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    1、 % G4 k* 8 q? ox考博论坛( q$ J+ Y5 D+ J5 k2 K# 1 , j, r9 u$ q* S- e3 w考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,(除画图题外,所有答案都必须写在答题纸上,写在试& o6 h k/ d; W% E1 q5 J X% O考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,题上及草稿纸上无效,考完后试题随答题纸交回) V9 c4 r8 L/ J6 Z( ?+ _ C% 6 C5 y1 L# m& OM% w* X, X1 % M$ i9 N考博论坛Part I Cloze (0.5x20=10%)考博,考博网,考

    2、博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,) IF- Q& a- G9 x) Directions: In this part you are asked to choose the best word for each blank in the passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet.3 D5 L5 d6 i+ R$ A考博论坛 In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, lies a collection of laboratories and bu

    3、ildings, and, 1curious of all, a circular mound of2more than 650 feet in diameter. This cluster has unique importance. It is Europes 3 atomic city dedicated to4the atom for peaceful purposes. M* R* Z 8 q3 N1 s5 T考博论坛The strange buildings 5the European Council for Nuclear Research, more popularly kno

    4、wn, from 6 French initials, as CERN. The council was 7when a handful of statesmen and scientific experts 8 in Paris in 1950. Their aim was to “ 9an organization providing for co-operation among European states10nuclear research of a pure scientific and fundamental character.”6 e6 l; Q6 d M! ?/ U考博论坛

    5、|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,The CERN agreement was11in 1953, and work on the atomic city began in 1954. today CERNs12are among the most modern and the most diversified in the world.13as the scientific aspect may be, the real significance of CERN may lie14the thousand people the scientists, lab workers

    6、, and administrative15drawn from the fourteen member nations 16populate it. British engineers work17with Swiss electricians and Yugoslav nuclear physicists. The18languages are French and English, with German an unofficial third. But BERN is19tower of Babel the language of science is20and all-embraci

    7、ng. 2 I ! iH4 s( 2 V1. A. bestB. chiefly C. most D. mostly! x6 P, q2 U8 d# I( P2 X: x$ 2. A. earthB. dirt C. mud D. soil0 m! E9 p! V% w- T3. A. one and bestB. one and onlyC. one and anD. one and merely A2 j8 q+ ! V8 V4. A. investigationB. being investigatedC. investigateD. investigating0 e$ Z s9 F&

    8、A7 M g2 v5. A. work with B. belong to C. consist ofD. are located in7 n6 R O$ W! d0 - d+ J6. A. his B. theirC. itsD. those6 f e6 F& q1 N k8 k6 b考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,7. A. come into being B. constructedC. erectedD. born 8 x$ zd6 1 SJ8. A. joined B. developed C. met D. met with1 : A9 D5 Q3 s1

    9、 T) C7 ; |1 I9. A. found B. put up C. buildD. establish4 r* Nn* O$ I8 I考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,10. A. inB. on C. forD. about* q5 o$ m2 ) z0 _考博论坛11. A. sealedB. signedC. securedD. settled$ N; P( w2 M( x4 f3 RN+ B考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,12. A. r

    10、esourcesB. accommodationsC. facilitiesD. funds l* Rt0 c4 d4 i) w4 Mi& S13. A. ImpressionisticB. ImpressingC. ImpressedD. Impressive+ _$ S& Y% I N, B! A14. A. inB. withC. onD. at9 w( d/ Y9 z& b. Q15. A. crewB. crowd C. party D. group考博论坛|免费考博社区:最早最大的中文考博论坛,考博.中国,4 e7 X+ c7 n4 j P!16. A. whoeverB. who

    11、C. which D. whatever考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,# ; T3 A; s c/ A, y; 17. A. side by sideB. back to backC. heart to heartD. face to face2 K5 Y7 t/ i4 a考博论坛18. A. livingB. authentic C. officialD. real3 i& zG; h 7 o4 _6 q n9 M考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,1

    12、9. A. the B. a C. not D. no考博论坛. N9 S& K* * S- n20. A. worldwideB. infinite C. universalD. comprehensive$ y K6 B% K# l- F考博论坛考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,; W6 8 j+ G$ V1 R& vPart II.Reading comprehension (20x2=40%)4 c; , z , p5 A- There are four passages in this part. After ea

    13、ch passage, there are five questions. You are to choose the best answer for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.# T0 H6 O; B & ( 考博,考博网,考博论坛,免费考博论坛,免费考博网站,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,考博.中国,Passage one # q. ) b0 W Disease is a fluid concept influenced by societal and cultural attitudes that change diachronically in response to new scientific and medical discoveries. Historically, doctors defined a dis


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