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    1、2.Youll obtain a certificate of attendance upon completion of the training.3.He asked me who will participate in this meeting.4.Her proposal focuses on what steps we can take to minimize the losses.5.He recognized that he was not qualified for the post after the interview.6.Increased interaction bet

    2、ween colleagues can greatly improve work-efficiency.7.It doesnt take much to buy the machine, but you have to spend much on the maintenance of it.8.She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.9.The incident provoked press interest. Reporters from several newspapers came to int

    3、erview him.10.The activity will be a learning experience for you and all those who are involved.11.For optimal result, place this code at the very end of your page.12.Fortunately my boss has recognized the importance of a commitment to education.13.Good developers are focused on solving challenging

    4、technical problems.14.Hes a good salesman, but his offhand manner tends to put people off.15.Please turn off your cell phone or switch it to the vibrating mode while the meeting is going on.16.Plenty of exercise will help you keep in shape.17.This company has a unique way to train its employees.18.T

    5、his new suggestion is an distinct improvement from the one I originally made.19.What he said is really a novel idea to the interviewers.20.Working abroad could become an incredible adventure for you.TRANSLATION1.In other words, I lead a team of engineers whose job it is to provide reliable medical e

    6、quipment that will keep the astronauts healthy on orbit!也就是说,我带领一队工程师专门负责提供可靠的医疗设备,以使空中的航天员保持健康。2.I came to work for NASA in Jan.2001,where I began my career as a project engineer for the exercise bicycle thats currently on the ISS.我2001年1月来到美国航空航天局工作,刚开始是做健身自行车项目工程师,现在这种车正用于国际空间站。3.Ive always wante

    7、d to work for the US Space Program, particularly for the Johnson Space Center, where the focus is on human presence in space and manned missions.我一直想为美国的航空事业效力,尤其是到约翰逊宇航中心工作,在那里人们致力于研究人类太空生存以及载人航天的问题。4.There is something very unique about the microgravity environment that causes distinct changes in

    8、human physiology from the systems level, all the way down to the cellular level.微重力环境有种很特别的力量,能导致人类生理系统的明显改变,这种改变一直深入到细胞结构。5.There are so many design challenges that are unique to spaceflight when considering hardware that should be used to keep crewmembers in top shape on orbit, such as minimizing

    9、noise from the hardware, limiting vibration,(if any) from the hardware, designing it to withstand certain radiation levels, and just designing the equipment to be easy to use in a microgravity environment, when things usually tend to“float away”from you.要为太空飞行设计特殊设备,帮助宇航员在飞行中保持最佳状态,就要面对众多挑战,例如减少设备噪声

    10、、闲置设备震动(如果有震动的话)等,另外设备还要设计的能承受一定的辐射水平。仅仅是设计设备,使它在微重力的环境汇众易于使用就是件难事,因为东西常常都会从你身边“飘离”。6.Even more exciting is how we can apply such hardware designs to be used in an Earth-based setting, such as in physical therapy clinics and hospitals.更令人激动的是我们如何能将这些硬件设计应用于地球环境,如理疗诊所和医院。7.I soon began to realize the

    11、 importance of an interdisciplinary approach to designing hardware for crew health, so I pursued my Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering, where my thesis was the testing of a novel gravity-independent resistive exercise device.我很快就开始意识到为航天员设计健康器械时运用跨学科方法的重要性,所以我继续深造,获得机械工程的硕士学位,我的硕士论文是关于一种新的、不依赖

    12、重力的阻力健身器的测试。8.I was really excited to have been offered such a position upon graduation here in the Biomedical Systems Division that allowed me to practice everything that I had gone to school for, combining engineering and science in a way that would further the goals of the US Space Program.我很兴奋,一

    13、毕业就获得了来生物医疗系统部工作的机会,在这里,我能实践在学校里所学到的一切,将工程与科学结合,推进美国航天事业的目标。9.Im most excited at work when our team has successfully solved on-orbit hardware malfunctions in a way that can return the hardware to its best performamce.我工作中最激动的时刻是当我们的团队成功解决了太空中的设备故障,让设备恢复到最佳运行状态时。10.Im looking forward to working with

    14、my team to accomplish our mission objectives, and challenging myself in such a unique environment.我盼望着能和我的团队一起在这独特的环境中完成任务目标,挑战自我。11.我们应该雇个人来专门负责网络的安全问题。We need to hire someone whose job it is to handle the security of the network.12.我一直想到诺基亚工作,在那里人们致力于将最新科技应用于手机。Ive always wanted to work for NOKIA,

    15、 where the focus is on the application of the latest technology in mobile phones.13.我于2005年2月来到惠普工作,作为一名技术支持助理开时了我的事业。I came to work for HP in Feb. 2005, where I began my career as a technical support assistant.14.我很激动,能有幸得到市场部的这份工作,能够实践我所知道的关于销售的一切。I am really excited to be offered the position here in the Marketing Department that allows me to practice everything I know about selling.15.当我成功解决了系统的问题,让系统恢复最佳运行状态时,我激动万分。Im most excited at work when I have successfully solved the malfunction of the system in a way that can return the sy


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