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    1、6.The government has lost a great deal of because of the large increase in food price.A.strength B.support C.agreement D.vote7.This hotel the one we stayed in last year.A.reminds me of B.reminds me to C.remembers me of D.remember me to8.They said I had given the whistle was worth.A.twice as many as

    2、B.as twice many as C.as twice much as D.twice as much as9.It is necessary to a large vocabulary in learning a language.A.accumulate B.collect C.assemble D.gather10.Many people in Africa seem to be of the American way of life:driving everywhere.A.envious B.hopeful C.pleased D.happy11.One of the requi

    3、rements for a fire is that the material to its burning temperature.A.is heated B.will be heated C.be heated D.would be heated12.I have to my expenditure to my income.A.transfer B.adjust C.direct D.add13.If he had been in better health,he more books.A.can write B.could have written C.could write D.ha

    4、ve written14.With the development of industry,this region will surely .A.develop B.profit C.succeed D.thrive15.Im going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, I have relatives.A.which B.nevertheless C.where D.when16.-Could I borrow your dictionary? -Id get it for you I could remember who last bor

    5、rowed it.A.except that B.if only C.only if D.unless17.The terrorists to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.A.pretended B.determined C.threatened D.proceeded18.It is generally thought to be of importance to a man that he himself.A.knew B.know C.knows D.must know19.My friends us into goin

    6、g swimming.A.persuaded B.told C.invited D.suggested20.The total cultivated area is 13,000 acres, 10,000 acres are irrigated fields.A.which B.of which C.in that D.of that21.There was a large crowd in the square against the war.A.protecting B.protesting C.preventing D.promoting22.I could not persuade

    7、him to accept it, make him see the importance of it.A.if only I could not B.no more than I couldC.or I could not C.nor could I23.Mr.Green said his clients our samples by the end of last month.A.didnt receive B.hadnt received C.havent received D.dont receive24.Language belongs to each if us,to the fl

    8、ower-seller to the professor.A.as far as B.as much as C.as many as D.as long as25.Because of the reduction of air pollution,this city now is a good place .A.where to live B.which to live C.to live D.to be live26.Only when it is correct in every detail .A.his model can really run B.can his model real

    9、ly runC.his model really can run D.can really his model run27.He is to win.No one else in the race stands a chance.A.bound B.liable C.probable D.apt28.I continued to study the discouragement I hand received.A.despite of B.despite C.in spite D.in spite that29.Its the in this country to go out and pic

    10、k flowers on the first day of spring.A.normal B.habit C.custom D.use30.Without the friction between their feet and the ground,people would be able to walk.A.in no time B.on any account C.by all means D.in no way31.He didnt allow in his room;actually he did not allow his family at all.A.to smoke;to s

    11、moke B.smoking;to smokeC.to smoke;smoking D.smoking;smoking32.With such poor he really needs glasses.A.vision B.view C.sense D.scene33. the plan carefully,he rejected it.A.To have considered B.To considerC.Having considered D.Considering34.Finding it difficult to to the climate in the city,he decide

    12、d to move to the north.A. fit B.adopt C.suit D.adapt35.Our public transportation system is not for the needs of the people.We need more buses and subways.A.complete B.adequate C.normal D.good36.He apologized having to leave so early.A.because of B.with C.owing to D.for37.There were no tickets for Fr

    13、idays performance.A.preferable B.considerable C.possible D.available38.They decided to chase the cow away it did more damage.A.unless B.until C.before D.while39.It was essential that the application forms back before the deadline.A.must be sent B.would be sent C.be sent D.were sent 40.She never laug

    14、hed, lose her temper.A.or she ever did B.nor did she everC.or did she ever D.nor she ever did.Reading Comprehension(50 points)In this part are 4 passages.Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them,there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the

    15、 best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage One“If you want to see a thing well,reach out and touch it!” That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better.Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in you

    16、r hands,you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass is.When you feel all these about the ball,you really see it.With your skin,you can feel better.For example,your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket.You can feel a little drop of water o

    17、n the back of your hand,too. All children soon learn what “Dont touch!”means.They hear it often.Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up.In shops,we touch things as we might buy:food,clothes.To see something well,we have to touch it.There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One w

    18、ay is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet,the clothes on your body,the air on your skin.At first,it is not easy to feel these things.You are too used to them! Most museums are just for looking.But today some museums have some things to

    19、 touch.Their signs say,“Do touch!”There you can feel everything on show.If we want to see better,reach out and touch.Then you will really see! 41.By touching things, .A.you will have a strange feelingB.you will learn how to reach out your handC.you can know them betterD.you can tell what colors they

    20、 are42.When people buy things in shops,they often . A.buy them first B.keep their right hands on them C.ask about them D.feel and touch them 43.Why does it say “At first,it is not easy to feel these things”? Because .A.the things are used by people,too B.people feel the things too oftenC.people know

    21、 how to use the thingsD.the things are easy to feel44.Which of the following is true?A.Touching is more important than seeing.B.Our feet,fingers,hands and skin can help us buy food.C.People have to learn to see by feeling as they grow up.D.Visitors can feel the things on show in some museums.45.Whic

    22、h of the following can be best title of the story?A.Touching by Feeling. B.To See or to Feel?C.To See Better-Touch. D.Ways of Feeling. Passage TwoPronouncing a language is a skill.Every normal person is an expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language,but few people are even moderately profici

    23、ent at pronouncing foreign languages.Now there are many reasons for this.Some are obvious,some perhaps not so obvious.But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages much better than they do in their own languages is that they fail to grasp the true nat

    24、ure of the problem of learning to pronounce them,and consequently never set about speaking them in the right way.Far too many people fail to realize that pronouncing a foreign language is a skill that needs careful training of a special kind,and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take

    25、 care of itself.I think even teachers of language,while recognizing the importance of a good accent,tend to neglect,in their practical teaching,the branch of study concerned with speaking the language.So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught,the teacher should b

    26、e prepared to devote some of the lesson to this,and his whole attitude to the subject should make the students feel that here is a matter worthy of receiving their close attention.46.Teaching pronunciation .A.should always be taken into first considerationB.can never be treated as a main courseC.may

    27、 not be so important as someone thinksD.is often neglected in teachers practice47.The teachers attitude to the subject can .A.change the students devotion to the teacher himselfB.influence the students attention to itC.receive students attention to his pronunciationD.Reduce students interest in lang

    28、uage48.According to the author, good proficiency at pronouncing foreign languages.A.many people fail to achieve B.many students can attainC.most teachers ignore D.most teachers have49.That most students cant pronounce a foreign language properly is because .A.they like to learn grammar rather than p

    29、ronunciationB.teachers think pronunciation is not importantC.teachers can not find effective ways to teach pronunciationD.they lack careful training in pronunciation50.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.A good accent can be acquired by natureB.Language speaking is not so difficult as grammarC.Pronouncing a foreign language is a skillD.One can learn pronunciation without instructions. Passage Three I strongly believe that understanding is more impo


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