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    1、of eight and a half percent from the year before. But only five and a half percent of them stayed for a full year. Part 4 Home Listening & Watching Following is script of the lecture:How to Improve Your English Level There are five points. Number 1 is the most important. Five Make English Your Hobby

    2、 and Have Fun. Study at least two or three hours per week. Learn English through other activities. READING There are graded books in English for your level. INTERNET Begin with the activities on this website and on the links age. SONGS IN ENGLISH Take your favorite songs and download the lyrics, the

    3、 words from Google, and sing them again and again until your neighbors scream “stop”. DVDs Many films are also in English with subtitles in your language. MAGAZINES There are specialized magazines for English students. TRAVEL Travel motivates you to improve your level because you need English for ev

    4、erything. Number Four Be Constant. Dont stop for long periods of time, such as in the summer. And dont do too much. Its also important to study at least 3 hours every week. To progress very well, you should study at least 5 hours per week. Three Be as Disciplined and Organized as Possible with Your

    5、Classes. Free conversation is necessary and so is more controlled speaking. Practice activities in class. However, it is better to balance conversation with other activities in your classes or outside of your classes. In a one-to-one class, you should do all the homework. Reading and vocabulary stud

    6、ying outside of your class and then comment on the homework in the class. It is important for you to do the homework that your teacher assigns you. And it is very important for you to be punctual to your classes. Two Get a Teacher or Attend a Class. Its easier to be constant, disciplined and organiz

    7、ed if you have a teacher. Its more difficult to study English alone. Also its more difficult to learn how to speak English if you dont have an English teacher to speak with. One Its your responsibilities to reach, or to get your objectives. Learning English is your responsibility and not the respons

    8、ibility of your teacher. Following is the script of the video clip:How Can I Study More Effectively During College?Studying more effectively is often times part ones own individual learning style and the amount of time that it takes you to learn new material, as well as some of whats going on in ter

    9、ms of your adjustment issues to a college environment and the work that is required, the level of work. Students come to college many times with memories of what it was like in high school, to be able to cram for a test or to be able to study the night before and be able to get something together th

    10、eir presentation together. In college, it does not work that way. Its very very different. So its very important to learn how you study. Learn when the best time of day for you to study. Some people can study very well very late at night, and as long as you dont have a morning class that might work

    11、for you. The other thing is that if youre having trouble, dont be afraid to ask. Many times going to a faculty member in their office hours and explain to them that you noticed that you werent doing very well on a quiz, and do they have any input for you, do they have advice. Pretty much every colle

    12、ge or university also has a learning center. This is an office where trained professionals can talk with you, can find out when you like to study, how you like to study, and they may even discover that there are some unique issues to the way that you learn or the way that you study. And there may be

    13、 some appropriate assessments that they can provide you to learn more about your own learning style. Following is the script of the audio clip:Woman: So, whats your usual day like? You always seem so busy. Man: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00. Why do you g

    14、et up so early?Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 oclock. It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. Woman: And what time do you get to work? Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front

    15、 of my office. Thats nice. And what time do you get off work? Uh, around 5:00 oclock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so. So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you created it at home? Well, my wife and I often watch

    16、TV or talk until 10:00 oclock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the early hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by 1:00 or 2: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.? Well, yeah, but its important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you

    17、have to set aside time fo人 family and yourself. I agree. But I think my wife has the toughest job. She spends her whole day taking care of the family, taking the kids to school,working in the garden, buying groceries, taking the kids to piano lessons Wow! Thats a full- time job, but she enjoys what

    18、she does. Woman: Well, it sounds like youre a busy, but a lucky man. I think so, too. Task 2 Listen to the following conversation and write down the answers to the questions (108). Stuart: Amy. So, how are you doing?Amy: Oh, hi, Stuart. School is so crazy these days, and when Im not at school, Im at

    19、 work. Hey, listen. Im getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are going to join us. Oh. And, were well, were going out to eat and then catch a movie. Why dont you come with us? Hey, Id love to, but I have to cram for a test tomorrow. Ah, come on. Were planning on

    20、 having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30. We should be home by 10:30 11:30 at the latest. I mean youre always saying that you dont have any friends and that you love life well, that you dont have one. Come on! I I dont think Id better. I havent been feeling well lately. Yeah, becau

    21、se you study too much. Well, well have a blast. Come on!Relax. Well And its Saras birthday, too. And were throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come on. Best friends always stick together. Oh. Okay. Great. Ill pick you up at 6: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30. Ah, 1

    22、0:30 Midnight. Its all the same. See you at 6:Following is the script of the report:No two college radio stations sound alike. (SOUND) Some stations have a low-budget sound and students do all the work. Others, like WBRU at Brown University at Rhode Island, have a professional operation heard throug

    23、hout their communities. College stations play all kinds of music, from jazz to hard rock. Many also have news, including national or international programming. More than three hundred college radio and television stations belong to a group called Collegiate Broadcasters Incorporated. CBI helps organ

    24、ize a National College Media Conference which this year took place in Washington. Hundreds of students, professors and media professionals were at the four-day event last week. Warren Kozirenski at the State University of New York-Brockport is chairman of CBI. He points to WBRU as an example of a commercial station, meaning it earns money by selling time to advertisers. The station is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission which pol


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