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    1、3必须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题,其它笔答题均无效。I. Vocabulary and Structure (共20 分, 每小题1分)Directions: Fill in the following blanks by choosing A, B, C or D. There is only ONE answer for each blank, write the letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1. The tulip grower owns a house in Iceland, 50-acre vineyard in France an

    2、d two luxury _ moored at a harbour in Spain. A. yachts B. woodpeckers C. visas D. steeds2. Its better to be happy with what you have got than to be always _ towards something you cant have. A. wringing B. wrestling C. zooming D. yearning3. I give you my _ that Ill never mention the matter again. A.

    3、utterance B. word C. underwriter D. latent4. Wheat, rice, corn, and oats are _. A. pancakes B. pickles C. cereals D. luncheons5. Neither the monk nor the nuns were utterly _ witnesses because they had not seen the accident themselves. A. dogmatic B. credible C. serial D. open-minded6. The tradesman

    4、was arrested after being discovered with packets of cocaine sewn into the _ of his cap. A. timing B. telexing C. typewriting D. lining7. Rather than enhancing a countrys security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that countrys _. A. vulnerability B. bold

    5、ness C. responsibility D. influence8. She was on _ for a long time after her husband passed away. A. tumour B. twilight C. twig D. tranquilizer9. He dropped a _ on us on the first of March when he told us that we were bankrupt. A. warship B. fireplace C. thunderbolt D. poppy10. All of the following

    6、are nice food except the _. A. muffin B. pudding C. pineapple D. sweetheart11. A _ is the office or people responsible for the management of an organization, particularly an international or political one, such as the United Nations. A. showcase B. signpost C. secretariat D. lookout12. The Prime Min

    7、ister of the United Kingdom was received with all the traditional _ and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government. A. pomp B. sunflower C. sunlight D. fever13. The bees carry the _ from one flower to another. A. honeymoon B. pollen C. petal D. pier14. The _ is usually put on top of t

    8、he postage stamp so that the stamp cannot be used more than once. A. post-office B. personage C. postmark D. prose15. An investigation that is _ can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction. A. uncom

    9、plicated B. subjective C. unguided D. timely16. The _ stretches as far as the eye can see. A. portfolio B. prairie C. earthworm D. electrode17. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly _, most frequently by human intervention. A. disturbed B. celebrated C. questioned D. ob

    10、served18. In that war thousands and thousands of people were put to the _. A. yearbook B. sword C. walnut D. witch19. Do you see _ cloud that is almost in the shape of a clown? A. audio B. dwarf C. weighty D. yonder20. In Britain, judges wear white _ in court. A. wigs B. willows C. widower D. whirlw

    11、ind II. Reading Comprehension ( 共40分 )Part One (共10分, 每小题1分) Read the following passage and write T for True if the statement is true, F for False if the statement is not true based on the passage you have read. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Dreams have always held a universal fascination.

    12、Some primitive societies believe that the soul leaves the body and visits the scene of the dream. Generally, however, dreams are accepted to be illusions, having much in common with day-dreams the fantasies of our waking life. When dreaming, however, one tends to believe fully in the reality of the

    13、dream world, however inconsistent, illogical and odd it may be. Although most dreams apparently happen spontaneously, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.Suffocationdreams are connected with the breathing difficulties of a heavy cold, for instance. Internal disorders such as indige

    14、stion can cause vivid dreams, and dreams of racing fire-engines may be caused by the ringing of an alarm bell.Experiments have been carried out to investigate the connection between deliberately inflicted pain and dreaming. For example, a sleeper pricked with a pin perhaps dreams of fighting a battl

    15、e and receiving a severe sword wound. Although the dream is stimulated by the physical discomfort, the actual events of the dream depend on the associations of the discomfort in the mind of the sleeper.A dreamers eyes often move rapidly from side to side. Since people born blind do not dream visually and do not manifest this eye activity, it is thought that the dreamer may be scanning the scene depicted in hi


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