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    1、ear(年) 一年 两年 三岁 大四岁 seasns(季节)There are seasns in a ear There and nths(月)按seasn划分为inter is , and Spring is , and Suer is , and Fall is , and anuar is the nth f a earee(星期)There are das in a ee The are , , , , , and 时间短语:周末 下周 上周 明天 昨天 今晚 或 今天早上 今天下午 in spring/suer/anuar/Februar/arh n nda/Tuesda/edne

    2、sda时刻(at)at seven l at nine l at six thirt 4Fd and drins(食品与饮料)estern fd(西方食品)ae (面包) ht dg haburger (鸡腿) Frenh fries e (果汁) ater tea ffee ie-rea eastern fd(东方食品)米饭 fish 猪肉 uttn 面条 牛肉 汤 eggVegetable(蔬菜)卷心菜 茄子 , green beans, tfu , 土豆 番茄 黄瓜 , nin , 胡萝卜 Fruit(水果)桃子 ,梨 ,range ,西瓜 , apple , banana ,草莓 ,

    3、葡萄 ,关于味觉的单词可口的 或 ,健康的 ,甜的 ,酸的 ,新鲜的 ,咸的 ,饿了 餐具盘子 ,叉子 , nife , 勺子 , 筷子 请随便吃 lthes(衣服)at(外衣,inter), 夹克衫 , 衬衫 , 裙子 ,连衣裙 ,毛线衣 ,一条牛仔裤 , 一条长裤 , 一双袜子 一条短裤 一双鞋子 Shes分为 (运动鞋), (拖鞋), (凉鞋), (靴子)我穿17尺码 6T and statinar(玩具与具)T洋娃娃 ,小船 ,皮球 ,风筝 ,气球 ,ar, 飞机 交通工具:地铁 ,ship,plane,火车,bus,bie,eep,taxi,tr le,“乘”用b,但是n ft。St

    4、atinar pen , penil ,penil-ase ,ruler ,橡皮擦 ,蜡笔 ,bag,sharpener形容词: 便宜的 , expensive, prett, 多彩的 b汇总漫画书 ,报纸 ,杂志 ,字典 ,pst ard,hinese b ,English b, ath b, str b ,nteb 7日常生活用品air-nditiner , (窗帘) ,trash bin ,lset ,irrr ,end table ,phne ,bed ,sfa , (书架),fridge ,table ,alan , (台灯)After shl ,I ent (家)This is (

    5、房子)There are five rs in huse There a (书房),a (卫生间), a (卧室),a (客厅) and a (厨房)I helpful at he I an ept the trash, (煮饭),ater the flers, (扫地),lean the bedr, (做家务),ae the bed , (整理餐具),ash the lthes, (洗碗),put aa the lthes, ath TV and pla puter gaes8Anial(动物)At z, there are fx, zebra, giraffe ,梅花鹿 ,at ,dg ,

    6、ne,熊猫 ,兔子 ,鸭子 ,pig ,bird ,熊 ,use,squirrel ,angar ,狮子 ,蛇 and 老虎 At (农场),there are sheep ,lab ,马 ,母鸡 ,羊 ,奶牛 ,dne and gse9植物(plant)seed ,sil ,sprut 植树 10环境与建筑(building)air s (小溪) untain (河流) fler grass lae frest path par (村庄) (城市) bridge tree rad buildinglibrar , pst ffie , hspital , inea , bstre , she

    7、 stre ,fruit stand ,pet shp ,superaret ,ban ,siene useu11Bd(身体)head ,fae ,nse ,uth ,ee ,ear ,ar ,hand ,finger ,leg ,ft ,thratfeel si/ill(生病了)发烧 ,受伤 ,感冒 ,牙疼 ,头疼 ,喉咙疼 心情 feel tired exited angr happ bred sad(感到疲劳兴奋生气高兴无聊悲伤)12个人情况 nae is (爱好)is riding a bie , diving , plaing the vilinpian , aing ites ,l

    8、leting staps, usi ,siene ,sprts, puter gae ,painting13fail(家庭)、亲属和friend(朋友)This is fail There are eight peple in fail The are (父母)【 and 】, (兄弟), (姐妹) (舅舅,叔叔), (姑姑,婶婶), (外公,爷爷)and (外婆,奶奶)按性别分为b and girl ,an and an人物长相性格特征描述:ung ,funn ,tall ,strng ,big sall ,lng ,ind(和蔼的,亲切的) ,ld ,shrt ,thin ,strit(严

    9、厉的), (聪明的), (活跃的) (安静的),lng hair , (短头发)问“他/她长什么样?” ?“他瘦瘦的,矮矮他很和蔼” “她年轻而且漂亮她很搞笑” “他有黑色的短发和大大的眼睛” “她很安静” 14学校建筑和学校生活(prinipal、teaher and student) (操场), (花园),teahers ffie, (图书馆), (餐厅),lassr , (美术教室),puter r ,ashr,usi r , (体育馆)ind, bard, light, piture ,dr ,flr ,lassr ,puter ,teahers des , (墙壁), (电风扇),d

    10、es and hair学校生活:read b ,d her ,have English lass usi lass PE lassath lass hinese lass ,d rning exerises ,pla sprts,1eather(天气)问今天天气怎么样? ? Its and rain , sn , ind , lud , sunn ,ar , ld , l , ht , lud , vapur16节日D u n hen are these hlidas? Spring festival(元旦) is n Tree-planting Da(植树节) is n hildrens D

    11、a(儿童节) is n Ar Da(建军节) is n Teahers Da(教师节) is n Natinal Da(国庆节) is n id-autun Da(中秋节) is n Lanterns Da(元宵节) is n SeasnHlidaSpring ( arh April a )Suer ( une ul August )Fall( Septeber tber Nveber )inter( Deeber anuar Februar )日期的读法 比如:an22nd 就读成 anuar the tent-send Apr19th 就读成April the nineteenth17方位

    12、traffi lightrule ,stp at a red light ,ait at a ell light ,g at a green light ,turn left ,turn right ,g straight ,next t(与相邻),far aa(远离) , in , n ,under ,near ,behind(在后面), ver(在上方),in frnt f(在前面) ,east ,est ,suth, nrthThis is r There is a bed, a des ,a lset and a shelf There are t end tables near th

    13、e bed The puter is n the des The bs are n the shelf The trash bin is behind the dr hat an u see ver the bed? Its piture18日常生活、日常工作、日常学习的活动:tae a trippitures, , read a agazine , g t the inea ,get up ,g t shl, g he ,g t bed ,pla ftball ,haveeat breafast ,haveeat lunh ,haveeat dinner , lib untains , g

    14、shpping , pla the pian ,visit grandparents ,g hiing , fl ites, sate ,ae a snan ,plant trees ,sleep ,dra pitures , dinner ,read a b,anser the phne, listen t usi ,lean the r ,rite a letter ,rite an e-ail , pi up leaves , llet leaves , pla hess ,have a pini ,rite a reprt ,drin ater ,up ,al ,run ,lib ,f

    15、ight ,si ,sing iss Lin is a teaher She (居住) in ue Qing She (教)English She t r b ar She (读)nespaper everdaShe ges he at 11:1 She (看)TV in the evening She ges t bed at 11 l把以上的现在时态改成过去时态。iss Lin a teaher She (居住) in ue Qing She taughtShe he at 11:1 She (看)TV in the evening She t bed at 11 l19职业(b)sing

    16、er , riter , TV reprter , pliean , salespersn ,leaner ,baseball plaer ,driver ,dtr ,farer, nurse atr , atress , artist , engineer , auntant你是做什么的? ?他她是做什么的?20代词Ieuhesheittheeusuhiherittheururhisheritstheir21缩写I a = it is = he is = she is = h is = that is = e ill= hat is = u are = the are = an nt = d nt = d nt = des nt= is nt= are nt= let us = nuber = 22实用的短句:Gd idea!( ) All right!( ) Gd b!( )Sure Here u are ( ) Thats right ( )N prble ( )


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