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    1、2018年山东省淄博市中考英语试卷 一、完形填空(共1小题,满分10分) Its interesting to have a chance to teach English abroad because you see a completely different education system.I am teaching in Belgium ( 比利时)this year and I have realized (1)_there are some big differences.For example: in the UK,it is (2) _ to wear a school un

    2、iform. It is nice to wear a school uniform (3) _ you dont have to think about what to wear in the morning. You just put on your uniform and go. This (4)_ a lot of time.Another difference I have noticed is also about clothing: Teachers (5) _in a more relaxed way in Belgium. They wear (6) _ . In my ex

    3、perience in the UK,teachers wear similar things to the people (7)_work in an office: shirtsand ties for men; dresses skirts dark trousers and shirts for women .As I am working with older students who are aged (8)_16 to 18 ,I have also noticed that they have (9) _ : subjects than I did at their age.

    4、In the UK,students only choose four subjects ( five if they have very good grades) at 16.Some people like this; because it means they do not have to study subjects they dont like. Others feel that students make such a big choice too (10)_, because the subjects they choose at 16 will have an influenc

    5、e on what they can study atuniversity. (1) A. that B. what C.how D.when(2) A. terrible B. common C. expensive D. difficult(3) A. unless B. though C. because D. if(4) A. has B. spends C. wastes D.saves(5) A. teach B. dress C. speak D. walk(6) A. jeans B. dresses C. ties D. suits(7) A. who B. where C.

    6、 whose D.which(8) A. at B.in C.between D.from(9) A. fewer B. better C.more D.less (10) A. late B.early C.wisely D.well二、阅读理解(共4小题,满分24.0 分2. (48分)Amazing AnimalsA Cat Has Cool EyesIts hard to look away from Pam Pam, a white shorthair cat. Pam Pam has iridis;an eye problem that means one eye is blue

    7、and the other is a different color- yell owLuckily;! iridis doesnt cause any pain or sight problems; Doctor Seth Cohensays. This problem can also be found in humans and other animals; such as dogs and horses. An interesting thing: Pam Pams owner always matches a scarf to her eye colors.Even though P

    8、am Pam doesnt look like a regular cats she acts like one. She loves to hide behind chairs and jump out at the little dog suddenly when he walks by.A Sea Lion Goes fora walkWhat does a wild sea lion do when he needs some exercise? A sea lion named Astro walked to the crowd on the road! Astro pushed h

    9、imself to a nearby school last Friday. The students soon called the Wildlife Center for help and sent him back. There,Astro lived with other sea lions again- plenty of exercise!A Hero HorseWhen a cow attacked ( 攻击) Fiona Boyd, she found herself in a scary place. I was under her four legs and .“Boyd

    10、says. Luckily for the farmer,her horse rushed to the cow, I and began fighting with her legs as her owner moved to safety.Im quite sure Kerry saved my life. She became my bodyguard. That was her purpose in life. Boyd says. ;(1) Which of the following about Pam Pam is TRUE ?_A.Pam Pam is afraid of th

    11、e little dogs . B.Pam Pams eye colors are different .C.Pam Pams scarf matches her hair color. D.ridis makes Pam Pam blind .(2) What was Astros amazing experience last Friday?_A. He walked to the. crowd on the road. B. He played with some students.C. He exercised in the Wildlife Center . D. He went t

    12、o a school playground . (3) Why is Kerry called a Hero Horse ?.A. Because she attacked Fiona Boyd. B. Because she saved Fiona Boyd.C. Because she saved the cow. D. Because she was strong and fast.3. (6.4 分) If you ask me what my favorite sport is; my answer is swimming.1 started learning how to swim

    13、 when I was five years old.1 have been swimming ever since.There are many reasons why l love swimming, but Ill just share a few with you. Maybe I can even encourage you to go fora swim.The first reason I love swimming is that I feel totally relaxed whenever l leave the pool.I love the feeling of flo

    14、ating on the water and feeling almost weightless.On the other hand. it can also be a competitive sport which raises your heartbeat. its amazing pushing yourself to the challenge of beating someone else to the finish line.Is great fun racing across the pool as fast as you can!Another reason that l lo

    15、ve swimming is that it has more styles than other sports such as running and walking. it doesnt feel like youre doing the same thing over and over again.In summer, swimming can be a nice, refreshing ( 恢复精力的break!There s nothing better than jumping into the water on a hot summers day. You can choose to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea. And finally,its a life skill whi


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