter to nine) 8:45Its half past seven(seven thirty) 7:30Its five to eight(seven fifty-five) 7:554、Dates 日期_Year 年 month 月 day 日 week 星期 morning(a.m.) 上午 noon 中午 afternoon (p.m.) 下午

    25、evening 晚上 night 夜晚 today 今天 tomorrow 明天 yesterday 昨天 the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天 weekend 周末 weekday 周日 this year 今年 last year 去年 next year 明年 5、Seasons 季节spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天6、Festivals and Celebrations 节日、庆祝日_New Year 新年 New years day 元旦 Spring Festival 春节Easter 复活节 Thanksgiving day 感恩节National Day 国庆节 Christmas 圣诞节 Christmas Eve 平安夜


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