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    1、 The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on mobile and landline phone services from 2001 to 2010.It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-year period,while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly.The year 2006 marks the point at which expenditure on m

    2、obile services overtook that for residential phone services.In 2001,US consumers spent an average of nearly$700 on residential phone services,compared to only around$200 on cell phone services.Over the following five years,average yearly spending on landlines dropped by nearly$200.By contrast,expend

    3、iture on mobiles rose by approximately$300.In the year 2006,the average American paid out the same amount of money on both types of phone service,spending just over$500 on each.By 2010,expenditure on mobile phones had reached around$750,while the figure for spending on residential services had falle

    4、n to just over half this amount.The diagram illustrates the various stages in the life of a honey bee.We can see that the complete life cycle lasts between 34 and 36 days.It is also noticeable that there are five main stages in the development of the honey bee,from egg to mature adult insect.The lif

    5、e cycle of the honey bee begins when the female adult lays an egg;#the female typically lays one or two eggs every 3 days.Between 9 and 10 days later,each egg hatches and the immature insect,or nymph,appears.During the third stage of the life cycle,the nymph grows in size and sheds its skin three ti

    6、mes.This moulting first takes place 5 days after the egg hatches,then 7 days later,and again another 9 days later.After a total of 30 to 31 days from the start of the cycle,the young adult honey bee emerges from its final moulting stage,and in the space of only 4 days it reaches full maturity.(169 w

    7、ords,band 9)The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably,whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable.Rainfall is highest from July to A

    8、ugust,while temperatures are highest in April and May.Between the months of January and May,average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20C to a peak of just over 30C.Average rainfall in the city also rises over the same period,from approximately 20mm of rain in January to

    9、 100mm in May.While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months,the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June.Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September,peaking at around 330mm in July.The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in

    10、precipitation,to a low of about 10mm in December,and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(173 words,band 9)The bar charts compare students of different ages in terms of why they are studying and whether they are supported by an employer.It is clear that the proportion of studen

    11、ts who study for career purposes is far higher among the younger age groups,while the oldest students are more likely to study for interest.Employer support is more commonly given to younger students.Around 80%of students aged under 26 study to further their careers,whereas only 10%study purely out

    12、of interest.The gap between these two proportions narrows as students get older,and the figures for those in their forties are the same,at about 40%.Students aged over 49 overwhelmingly study for interest(70%)rather than for professional reasons(less than 20%).Just over 60%of students aged under 26

    13、are supported by their employers.By contrast,the 30-39 age group is the most self-sufficient,with only 30%being given time off and help with fees.The figures rise slightly for students in their forties and for those aged 50 or more.(178 words,band 9)The bar chart compares the number of incidents and

    14、 injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 2002.It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles.By contrast,commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures.A total of 225 incidents and 173

    15、 injuries,per 100 million passenger miles travelled,took place on demand-response transport services.These figures were nearly three times as high as those for the second highest category,bus services.There were 76 incidents and 66 people were injured on buses.Rail services experienced fewer problem

    16、s.The number of incidents on light rail trains equalled the figure recorded for buses,but there were significantly fewer injuries,at only 39.Heavy rail services saw lower numbers of such events than light rail services,but commuter rail passengers were even less likely to experience problems.In fact,only 20 incidents and 17 injuries occurred on commuter trains.(165 words,band 9)The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in three countries over a period of 100 years.It is cle


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