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    1、 very C. What a; so D. How; so4.- Excuse me, could you tell me ?-Theres a bank on the sec ond floor. You can make it there.A.where I can cha nge money B. how I can get to the bankC. how can I get to the bank D. where can I cha nge money5.- Which do you like better, McDonald sor KFC?- , I just like C

    2、hin ese fast food.A.Both B. All C. Neither D. Either6.I don feel like the mountain on such a cold day.A. climbi ng B. to climb C. climbed D. climb7.He advised me TV too long.A. not to watch B. watch ing C. not watch D. watched8.- Are you free today?-No, I have to do.A. anything importa nt B. someth

    3、ing importa ntC. importa nt nothing C. importa nt somethi ng9.Is there anything I can do for you?A. which B. what C. that D. who10.We are looki ng forward to the World Cup 2014.A. visit ing B. watchi ng C. looki ng D. see ing11.The Spring Festival by Chin ese all over the world.A. celebrate B. will

    4、celebrate C. is celebrated D.celebrated12. beautiful cards you made!A. What a B. What C. How D. How a13.-What can I do for you, madam?A. I can help myself B. No, I don t need.C. Yes, please help me D. I d like to buy a pair ofshoes.14.Please open the win dow. I feel a little cold.A. not B. not to C.

    5、 don t D. to not15.You should give up .A. in smoke B. smoke C. smoked D. smok ing16.-Where is your cat? I haventsee n it for a long time.-Oh, itabout ten days ago.A. died; is dead B. has died; has diedC. was dead; has died D. is dead; died17. he fini shed his homework, he went out to play.A. As well

    6、 as B. As well.ItC. As far asD. As soon27. Tom wan ted to have his car as18.The group of ten members.A. consists B. consistcon sisted19.He hasA. such20.Those _A. whoC.con sist ingD.21. If heA. don startlittle money that he canB. such a C. soare in vited to the party come from America.B. whom C. that

    7、 D. whicht afford to buy this gift. D. only atomorrow, he will be late.B. didn start C. doesntstartD. won 22.The you study, the mistakes you will make.A. more careful; fewer B. more careful; lessC. more carefully; fewer D. most carefully; fewer23.No one is Lucy in the class.A. so tallest as B. as ta

    8、ller asC. so high as D. as tall as24.I spe nt an hour at the stati on for the train.A. wait B. waited C. wait ing D. waits25.Usually we don realize the importa nee of n ature it is toolate.A. unl ess B. un til C. if D. after26.We all remember the days we studied together at school.A. which B. on tha

    9、t C. whe n D. thatA. wash B. washed C. wash ing D. to wash28.Chi na is the third country a pers on into space.A. send B. to send C. sent D. sending29.It s not good idea to ride for hours without break.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the30. They have bee n to the Un ited States.Really? When there

    10、?A. do they do B. did they go C. will they go D. have they gone31.If Jack s wife won t go to the pa_y,A. he will either B. n either will heC. he n either will D. either he will32.Li Ming is a stude nt.A. 17 years old B. 17-year old C. 17 year old D.17-year-old33.Would you please my little dog whe n

    11、I am away?A. look after B. look at C. look up D. look dow n34. He will show his new CD player to you as soon as he A. fini shes writ ingC. fini shes to writehis letter.B. will finish writingD. will finish to write35. This book is writte n in easy English begi nners can read iteasily.A. so; that B. s

    12、o an; that C. such; that D. such an; that二.阅读理解(本题15个小题,每小题2分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)Mrs. Brow n cinema (电影院)s teleph one nu mber was 476032, and the nu mbehef t was 476023, so people ofte n made a mistake andteleph one her whe n they wan ted the cin ema.One eve ning the teleph o

    13、ne bell rang and Mrs. Brow n an swered it. A tired man said, “ At what time does your last film beg in? ”“I smrry, said Mrs. Brown, “buyou have the wrong number. This is not the cinema. ” “ Oh,sorry, it began twenty minutes ago? Goodbye, ” said the man.Mrs. Brown was very surprised, so she told her

    14、husband. He laughed and said, “ Thenan svife wan ted to go to the cin ema, but he was feeli ng tired, so he teleph oned the cin ema. His wife heard him, but she couldn t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husba nd will be happy. ”36.Why did people ofte n teleph one her while

    15、they wan ted the cin ema?A.Because the two teleph one nu mbers are the sameB.Because they used the same telepho neC.Because the two teleph one nu mbers looked almost the same37.Who said that the film had beg un twenty minu tes before?A. The ma n. B. Mrs. Brow n C. Mr. Brow n38.Why did Mrs Brow n fee

    16、l surprised after she an swered the teleph one?A.Because the man wan ted the cin ema.B.Because she didn t understand what the man meant.C.Because she was wrong with her telepho ne39.What do you think the man s wife heard?A.“I m sorry, but you have the wrong number. ”B.“ This is not the cin ema. ”C.“

    17、 Oh, sorry, it bega n twenty minu tes ago. ”40.Why did the man make the pho ne call?A.Because he wan ted his wife to see the last film.B.Because he and his wife both wan ted to see the last film.C.Because he felt tired and wan ted to stay at home.BPeople choose colors when they buy things. Because o

    18、f this, factories want to make things that are the colors people buy. For example,a car factory n eeds to know how many red cars or gree n ones they should make. Good bus in essme n 商人)know that young people colors are different from old people s, and men s are different from womenYoung children car

    19、e about the color of anything most. They like warm colors - red, yellow, and oran ge. Whe n people get older, they begi n to care more about the shape tha n color. The most liked color of grow n-ups成年人)of all coun tries is blue. Their sec ond loved color is red, and their third is gree n.On the whol

    20、e, women like brighter colors than men do. Almost every one likes red, but wome n like yellow and gree n more tha n men do.If two thi ngs are the same except color, they will look differe nt. A red thi ng always looks n earer tha n a blue on e, just like bright things look larger than dark ones. Tha

    21、t rgewhiyfat people who want to looksmaller or thinner wear(穿) dark clothes.41.Why do factories want to know how people feel about different colors?A.People care more about the colors of things tha n the shapes.B.People choose to buy things by their colors.C.People like things with bright colors.42.

    22、Accord ing to the text, yellow is a color liked more by .A. wome n and men B. childre n and wome n C. men and childre n43.When childre n pick up(挑 K选)thi ngs, they are first in terested in theA. Color B. shape C. size44.If two boxes are the same except color, the orange one looks tha n the black one

    23、.A. Smaller B. darker C. bigger45.A good title(题目)for this text could be .A. Color and Bus in ess B. People and ColorC. Bright Color and Dark Color.CMost America n families like to have a vacati on in summer. Summer is a good seas on for traveli ng.The Un ited States is a very large coun try. Lots o

    24、f families travel by car to see in teresti ng places in their own coun try. Some favorite cities to visit are New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco and Los An geles. These big cities have many famous build in gs, theaters, stores and other places of in terest for tourists.Certai nly not every one likes

    25、to go to busy cities. Some families travel to the mountains or to beautiful valleys. They usually take a camera and retur n with a lot of nice colored pictures of the places they visit.Some people have eno ugh time and money and like to travel to other coun tries like Fran ce, Japa n or Arge nti na.

    26、 They usually fly to these coun tries on pla nes.46.Which seas on is the best choice to have a vacati on for America n families?A)Spri ng B) Summer C) Autu mn D)Win ter47.How do America n families usually travel in their own coun try?A) by car B) by train C) by pla ne D) by boat48.第II卷(非选择题,共35分)Whi

    27、ch city is among the most favorite for America ns to visit?A) Washington B) Atlanta C) Las Vegas D) SanFran cisco49.三、完成对话(每空只填一词,每空 1分,共15分)51.- do you the ani mals?-I like them very much.52.- What about your educati on?-I a vocati onal school.53.- can I do for you, madam?-I for a coat for my daugh

    28、ter.What is the usual means for traveli ng to other coun tries?A) By car. B) By train. C) By plane. D) Byboat.50.Which stateme nt is not true?A)Some families like to travel to the mountains.B)Some people have eno ugh time and money and like to travel toother coun tries.C)Every one likes to go to bus

    29、y cities.D)Some people usually fly to other coun tries on pla nes.-Once a week.55.- Hello. May I to Mike?-Sorry, he is . Please call back later.56.-Excuse me. Could you tell me how get to thestatio n?-Go dow n this road and tur n right at the sec ond cross ing.57.- Would you like me to help you?- , any way. I can do it myself.58.-You are not quite yourself. Whafs with you? ve got a bad cold and I m feeling terrible.四职场应用(A部分10分,B部分10分)任务:为经理和朋友选择合适的电影观看假如你是ABC公司的秘书Zhang Hua,你有公司经理和朋


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