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    1、中元音:后元音u:ua:双元音开合双元音eiaiau集中双元音辅音爆破音清辅音ptk浊辅音bdg摩擦音fshvz破擦音trtsdrdz鼻音(浊辅音)mn舌则音lr半元音wj英语发音器官图英国英语辅音表发音部位方式双唇唇齿齿齿龈齿龈硬腭舌前硬腭软颚声门舌前齿龈清Ptk浊bdg fshvezrmn舌侧音lwj规则动词过去式加“ed”后的发音规则在浊辅音和元音后面 dCalled borrowedmoved mu:vd enjoyedWelcomedanswered在清辅音后面 taskedfinishedhelpedhelptpassed pa:streached在t音后面 idwantedwCn

    2、tid startedsta:tidd音后面idneededni:did countedkauntid0补充说明:规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有:1. 直接在词尾加-ed。如: wantwanted, workworked, needneeded,cleancleaned2. 以不发音的 e 结尾的在词尾加-d。likeliked, livelived, useused,movemoved3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed。stopstopped, triptripped4. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,先把 y

    3、变成 i,再加-ed。studystudied,carrycarried, hurryhurried, marrymarried第一课/i: /bee bi: please pli:z teacherti:t meetmi:tmeat mi:seat si:sweet swi:leaf li:ftea ti:1 Please have a seat.2 Please make yourself at home.3 Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health.4 Seeing is believing. I dont beli

    4、eve what I hear. I only believe what I see.5 Im proud to be Chinese. Im proud to be an international Chinese./I /ticket tikit build bild difficult dfk?lt sit stsister sstgive v busy bz 1 Im finished. Its very good. It was delicious.2 The food here is terrific. I love it. Its out of this world.3 Ive

    5、just finished reading this book. Its very good.4 Please give me a minute. Let me think about this.5 Its not very difficult. Its very easy.6 Its a little bit too big./e /welcome welk?m bed bedredred westwest bestbest friendfrend hellohel?u everyoneevriwn1 Breakfast is ready, eat it before its get col

    6、d.2 When will it be ready?3 Lets get together soon.4 Well, Lets get everything ready.5 Every day and in every way, everything is getting better and better.6 Better late than never.7 Better to do well than to say well.8 East or west, home is the best./apple pl cat k?hath?catk?badb?dhappyh?pihaveh?v f

    7、amilyf?mili1 Thats fantastic. Thats absolutely fantastic.What happened Why are you so mad3 I have a happy family. My families are always talking and laughing4 I have to call you back. Im busy now.5 I cant stand your bad habits.6 Every moment in life matters. Live in a moment.7 Whats your action plan

    8、?8 Grab every chance to practice your English. Practice is the only secret to success.第二课bus bsmoney mni cup kpshuttdustdst 1 Whats up Nothing much.2 Hurry up!m coming. Dont rush me.4 How can you eat so much, thats disgusting.5 I send my parents some money once a month.6 Enough is enough. Just shut

    9、up.7 I study English just for fun. I have no pressure. /:girl :l perfect p:fiktbirthday b:dei firstf:st birdb:d workw:kwordw:worldw:ldearly:li 1 My tooth really hurts. My whole mouth hurts. I have to go to the dentist.2 Im leaving now. I have to work early tomorrow.3 Words are not for hurting other

    10、people. Words are for encouraging other people.4 Confident people never get hurt. They learn from everything.5 The situation is getting worse and worse. I dont know what to do. Can you help me?6 You can always turn to me for help. Im always here for you.7 Thats a perfect solution. Im sure itll work.

    11、8First come, first serve.9 The early birds catch the worm.10 A bird in a hand is worth two in the bush.doctor dkt America merik possible ps?bl brotherbremothermesistersist aboutbautChinatainSorry to bother you, but I have a question.2 My mother is a doctor, and my father is a teacher. We all learn E

    12、nglish together.3 I hope the weather would get better. Im sick of this wet weather.4 Better luck next time.5 I can never remember grammar rules; sentences are a better way to learn grammar.6 Never stop trying, never give up. Never say impossible to yourself!7 Would you please do me a favor Can you t

    13、each me how to pronounce this word8 I discovered another great restaurant near my house.第三课 u:food fu:fruit fru:too / tu:/ rude /ru:d/soon/su:n/room / ru:m /blue / blu:1. Thats cool. I really like your school.2. We have something really cool to show you.3. What kind of food do you like Spicy food or

    14、 seafood4. Ill be back soon. Please wait for a few minutes.5. Dont lose the opportunity.6. That news seems far too good to be true.7. Its our duty to reduce pollution and protect our environment.8. I feel so blue; I dont know what to do.foot ftbook bk cook kk putpt pushp pullpllooklkgoodd 1. How do

    15、I look Do I look good2. You push and Ill pull. Just be careful.3. We should study. We shouldnt waste our time.4. She is good-looking woman. She also has a good personality.5. Id like to book a table for two tonight.6. Could you take a look at this for me7. Dont push yourself too hard. Relax. fork f:

    16、reporter rip:daughter d:walk w:draw dr:floor fl:order :warm w:1. Can I have some more This soup is really good.2. I like sports very much. I play sports every day. I am good at many sports.3. I wasnt born yesterday. Dont try to trick me.4. Its very important to read English every morning.5. My offic

    17、e is on the fourth floor. It is the second door on the left.6. Are you ready to order or would you like to look at the menu for any longer.7. I was born in the northern part of China.8. The murder took place at 4 in the morning.9. I got a perfect score on my last English test.10. Good English will o

    18、pen the door to a good future.dog d god d drop drp boss bsimpossible imps?blsoft sft wash w 1. Its not your fault. Its all my fault. Im to blame.2. Lets walk to the office. Walking is good for our health.3. My son and daughter-in-law are visiting me this fall.4. Id like to talk to you. Do you have t

    19、ime?5. Price goes before fall.6. He almost always walks to work.7. I always thought I would go abroad someday./:laugh l:star st:last l:passport p:sp:are :car k:hard h:far f:1 Youre so smart. Youre so charming.2 I want to be an English speaking star. I want to speak amazing English.3 Its getting hard

    20、er and harder to live without a car. I really want to buy a car.4 Would you like to come to my party I really want to come.5 My English is far from perfect. I have a hard time with my pronunciation.6 We must stop harming the environment. We have to work harder to take care of the earth.7 I dont have

    21、 any cash with me. Can I pay by credit card8 Youre not allowed to park your car here. You can park in the parking lot over here.9 You have a very charming personality. Im sure youll go far in your life.10 Please pardon me for interrupting you. Im sorry to bother you.第四课steak steik cake keik lateleit

    22、 Maymeifacefeishateheit nameneim todaytdei I feel great today. Today is a great day. Its great to be alive.2. Ill meet you at the railway station. Please wait for me.3. Eat here or take away Take away.4. My experience of learning English is very painful. I hate English and my first English teacher.5

    23、. Everyone makes mistakes. Dont worry about it. Learn from you mistakes.6. Life is an ongoing training course. You learn something new everyday.7. Take care. Its raining very hard today.8. I really appreciate your patients and support.9. I am very grateful to you for your help. I own you a lot.10. T

    24、his is my favorite place in Beijing. Whats you favorite place in Beijingcry krai bye ba likelaiknicenaislifelaiftimetaim Iai 1. I think youre right. Youre always right.2. Let me try. I think I can do it.3. Let bygones be bygones. Dont worry about the past.4. Ill fly to China tomorrow night.5. Ill pi

    25、ck you up. What time is your flight Whats your flight number6. Why not try it Its delicious.7. Would you like to try some Chinese wine Its really good.8. My flight will arrive at five past nine tonight9. Five times five is 25. The price is 25.toy ti boybijoydi enjoyindi joindin1. I enjoy speaking English. I enjoy losing face. I enjoy being successful.2. Dont spoil your little


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