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    1、B. In the hotel.C. In the store.7. When will they probably go to the museum?A. On Wednesday.B. On Friday.C. On Thursday.8. What does the girl look like?A. She is short.B. She has long curly hair.C. She has short hair.9. How many students are not in class?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.10. Where does the wo

    2、mans mother work now?A. At a school.B. In a hospital.C. At a train station.11. What does Sally mean?A. She is very busy.B. She is too tired.C. She doesnt feel well.12. Which of the following is right according to the conversation?A. The man cant find a room.B. Its very crowded.C. There is no room fo

    3、r the womans daughter.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第13至14题。13. What are the two persons?A. A policeman and a thief.B. A student and a reporter.C. A student and a teacher.14. What would the b

    4、oy do if he saw a thief?A. Hed watch the thief alone.B. Hed run awayC. Hed help the police catch the thief.听下面一段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Where did the man go for a trip?A. Mexico.B. America.C. Amazon River.16. What did he think of the trip?A. It was amazing.B. He didnt like it.C. It was Okay.17. What made t

    5、he man most unhappy?A. The food was awful.B. They couldnt find a hotel room.C. There were too many people there.听下面一段材料,回答第18至21题。18. Where are they talking?A. At home.B. In a hotel.C. In the street.19. How is Mr. Green going back?A. By Bus.B. On foot.C. By taxi.20. Has he ever been to London before

    6、?A. Yes, for several times.B. No, never.C. Yes, but only once.21. What will Mr. Green do in the evening?A. Go back to the hotel.B. Meet someone.C. Go around London.听下面一段材料,回答第22至25题。22. Who does the story tell about?A. A general who collected teeth.B. A general who sold teeth.C. A general who had so

    7、mething wrong with his teeth.23. How was the general when he heard the news?A. He was very angry and rushed out to look for his teeth.B. He was very angry and decided to buy his teeth back.C. He was too angry to say anything.24. How much might the officers pay for all the teeth?A. 875 dollars.B. 750

    8、 dollars.C. 575 dollars.25. What can we know from the story?A. The general had 175 teeth pulled out.B. The officers didnt find the generals teeth.C. The officers didnt know which teeth were the generals.第二部分 笔试部分二. 单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分) ( )26. -Why does Tom often come to school wearing the same clothes

    9、 every day _ the week? -That is because he is from a poor familyA. ofB. forC. atD. from( )27. -What does Janes father do? -Hes a teacher. He music at school.A. taughtB. has taughtC. teachesD. will teach( )28. -Its a nice iphone. -Yeah, my aunt it for my last birthday.A. buyB. have boughtC. will buyD

    10、. bought( )29. -Is Mary in the classroom? -No. She to the library.A. goesB. had goneC. has goneD. would go( )30. -How is everything going in the school, my kid? - .A. I am all right, thanksC. Very well, thank youB. Not too bad, I guessD. Not at all( )31. -My family had a really nice weekend in the p

    11、ark.A. Oh, thats very nice of youC. Its a pleasureB. CongratulationsD. I am glad to hear that( )32. Miss Li, can you tell me_?Sorry, I dont know.A. when will Mr Black leaveC. when will Mr Black arriveB. where Mr Black livesD. where does Mr Black stay( )33. -May I start out now, mum? -If you go, at l

    12、east wait till the heavy rain is over.A. mustB. canC. shouldD. may( )34. -How do you like the two ties? - Im afraid theyre both too dark, and_ of them matches my shirt very well.A. noneB. neitherC. eitherD. all( )35. -Can you _ the difference between the two words? -Sorry, I dont know. You can ask M

    13、iss King.A. pointB. tellC. sayD. speak( )36. -He didnt tell his parents he was going home because he wanted to give them a _.A. joyB. surpriseC. chanceD. smile( )37. -Her voice is _ when she talks with her students. -So they all like her.A.gentleB. loudC. noisyD. low( )38. -These T-shirts are usuall

    14、y $35 each. -But I hear today they have a _ price of $19 in the Shopping Center.A. possibleB. specialC. cheapD. common( )39. -It has been raining for two weeks! -Let us hope the weather _ before Saturday.A. controlsB. increasesC. rises D. improves( )40. -In face of failure, its important to a positi

    15、ve state of mind. -I agree with you.A. pick upB. keep upC. make upD. put up三、完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分) I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one 41 was the most important. It happened last term just after I had got a 42 result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my

    16、confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 43 . The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking 44 a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note ! “Who wants this?” he asked. Unsurprisingly, 45 of us in the class held up our hands.The speaker smiled. Then h

    17、e put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but 46 nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same 47 a third time. I didnt 48 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question ag

    18、ain and again? “I didnt know what to do. I wanted the note, 49 I put my hand up again. After a while, he 50 the note and started to laugh. “You have all just told me how to become successful”, 51 said to us with the note in his hand. “The note is worth twenty yuan. It is 52 worth twenty yuan, even t

    19、hough I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter 53 happens to you, you still have your worth.” When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I 54 I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam, but it doesnt 55 I cant do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I wi

    20、ll be successful !( )41. A. classroomB. subject C. class D. school42. A. sameB. goodC. luckyD. bad43. A. comfortableB. successfulC. famousD. rich44. A. likeC. about D. by45. A. bothC. all 46. A. saidB. boughtC. sawD. wanted47. A. studentB. teacher C. questionD. way48. A. rememberB. understandC. noti

    21、ce D. find49. A. so B. thoughC. if D. or50. A. took outB. threw awayC. picked upD. put down51. A. youB. heC. she D. they52. A. never B. sometimesC. hardlyD. always53. A. whenB. whoC. what D. how54. A. realizedB. forgot C. dreamed D. decided55. A. know B. mean C. thinkD. complain四、阅读理解(本题共30分,每小题2分)(

    22、A) The airport in Boswell in twenty-one miles from the city. The banks and business offices are in the center of the city. Read these notes from the diary of Miss Shirley, a travel agent.April 200816 MON17 TUESA group of 45 Japanese students visit Boswell-want cheap holiday.Mr and Mrs Johnson coming

    23、 from New York need an overninght stop at Boswell-leave early on the 18th by air.18 WED19 THURMr Thomas, Boston, comes for two-day business trip75 German students need two days in a cheap hotel21 SAT23 MONMr and Mrs Washington, from Seattle, arriving by air, traveling-want a first-class comfortable

    24、hotel.Mr and Mrs George, Tokyo, a small inexpensive hotel needed for two days.( )56. How many people in all arrive in Boswell according to the diary?A. 127B. 45C.47D. 125( )57. What will the Johnsons come to Boswell for?A. a visitC. a business tripB. a night stopD. a small inexpensive hotel( )58. On

    25、 Monday, the twenty-third, who will come Boswell?A. A group of 45 Japanese studentsC. Mr and Mrs JohnsonB. 75 German studentsD. Mr and Mrs George( )59. When will Mr Thomas leave?A. April 18C. April 20B. April 22D. April 21( )60. According to the diary, on which day will Miss Shirley be free?A. On Fr

    26、iday and SundayC. On Wednesday and ThursdayB. On MondaysD. On weekends(B) Maybe you have seen this in schools: some students are studying nearly all the time but they just pass their exams. While some others may spend much less time on their books but do much better in exams. How could this happen?

    27、People used to think that hard work is the only way to success, but now they have understood that smart work can make them succeed, too. Hard workers dont mind working for long hours, while smart workers always think of several different answers to these questions, Why should I suffer(遭受) this?”“Isn

    28、t there a better way to do this? Thanks to these people, we can use computers instead of the abacus(算盘) now. Progress in every field (领域) is the direct result of try to find a better way by smart workers. There was a large soap factory in Japan. Once it received an unusual letter from someone who complained that there was no soap in the soap


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