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    1、tapes、cards板书设计:Lesson 1: At the Airport 1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight oclock 2:10 two ten or ten past two 4:30 four thirty or thousand . Review the phrases :What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Teaching “ What time is it ? ”1)

    2、Use a big clock to teach “ What time is it ?2) Demonstrate : More the the clock as I ask and answer the question . Then get volunteers to answer the question . Heres a simple way to say some times in English . 45 one forty five 10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:3)Extend knowledge :10 two ten or te

    3、n past two 4:30 four thirty or pairs Ask the volunteers to more the the clock as they ask and answer the question .2、Teaching “ the text ”1) When the students listen to the tape , think over the question :Where do Jenny , Danny , Li Ming live ?Why is Li Ming coming to Canada ? 教学侧记When does Li Ming

    4、arrive ? When will Li Ming go Canada ?How does groups .3)Ask the students to answer the questions .4)Read by themselves , then read role-play . Step 3 Consolidation Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to include in their dialo

    5、gue the question and answer . “ What time is it ? Its ”Enounce the students to be creative and to use as many English phrases as they can .Step 4 Summary This lesson we understand that Li Ming arrived Canada . Danny and Jenny meet Li Ming at an airport . We learned , bathroom , living room 。2、理解mine

    6、和 yours 的意思。2、 情感态度价值观:通过游戏激发学生学习兴趣,通过创设情境激发学生的积极性,让学生感受到学习英语是有趣的、容易的。本课重点单词句子,会正确使用句子。 Lesson2: Jennys House ThisThatHere is the_.HereThese are_.room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .教学过程: Step 1 Class opening and Review 1) Review the phrases : Its .2) Play “spell it “ to review the words : and

    7、practice 1、Teach the words : room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .1)Use my pastors of rooms to demonstrate each word .Ask the students to find the same point of these words .2)Practice the new words :Read after me Read one by one Play “ Simon says “Read by themselves Play a game “ point “ , one

    8、student say the words , the other students point quickly .2、Teach the word of bedroom : bed , closet , door , dresser , lamp , window . 1)Ask the students to say “ Whats in your bedroom ? “2)As the students say the words , I write them on the blackboard . 3)Practice :a : Read row by row , one by one

    9、 .b : Play a game . I say a word , the students point to the picture of their books quickly . 3、Teach the text 1)Play the tape as the students follow in their books .2)Write the sentences and read : This is These are .3)Explain the words : mine yours a : Ask the students whats meaning of the two wor

    10、ds .Explain : mine = my . yours = your . I say some sentences using mine and yours. 教学侧记Then ask the students to substitute the two words using my or your For example : T : ( Point to a book ) This is mine S : This is my book .4) Read by themselves 1、Using ask and answer to practice the new words .

    11、Where does this go ? Ss: Living room .2、Make a dialogue to practice the words and sentences .Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new we learned the names of the rooms . Please introduce them to your parents and write them on rooms

    12、door .Step 5 HomeworkWrite room , kitchen , bathroom , living room 教学反思:Lesson3 Making Breakfast 课时 1本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词:refrigerator,stove,sink,cook,make 2、 情感态度价值观:通过游戏、表演等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,增强英语学习的信心。tapes,cards Lesson 3: Making Breakfastrefrigerator ,stove ,sink, cook ,make Step 1 Class

    13、 opening and Review1、Play “What time is it ? “ to review the way to say some times .2、Use a drill to review “ bathroom , kitchen , living room and bedroom .”Step 2 Presentation 一、Teach the new words “ refrigerator , stove and sink “1、Using questions and answer to demonstrate these words : What is co

    14、ld ? (Hold up your vocabulary card for refrigerator .) Is a refrigerator cold ? S : . Is this cold ? (Hold up the card for stove ) Yes ! A stove is says “ to practice the new words .3、Ask the students to come to the front to read .二、Teach make and cook We learned the words of the kitchen . Now lets make breakfast .1、Ask the students to make sentences using “ make ”2、Explain “ cook ” Now what do you want to cook ! Read a few times . ( Explain


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