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    1、3. Scientists have warned that coral reefs are likely to become the worlds first ecosystem _ because of global warming.A. to disappear B. disappearing C. disappeared D. having disappeared4. _ by feelings of loneliness, I started crying.A. Frustrating B. To be frustrated C. Frustrated D. Having frust

    2、rated5. Many parents happily paid a lot of money, only _ the tours were not rewarding enough for their children.A. finding B. found C. to find D. have founding6. More than 20 people believed_ bushfires in Australias New South Wales have been caught by the police.A. starting B. to start C. started D.

    3、 to have started7. He struggled _ used to university life the first term, but settled down after changing his major.A. getting B. to get C. got D. get8. _ a child star can be a bad thing as well as a gift.A. Being B. To be C. Been D. Having been9. Some 76,300 high school students went abroad for the

    4、ir education, _ 23 percent of all the Chinese students studying abroad.A. taking up B. taken up C. to take up D. having taken up10. At about 7 pm, I finally arrived at my subway station, _ and aching.A. tiring B. being tired C. tired D. having been tired11. I would like to get this matter _ by the e

    5、nd of this month.A. settling B. to settle C. settle D. settled12. _ with animals in his fathers zoo when he was young, Pi knows how to keep them under control.A. Growing up B. Having grown up C. Grown up D. Being grown up13. What he said was beyond my expectation and I found myself _ straight at him

    6、.A. staring B. stared C. to stare D. having stared14. _ for her college education, she spent two years working as a cleaner for a rich family in her neighborhood.A. Paying B. Paid C. To pay D. Being paid15. Three officials _ in the “Golden Rice” test on school children have been fired.A. involving B

    7、. involved C. to involve D. having involved16. Eventually, he regretted _ school and decided to go back.A. being left B. left C. to leave D. having left17. In the study, 145 people _ between 19 and 32 were asked to list as many unusual uses as possible for everyday objects.A. aging B. age C. aged D.

    8、 being aged18. Do you often have trouble _ a comfortable position in bed?A. finding B. found C. to find D. find19. _ that he didnt pass the exam, he felt extremely sad.A. Telling B. Having told C. To be told D. Having been told20. The airport _ next year will have the capacity to handle 500,000 pass

    9、engers.A. to be completed B. being completed C. completed D. having been completed21. The mother was angry because her 10-year-old son wasnt allowed _ water in class.A. drinking B. to drink C. drink D. drunk22. A few minutes later I looked up and noticed a kite _ high in the sky.A. to fly B. fly C.

    10、flying D. flown23. _ from his expression, he must have enjoyed his meal.A. Judging B. Judged C. Judge D. Having judged24. The last one _ pays for the meal! Agreed!A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving25. _ the project, they decided to stay there for another week.A. Not completing B. Not com

    11、pletedC. Not having completed D. Having not completed26. There was a stage _ we quarreled a lot.A. which B. That C. during which D. during when27. _ horse meat is eaten in many countries, it is not considered an edible (可食用的) food in other countries like the UK and Ireland.A. While B. Before C. Unle

    12、ss D. As28. We can always find something beautiful in life _ we are willing to observe and feel.A. even though B. as long as C. in case D. as if29. School is like a small society _ students meet and study together.A. that B. which C. where D. when30. I was unsure about how to do the task, so I was l

    13、ooking forward to hearing _ my partner would suggest.A. what B. which C. that D. all what31. It will be years _ we meet again.A. when B. After C. before D. since32. His father taught him that it is the practice of doing right _ is difficult.A. what B. where C. which D. that33. Why not turn to your t

    14、eacher for help _ you cannot deal with the problem by yourself?A. until B. since C. unless D. though34. There is no doubt _ smoking can seriously damage our health.A. that B. whether C. if D. what35. It was not until he played a leading role in a movie three years ago _ he regained his passion for acting.A. when B. That C. which D. where36. It has long been known _ many complicated diseases, such as cancer, are caused by tiny changes in DNA.A. what


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