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    1、C Were they arrivingD Were they to arrive22_ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent.A He would leave schoolB He left schoolC He had left schoolD He has left school23Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smok

    2、ing and cancer remained _.A to be shownB to have been shownC to have shownD being shown24_ that should be given priority to.A It is the committee has decidedB It is only the committee has decidedC It is what the committee has decidedD It is what has the committee decided25. The most interesting new

    3、cars may owe _ the simple wisdom of hiring a few talented people and allowing them to work.A less local free-spiritedness thanB less local free-spiritedness than toC to less local free-spiritedness than toD less to local free-spiritedness than to26. Over the years, Jimmy Connors _ phenomenal display

    4、s of tennis and temperand at the U.S. Open last week, he exhibited both again.A has treated spectators withB has treated spectator forC has treated spectatorsD has treated spectators to27. Summer holidays spent on the hot ghetto streets are _ the time middle-class students devote to camps, exotic va

    5、cations and highly organized sports. A as hardly culturally enriching asB as hardly enriching culture asC hardly as culturally enriching asD hardly as cultural enriching as28. The major obstacle to the reform in New Orleans, _, is money.A as is it across the countryB as it is across the countryC as

    6、it were across the countryD as were it across the country29Nearly all trees have seeds that fall to the earth, take root, and eventually _.A generate new seedsB new seeds generatedC generates new seedsD new seeds are generated30. The well-maintained facility in San Francisco _ leagues in virtually e

    7、very sport.A were home to B was the home ofC was home toD was home of31. Students at these schools test far below the state average in reading, and their scores have improved only _.A marginallyB marvelouslyC martiallyD markably 32. I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had _ us accidentall

    8、y on his way out of the town or if hed been deliberately tasked.Acrashed onBbumped intoCfallen againstDpuzzled about33. In previous time, when fresh meat was in short _, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.A storageB reserveC supplyD provision34. The hospital denies there is any

    9、 connection between the disciplinary action and Dr. Reids _ about health problems.A allegianceB allianceC allegationsD alliteration35. The organization issued a cry of alarm last week, citing “_ evidence” that those children are not receiving the same quality of education as their richer peers.A com

    10、paringB completingC compellingD composing36. Since no one could _ his scribbling, the chief editor decided to replace him with another columnist.A encodeB decipherC clearD identify37Many Fine Art graduates take _ professional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their rol

    11、e as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty.A downB upC outD in38. The statement said the people of Srebrenica _ to the presidents of the United States and France to help halt the offensive.A arousedB ascribedC acclaimedD appealed39. The pro

    12、fessor stopped for a drink and then _ with his lecture on the Indian culture.A proceededB processedC preferredD presented40. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not _ close examination.A put up withB keep up withC stand up toD look up toPart Three: Reading ComprehensionI. Each

    13、of the following three passages is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)Passage One In science the meaning of the word “explain” suffers with civilizations ever


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