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    1、13. do ones homework 做某人的作业14. see a film/movie 看电影15. Listen to music 听音乐16. for a short time 一会儿17. after school 放学后18. be over 结束19. have no more time 没有更多的时间20. talk to sb. 和某人谈话21. come to library 来图书馆22. get home 到家23. go to bed 去睡觉24. go swimming 去游泳25. how often 多久一次26. once/twice/three time

    2、s a week 一周一次/两次/三次27. at about five oclock 在大约五点钟28. a quarter past five=five fifteen 五点十五分29. half past five=five thirty 五点三十分30. a quarter to six=five forty-five 五点四十五分31. be different from 与.不同U5T1重点句子:1. I seldom walk to schoo1.2. I never come to school by subway. 3.Maria sometimes takes the su

    3、bway home. 4. Li Xiang often rides a bike to scho01. 5.We usually go to the park on foot. 6.They always go to the zoo by bus. .7.Happy New Year! Happy New Year! /The same to you.8. The early bird catches the worm.9. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.10. How often do you come to the library?T

    4、hree times a week./Very often. /Every day.U5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground1. on the playground 在操场上2. in the swimming pool 在游泳池里3. on the shelf/shelves(复数) 在书架上4. like . best=favorite 最喜欢5. on time 准时6. at school/home/table 在学校/家里/桌旁7. over there 在那边8. the Great Wall 长城9.

    5、of course=sure 当然10. have an English class/lesson 上英语课11. Thank you anyway. / Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你12. at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处13. on the telephone 通过电话14. play cards 打牌15. do some cleaning 打扫16. ID card 身份证17. show sb. around 带某人参观18. have a soccer game 进行足球比赛19. write a letter 写信20. cl

    6、ean the blackboard 擦黑板21. at the back of 在.后面(内部)22. draw pictures 画画23. in a computer room/teachers office/classroom building/gym/library/lab/dining hall 在电脑室;教师办公室;教学楼;健身房;图书馆;实验室;食堂24. make cards 制作卡片25. look for 寻找26. run around the playground 绕着操场跑27. a few students=some students 一些学生28. read E

    7、nglish newspapers 看英语报纸29. love swimming 喜欢游泳30. play a guessing game 玩竞猜游戏 U5T2重点句子1.Are you doing your homework?一Yes, I am. /No, Im not./Yes, we are. /No, we arent. 2. Is Kangkang reading in the library, too?Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.3. Are Wang Wei and Lin tao dancing, too?No, they aren4. what are

    8、 you doing?1m looking for my wallet. 5. What is he/she doing now?He/she is reading. 6. What are Jane and Maria doing?They are talking.7. Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?0f course. 8. Excuse me, do you have any English newspapers? Sorry, we dont have any.9. How long can I keep them?-Tw

    9、o weeks.0. You must return them on time. Sure, I wil1. Thank you. U5 Topic 3 My school life is very interesting 1. next class 下节课2. class meeting 班会3. computer science 计算机科学4. every week 每周5. learn about 了解6. work on math problems 做数学题7. talk about 谈论8. a map of China 中国地图9. my favorite outdoor acti

    10、vity 我最喜爱的户外运动10. do outdoor activities 做户外活动11. Between.and. 二者之间12. from. to. 从.到.13. different kinds of stamps 不同种的邮票14. be kind to sb. 对某人友善15. learn a lot from. 向.学习很多16. on Tuesdays 在每周二17. a little difficult 有点难18. some other subjects 其他一些科目19. in the school hall 在学习大厅20. go out for a walk 出去

    11、散步21. get up late 起床晚U5 Topic 3重点句子1. I often speak English with my Classmates.2. He usually plays soccer, but he doesnt Play basketball.3. They usually have lunch at schoo1.4.I am reading an English book.5. The boy is drawing pictures. He isnt cleaning the blackboard.6. They are having a music clas

    12、s.7. What class are they having?They are having a music class.8. What time does the next class begin?At ten fifty. .9. How many English lessons does he have every week?一Five.10. I dont like it. Its a little difficult.11. My school life is very interesting.12. My teachers and classmate are very kind

    13、to me.Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?1. on the first/second floor 在一/二楼2. on the wall/in the wall 在墙上(表面)/(嵌入)3. on the shelf 在书架上4. on the left/ right of the yard 在院子左/右边on the tree 在树上(树上结出的花,叶,果)5. in the tree 在树上(外来物)6. in your study 在书房7. in the center of the yard 在院子中央8. in the garden 在花园9. under the bed 在床下10. next to/ besides the garden 在花园旁边11. near the window 在窗


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