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    1、Solution Selling1A Powerful Tool for SalespeopleWho is Selling a Combination ofProducts,Services and Concepts1A new approach to generate prospects and new business.A behaviorally-correct technique for developing buyer needs,specific to your product,service and concept.An integrated buyer-qualificati

    2、on model which targets access to power,committee decisions,and the negotiation of the sales cycle.A prototype for developing sales tools,specific to your products and markets,which enables sales people to succeed immediately while they gain the expertise they will need long term.A set of tools which

    3、 enables management to manage pipeline,assign prospecting activity,control the cost of sales,and predict future business more accurately.Sales Training Components2Diagnostics and Power Based SellingBoth are sales models which integrate with and expand Sales Training.Diagnostics selling helps in the

    4、area of needs processing and decision management.Power Base Selling helps establish a political influence strategy and a competitive sales strategy.3THE TRADITIONAL PROCESSTHE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESSUNSTABLE RELATIONSHIPSTABLE RELATIONSHIPClosePresentationProblem SolvingQualifying45%35%15%5%5%10%35%50%Ag

    5、reementPresentationDesign SolutionsProblem SolvingDiagnosisTraditional vs.Diagnostic4Sales Process OverviewTarget potential opportunitiesPre-call planning and researchCreate curiosity and hopeRapport,credibility,credentialsDevelop buyer and user needsdetermine pain,critical issuesdiagnose reasons wi

    6、th bias toward offeringsdetermine impacts across the organization-who,how,financialcreate,participate in,reengineer buyer visionsclarify expectations and ownershipAgree on evaluation criteria5Determine capabilities needed to meet buyer visionPresent offeringsBuyer acceptance of offeringsMutually agr

    7、ee on ROINegotiate a win/win profitable agreementImplement as agreed,measure success criteriaContinue to develop relationshipUse success to leverage other opportunitiesSales Process Overview(cont)6High Difficulty SellingConceptual/intangibleDifficult to learn and explainPerceived as expensivePerceiv

    8、ed as complexRequires major change by buyerSold to committeesSmall organization selling to large7Superior SellerSituationKnowledgeCapabilityKnowledgePeopleSkillsSellingSkillsSituational Fluency-Align with your buyer-Align with your buyer8Basic PrinciplesNo PAIN,no ChangeDiagnose before you prescribe

    9、Three levels of Buyer PAINPeople buy from peoplePower buys from power“Product”=Buyer VISUALIZATIONYou cant sell to someone who cant buy9Latent Pain Vs.PainLATENT PAINPAINCURRENTACTIVE EVALUATIONS10Three Levels of Buyer PainLevel One:#LATENT PAINLevel Two:#PAINLevel Three:#VISUALIZATION11Definition o

    10、f NeedsLevel One:#Latent PainPotential needs for a product or service in the mind of the seller.Latent needs are usually either ignorance or rationalizations.A potential buyer is unaware that a potential solution exists or has previously attempted to find a solution and was unsuccessful.It is/was“to

    11、o expensive”or“too complicated”or“too risky”,etc.Level Two:#PainComplaint statements by the buyer about problems,difficulties or dissatisfaction with the existing situation,ie pain.Complaint statements indicate that the buyer knows he/she has a problem,but does not know how to solve the problem.Leve

    12、l Three:#Vision of a SolutionCapability statements by the buyer indicating that the buyer accepts responsibility for solving the problem and specifying the precise capabilities needed to deal with the problem.The seller must participate personally in the development of the need in order for it to be

    13、 a qualified need.12Definition of Needs(cont)Vision of a SolutionNOTE:#When a buyer has a vision of a solution,he does not expect the seller to solve the problem,but can now“see”himself solving the problem in his mind.He is enabled.13Examples of NeedsLevel One:#Latent NeedsPeople standing in line fo

    14、r transactions on their lunch hour at the bank.Inventory build-up due to obsolete parts.People manually re-keying data from unlike financial systems.An entrepreneur with no disability insurance.Level Two:#Pain“We are losing customers because people hate standing in long lines”.“Our inventory is much

    15、 too high.”“The re-keying errors are killing us”.“Im worried about what will happen to my business if I get sick.”Level Three:#Vision of a Solution“We need to be able to handle the average banking transaction in under 60 seconds”.“I need to be able to sort my inventory by date of last use.”“We need

    16、the ability to consolidate data from unlike systems without re-keying.”“I need the ability to generate X dollars of income even if I am disabled”.14Types of ApprovalSponsor BeneficiariesAdversariesLegal/Technical/AdministrativeFinancialPower SponsorPOWER15Components of a SalePAIN+POWER+VISION+MOMENTUM+PROCESS=SALE16How People BuyLatent PainPainVisualizationMatch VisionCost JustifyOvercome Fear of RiskPrice JustifyTake Action17Alignment of Buying&#Selling PhasesPhase I Phase II Phase IIINeed Definition Eval


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