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    1、3. One new to learning a foreign language in its cultural context.A. approach B.solution C.manner D.road4. seems easy in theory seems difficult in practice.A. That B.With C.It D.What5. The assistant and graduate student check the exercise books.A. help B.helping C.helps D.to help6. The government ha

    2、s lost a great deal of because of the large increase in food price.A. strength B.support C.agreement D.vote7. This hotel the one we stayed in last year.A. reminds me of B.reminds me to C.remembers me of D.remember me to8. They said I had given the whistle was worth.A. twice as many as B.as twice man

    3、y as C.as twice much as D.twice as much as9. It is necessary to a large vocabulary in learning a language.A. accumulate B.collect C.assemble D.gather10. Many people in Africa seem to be of the American way of life:driving everywhere.A. envious B.hopeful C.pleased D.happy11. One of the requirements f

    4、or a fire is that the material to its burning temperature.A. is heated B.will be heated C.be heated D.would be heated12. I have to my expenditure to my income.A. transfer B.adjust C.direct D.add13. If he had been in better health,he more books.A. can write B.could have written C.could write D.have w

    5、ritten14. With the development of industry,this region will surely .A. develop B.profit C.succeed D.thrive15. Im going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, I have relatives.A. which B.nevertheless C.where D.when16. -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Id get it for you I could remember who last bo

    6、rrowed it.A. except that B.if only C.only if D.unless17. The terrorists to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.A. pretended B.determined C.threatened D.proceeded18. It is generally thought to be of importance to a man that he himself.A. knew B.know C.knows D.must know19. My friends us in

    7、to going swimming.A. persuaded B.told C.invited D.suggested20. The total cultivated area is 13,000 acres, 10,000 acres are irrigated fields.A. which B.of which C.in that D.of that21. There was a large crowd in the square against the war.A. protecting B.protesting C.preventing D.promoting22. I could

    8、not persuade him to accept it, make him see the importance of it.A. if only I could not B.no more than I couldC.or I could not C.nor could I23. Mr.Green said his clients our samples by the end of last month.A. didnt receive B.hadnt received C.havent received D.dont receive24. Language belongs to eac

    9、h if us,to the flower-seller to the professor.A. as far as B.as much as C.as many as D.as long as25. Because of the reduction of air pollution,this city now is a good place .A. where to live B.which to live C.to live D.to be live26. Only when it is correct in every detail .A. his model can really ru

    10、n B.can his model really runC.his model really can run D.can really his model run27. He is to win.No one else in the race stands a chance.A. bound B.liable C.probable D.apt28. I continued to study the discouragement I hand received.A. despite of B.despite C.in spite D.in spite that29. Its the in thi

    11、s country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring.A. normal B.habit C.custom D.use30. Without the friction between their feet and the ground,people would be able to walk.A. in no time B.on any account C.by all means D.in no way31. He didnt allow in his room;actually he did not allow hi

    12、s family at all.A. to smoke;to smoke B.smoking;to smokeC.to smoke;smoking D.smoking;smoking32. With such poor he really needs glasses.A. vision B.view C.sense D.scene33. the plan carefully,he rejected it.A. To have considered B.To considerC.Having considered D.Considering34. Finding it difficult to

    13、to the climate in the city,he decided to move to the north.A. fit B.adopt C.suit D.adapt35. Our public transportation system is not for the needs of the people.We need more buses and subways.A. complete B.adequate C.normal D.good36. He apologized having to leave so early.A. because of B.with C.owing to D.for37. There were no tickets


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