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    1、4. I dont think the number of the people to _ this happens is very large.5. Do you work near the building _ color is yellow?6. Here is the girl _ school bag has been stolen.7. The number of people _ lost homes reached as many as 250,000.8. It sounded like a train _ was going under my house.9. The ca

    2、r _ my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake.10. The boy _ we saw yesterday was Johns brother.11. The swimmer _ you are asking about is over there.12. The building _ window are bright at night is our school building.13. Is the river _ flows through that town very large?14. The games

    3、in _ the young men competed were difficult.15. He helped his father in the town _ they lived.16. Thats the Science Museum _ we visited last year.17. Thats the factory _ we paid a visit last year.18. She likes to use words of _ the meaning is clear to him.19. This is the house _ we used to sleep.20.

    4、This was a time _ there were still slaves in the USA.21. Her sister, _ you met at my home, was a teacher of English.22. Im one of the boys who_ never late for school.23. He is the most boring speaker _ I have ever heard.24. Mr. Anderson, _ I thought died 3 years ago, is still living.25. He is the la

    5、st person _ I want to see.26. -Did you ask the guard what happened? -Yes, he told me all _ he knew.27. John was the only one _ I had visited.28. The second book _ I want to read is Red Star Over China.29. The boy handed everything _ he had picked up in the street to the police.30. There is nothing i

    6、n the world _ can frighten me.31. Who _ knows him would trust him.32. The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned.33. Which of the trains is the one _ goes to Nanjing?34. Look at the girl and the dog _ are crossing the bridge.35. You may borrow any book _ you are interested in.36. Ill n

    7、ever forget the days in _ I stayed in your beautiful country.37. September 18, 1931 is the day _ well never forget.38. I know a place _ we can have a quiet talk.39. Is there any fruit shop nearby _ we can buy some fruit?40. I see no reason _ this cannot be done right now.41. The building _ all older

    8、 university teachers prefer looks so beautiful.42. You may stay _ you like.43. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.44. Have you seen the girl I told you_?45. The dictionary _you need is sold out in the bookshop.46. Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing.47. The company _ I

    9、 visited last year was not the one _ I once worked.48. The orphan came from Henan Province, _ is far away from here.49. They rely on themselves, _ is much better.50. You are the very man _ they are looking for at the moment.改错1.These who have plenty of money will help their friends. 2.This is the lo

    10、ngest train which I have ever seen. 3.Which we all know, swimming is a very good sport. 4.I shall never forget those years which I lived in the farm which you visited last week. 5.The radio set which I bought it last week has gone wrong. 6.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of them ha

    11、dnt been cleaned for at least a year. 7.The day will come which the people all over the world will win liberation. 8.Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who is working in China. 9.They talked for about an hour of things and persons who they remembered in the school. 10.My glasses, with which I

    12、was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.11.He is a man of great experience, from who much can be learned. 12.A harvester is a machine with which we harvest crops or a person which is harvesting. 13.I have bought the same dress which she is wearing. 14.In the police station I saw the man f

    13、rom which room the thief had stolen the TV set. 15.Chapin, for who money was now no problem , start a new film company with his friends. 16.Please put the letter which he can easily find it. 17.The house in the front of which there is a big tree was built more than 1000 years ago. 18.Antarctic ,which we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round. 19.The reason why I was away from school is because I was ill yesterday. 20.It was a meeting t


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