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    英语知识点北师大版英语三上 全册教案 教学设计11总结Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    英语知识点北师大版英语三上 全册教案 教学设计11总结Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、 三年级的学生在上课时有些时候上课意识并不强烈,这要求教师不能只是教授新知而以,在很大程度上是要引导学生的行为和思维。2、充分运用学校已有资源,如:电子媒体进行多方位教学,网络教学等。这样不但可以提高学生的学习兴趣,又可以丰富学生对新事物的接触能力,从而更直观、方便的教和学,在潜移默化中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。3、在英语的教学过程中,加入适当的对英、美等国家一些风俗习惯在日常生活中的应用。主要采取同学之间互相帮助的方法,可以形成一帮一小组等方式。使学生可以在一起分享学习英语给大家带来的乐趣。鼓励学生多说,多练,尤其注意日常口语在生活中的应用。情感态度与价值观:1、在英语教学的过程中注意培养学生

    2、的学习兴趣是一个老生常谈的问题,因此更应引起我们的重视。于此教师可以采取多种方式,比如:多采纳、听取学生的意见,抵制学英语给学生带来的负面压力,努力创设一个轻松的学习环境。2、在英语教学中也应时时渗透思想道德教育的重要性。确立良好的价值观和积极向上的人生观,形成同样积极的学习态度。3、从小学开始就开设英语课程,是中国走向世界的第一步,学生作为未来世界的主动力,在学习中提倡培养学生的创新意识。这样才能在竞争如些激烈的社会中立足,做一个社会主义新人。Teaching contents:本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。Unit 1 Dont walk!Unit 2 How m

    3、uch?Unit 3 Whose CDs?Unit 4 Dinner time!Unit 5 Our school!Unit 6 Review Teaching Emphasis:1. 对于一些日常用语的应用,如:Dont touch ! How much is ? Its Whose CDs /pen?What are you doing? Im cooking.They are my/their/you books Are these/those ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.2、基本的单词的拼读。3、提高学生对单词的掌握。Teaching Diffi

    4、culty:1、对日常用语的应用和学生听力的培养。2 培养学生初步拼写单词。教学进度计划表:周 次内 容 课时1-2Unit 1 Dont walk3Exercise book4-6Unit 2 How much5十一放假78-91011-12Unit 4 Dinner time13期中考试1415-16Unit 5 Our school1718-1920TestUnit 1 Dont walk !Lesson 1一、Teaching aims 通过做游戏,让学生融入到教学中去,利用卡片,使学生对所学知识能够图与声的有机结合。二、Teaching emphasis An English son

    5、g Some new words Teaching difficulty 三、New words Teaching process1. Greeting 2. Oral English 3. Review Words Walk swim sun dance -4 .New teaching Listen an English song What did you listen “Dont ”在表示禁止做某事的时候我们可以用“Dont” 来表示walk walk walk Dont walk run run run dont run Look at the picture Listen to th

    6、e tape Teach read it 四、Play a game Simon says 五、Homework 六、Blackboard writing 教学反思: Lesson 2 Teaching aims 掌握表示禁止做某事的表达方法,能够在实际中得到运用No (smoking) - How to use it 三、Teaching process 1 Greeting 2 Oral English 3 Review walk swim sun dance Dont -“No”在表示禁止做某事的时候我们还可以用“No” 来Play a game Simon saysListening

    7、Look at the book Read it Listen and write Check it 四、 Homework 五、 Blackboard writing教学反思: Lesson 3一Teaching aims 学生能够正确地读出所学课文,产生浓厚的学习兴趣。二Teaching emphasis Read the text Teaching difficultyEveryone can read the text Teaching process 2. Review Dont walk / dont litter / dont touch3. New teaching Look

    8、(look at the blackboard .”look”)Right left (play a game )Read after the teacher Read in pairs 三Homework Read the text to your parents 四Blackboard writingDont walk Dont litterDont touch Dont move Dont worry Dont cry Lesson 4一Teaching aims通过大量的练习,使学生掌握表示禁止的表达方法,对英语有浓厚的兴趣。Draw to line for the signListe

    9、n and review some new sign 1. Review Read the textPlay a game : teacher act out and student say “whats sign” 2. Act out Simon says Divide the children into two groups and have one group give the command and the other group respond with the correct action . Then have the groups change roles .Then we

    10、can read it together. 3. Listen and number What can you say in the picture and what should we say Listen to the tape and write the number Listen and repeat Listen and check 4 Draw lines to match Read the sign Look at the picture and say the sign Draw a line Read the sentences together Tell the child

    11、ren to color the pictures on the page 6Dont NoLesson 5通过熟练的读单词,使学生对字母的发音有一定的认识,并能够正确的读出 The pronounce for ARead the wordsIntroduce /a/Write the a on the blackboard , ask student say two words about A ,then tell them the A have twosounds , one is long ,another one is shout . then read the Uncle Bookys blackboard .2. Sounds and letters Draw the childrens attention to the top of the page Play the tape for apple ,bag . Ask “Do these words have


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