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    小英学年度最新北师大一起小学英语一下册《Unit 9 Food and drink》word 4优质教案Word文档格式.docx

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    小英学年度最新北师大一起小学英语一下册《Unit 9 Food and drink》word 4优质教案Word文档格式.docx

    1、六、Properties:recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, poster, computer and crayons. The first period 一、Organization. 1、Sing the song. “ One, two, one, two. Its a fish, its a fish.” 2、Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Luo. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 3、Review the words a

    2、nd sentences. What shape is it?Its a square / a circle / a triangle / a rectangle /a star /a heart. 4、Play a guessing game. Whats in the bag? Touch it. What is it?S: Its an orange. Yes, its an orange. Do you like oranges? Yes. / No. I dont like oranges. I like hamburgers. 二、Presentation. 1、Look at t

    3、he picture with the computer and slide show. Take out your pictures. Touch and say. Whats this? Its a hamburger. How many hamburgers? Two. Theyre hamburgers. T(S1):1、 Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: pizza, chicken, rice, milk. 3、Practice. 4、Play a game. Look at the te

    4、achers mouth. Say the words. 5、Sing the song.( Page 21 ) Play the tape. Sing after the tape. 6、Listen and number.( Paper) 7、Check up on the answers. 8、Read Unit 9 together. 9、Actions.( Sell the things) 10、Summary. Understand the words and sentences. 三、Homework. Read Unit 9. Make the dialogue. The Bl

    5、ackboard Unit 9 Lesson One Food and drink pizza I like hamburgers. chicken rice milk 教学后记:通过Guessing games的游戏导入,运用实物、图片 、电脑出示挂图进行大量的听说训练,操练单词和句型,采用多种形式( 如Games, Listen and number. song等 ), 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巩固了所学的单词、句型。学生的学习兴趣较浓,很快掌握新知识。但是学困生对单词hamburgers, milk的尾音读不出来,有待加强训练。 Lesson Two The second period

    6、French fries, noodles, juice. A、 What do you like? I like (French fries). B、Say the song. C、Listen and act. Eat a hamburger / some rice / some noodles/ an ice cream, please. Drink some milk, please. Touch and say the words . Listen and say the sentences. recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, poster

    7、, computer , ruler, and crayons. The second period 1、Sing the song. “ I like milk, I like milk. Milk, please! Milk, please!” I like hamburgers / chicken / pizza / rice/ milk . What do you like? I like French fries. 2、Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary:noodles, juice 4、Pla

    8、y a game.(左,右 ,上, 下,Do the actions and say the words.) 5、Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary:noodles, juice. 6、Practice. 7、Play a game. 8、Sing the song.( Page 21 ) Play the tape. Sing after the tape. 9、Practice. 10、Check up on every pupil. 11、Read the words and sentences t

    9、ogether. Then sing the song together. 12、Listen and act. Eat a hamburger / some rice / some noodles/ an ice cream, please. Drink some milk, please. 13、Match and color.( Page 24) Then check up on the answers. 14、Summary. Understand saying the sentences . Make the dialogue with your partner. Unit 9 Le

    10、sson Two French fries I like noodles. juice 本课的歌曲较长,而且有两段是教材中没有出现的,因此学生学起来有点困难,需要多训练,配上图片提示,学习的内容与学生的生活接近,而且文中的食物及饮料都是学生喜爱的,故此学生的兴趣浓厚,很快掌握,但I like 后的复数形式读音,在今后教学中还要加强训练。 一、Topic: Lesson Three The third period quilt, queen, rain, robot. 2、Say the rhyme. Listen and practice the words . Say the rhyme.S

    11、ay the rhyme and act. The third period 1、Sing the song. “ I like juice, I like juice. Juice, please! Juice ,please!I like hamburgers / French fries/ ice cream / rice /noodles/ pizza / chicken / milk / juice. 1、Look at the picture with the computer and slide show. Take out your pictures. Listen and s

    12、ay. Its a quilt. Whos she ? Shes a queen. The queen has a quilt. 2、Practice. 3、Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary:rain, robot. 4、Practice. 5、Play a game. 6、Say the rhyme.( Page 22) Play the tape. Say after the tape. 7、Listen and number.( Paper) 8、Check up on the answers.

    13、9、Read the words and say the rhyme together. 10、Read and draw. (Page 23 ) 11、Summary. Understand the words and rhyme. Read the words and rhyme. Unit 9 Lesson Three Say the rhyme. a queen a quilt a robot rain 教学后记:本课的歌谣虽然不算太长,但有些单词读音容易混淆,如“queen 和quilt”,因此学生读起来不够准确,需多加提示,学生基本能给食物和饮料分类,但有些学生所画图画不够美观。有

    14、待多训练画画。 Lesson Four The fourth period 1、Say the rhyme. 2、 Color and say.(Page 25) 3、Read and match.(Page 24) Review the words and sentences. Say the rhyme. Understand saying the rhyme. computer, slide show, crayons , recorder, tape, pictures, scissors. The fourth period 1、Sing the song.“I like juice

    15、, I like juice. Juice, please. Juice , please.” Hello, good morning, boys and girls. Hello, good morning, Miss Luo. 2、Review the words and sentences with the computer. What is it?Its a quilt / a rabbit. 1、 Listen and say the rhyme . 3、Check up on every group. Then let the children act. 4、Read and ma

    16、tch.( Page 24) Color and say.( Page 25) 5、Check up on the answers. 6、Extension. Explain that the children are going to act out a role play in groups of three: two are friends who meet at food plaza in a shopping mall, and the third is the assistant serving the food. 7、Summary. Lesson Four 本节课通过多种形式的活动、游戏,帮助学生复习本单元的单词、句型以及歌谣,学生有了进一步的熟悉,但对 What do you like? I like ( French fries).的句型还需要多练习。在上节课的基础上学习歌谣,利用多媒体软件播放的节奏、配图、动作,让学生模仿操练这首歌谣,并进行表演,学生学习兴趣较浓,且节奏较强,掌握得较好,学生在找一找,涂一涂,连线时也做得很好。


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