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    1、 -_two years ago. A.Since B.For C.In D.From8.George W.Bush encourages the US soldiers to fight _ their own country.A.with B.against C.for D.about9.The earthquake victims _ in the hospitals. A. are well treated B. are taken good care C. treated D. are well treating10.-Tom won the first prize in the c

    2、ompetition. -He _ it because he is the most hard-working student. A.needs B.deserves C.is sure of D.should get 11.Most of the deserts _ to be covered with bushes and trees. A.used B.were used C.use D.got used12.The hospital is doing its best to_the patients with the best treatment and services. A.of

    3、fer B.give C.provide D.serve13.Many SARS patients _ and are allowed to leave the hospitals. A.have been healed B.have healed C.are healed D.healed14. Listen,can you hear someone _ for help? A.to cry B.cry C.crying D.cries15.The beautiful scenery _ tourists to Guilin from the world over. A. attracts

    4、B. attacks C. causes D. catches16.The PRC was _ on October 1st 1949. A.found B.find C.founding D.founded17. _the help of the computer, information can _every corner of the world quickly. A.With, arrive B. With, reach C.Under, arrive D. Under,reach18.My mother _ a second-hand camera for me. A.gave B.

    5、showed C.passed D.bought19.- How _ do you think the war will come to a stop? -Im not sure, maybe in another months time. A. long B. soon C. often D. far20. The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_he? A. doesnt B. didnt C.wont D.isnt21.He used the money he first made _ a used bike for himself. A.

    6、buying B.buy C. to buy D.bought22.Heres a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try_? A.on it B.try out it C.try it on D.try it out23.This pair of socks is worn out.Ill have to buy a new _. A.one B.ones C.pair D.pairs24.-_is your father? -A doctor in a local hospital. A.Who B.Where C.How D.What25.The S

    7、miths live in _ building. They use a lift to go up and down. A.a 8-story B.a 8-stories C.an 8-stories D.an 8-story26.No matter _ you do, you must do it as well as possible. A.what B.how C.when D.where27.We like him not only because he teaches us _but aslo he treats us _. A.good,friendly B.good,kindl

    8、y C.well,friendly D.well,kindly28.My father prefers to stay at home rather than _ on May Day. A.travel B.to travel C. travelling D.travels29. -The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water. -It _ for nearly a week.A. had rained B. has rained C. would rain D. was raining

    9、 30.The moonlight shone _ the window and fell on my bed. A.from B.on C.through D.across31.- Could you please tell me the way to the station? -Sorry,Im a stranger too.You _ ask the policeman over there. A.must B.may C.need D.should32.Youve made _ mistakes this time than ever before. A.few B.litlle C.

    10、fewer D.less33.Travelling by air is _ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount( 打折). A.very B.a lot of C.many D.far34.Though the price of the camera is OK, _ I dont think Ill take it. A.but B.and C.yet D.so35.The city is trying to _ the living environment of the peopl

    11、e. A.improve B.rise C.lift D. increase36.-What was the score of the match? Did you beat them? -_. We lost to the girls. A.Sorry, I dont know B.I dont want to talk about it B.Its a secret D.Dont ask me37.-_ is the population of the town? -Over 20,000 .And a third of the population _ workers of the ca

    12、r factory.A. What, are B. How many , are C. What , is D. How many, is38-Alice,why didnt you come here yesterday? -I _ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital. A.had B.did C.was going to D.didnt39.-Could I speak to Tom, please? -Sorry, he isnt here at the moment. He _Hang

    13、zhou on business . A.went to B.has gone to C.goes to D.has been to40.-Good luck to you _ your trip! -Thank you _ your kind words. A.to, for B.with, to C. with, for D. to, for41.-So many kinds of shirts! I really dont know _.A. what to buy B.which to buy C.to buy which D. to choose which42.By the tim

    14、e I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _ my purse at my office. A.forgotten B.left C.laid D.put 43.Dont shout in public, my boy, please,_? A.wont you B.dont you C.do you D.will you44.-My computer doesnt work at all. -Dont worry.I think I can put it _for you. A.well B.right C.good D.up45.I t

    15、urned back only to find myself _ by a group of beggars. A.follow B.following C.to follow D.followed46.As soon as the _news came into our ears,we all cheered and became _.A. exciting , exciting B.excited, .excited C. exciting, excited D. excited, exciting47.The American soldiers are _the country over

    16、 for Saddam and his followers.A. searching B. looking C. searching in D. finding48.Nobody told us _ to go there. A.if B.whether C.why D.where49.It doesnt _ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse. Awork B.mind C.matter D.mean50.-You _ be very tired after the long flig

    17、ht. -Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy. A. must B. probably C. cant D.can51.The price of the jacket is not too_ and its colour is OK.Ill take it. A.cheap B.low C. expensive D.high52.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _ lots of classes. A.left B.forgot C.missed D.lost53.-D

    18、oes Tom write more_ than Larry? -Yes.He is a _ writer than Larry.A.neatly, neater B.neatly, more neatly C.neat,neater D.neat, more neatly54.Tom _to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family.A.traveled B.travels C.has traveled D.will travel55.We _ allowed to leave school until t

    19、he summer holidays start. A. arent B. will be C. wouldnt be D. wont be56.Why did you buy the jacket _ you didnt like it? A.since B.that C.which D./57.I _ in Shanghai since I was a child. A.used to live B.lived C.have lived D.live58.There are _more people in Class 2 than in Class 1. A.many B.a lot of

    20、 C.a little D.much59.-Is that man an _? -Do you mean the one whos wearing a different T-shirt? A. American B. English C.Australia D.India60.-When did Tom leave for Britain? -Hes _ for two weeks. A.left B.gone C.been away D.leaving61.Ive _ the house since I moved here. A.lived B.bought C.sold D.had62

    21、.-Do you mind my asking you a personal question? -_, any questions are welcome. A.Never B.Sure C.Of course D.Yes63.What interesting _! The wrong answer is: A.deer B.sheep C.news D.animal64.I looked out and found the ground _ with white snow. A.covered B.covering C.to cover D.is covered65.I _ I would

    22、 win the first prize of the competition. A.wish B.hope C.think D.believe66.-Would you please pass the message on to Tom? -_. A.Id like B. Ill be glad to C.That would be fine D.Its a pleasure67.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke_in Yueyang,Hunan Province last week. A.down B.into C.o

    23、ut D.in68.The mountain fire wasnt _ until the next day. A.put off B.put up C.put out D.put down69.The man is very ill.A doctor must be _right now. A.sent for B.sent up C.sent to D.sent out70.My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to _ your e-mail address on? A.put away B.put int

    24、o C.put down D.put up71.His parents died when he was very young, so he was _ by his uncle. A.brought up B.grown up C.got up D.risen72.Ill never _what Im doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it. A.give in B.give to C.give out D.give up73.More and more people have lost the

    25、ir jobs and become _. A.rich B.strong C.fragile D.lazy74.The moon _ the earth and it is our satellite. A.circles B.moves C.turns D.goes75.This room is used _ a reading room. A.as B.for C.by D.in76.Edison is said to_the first telephone. A.find B.discover C.invent D.found77.-Are you getting on well wi

    26、th Tom?-Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him,_ I like him.A. the more B. the less C. the little D .the least78.Bob, _ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow! A.is B.make C.be D.makes79.I told the truth to my parents _ they wouldnt worry about me any more. A.and B.or C.so

    27、 that D.that80.The population of China is lager than _ of India. A.that B.this C.the one D.it81.The girl _ red plays the piano well. She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations. A.on B.with C.in D.wearing 82.My friend was riding too fast and _ the wall. Luckily he was not badly hurt. A. knocked at B.put into C.crashed D. knocked into83.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _ he was born. A.that B.whic


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