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    1、冀教版九年级英语下全册教案冀教版九年级英语下全册教案Lesson 1: Poetry, PleaseTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: poem, decide, nature, express, learn/know by heart, pleased, happiness, shutTeaching Aims:1. Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2. Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teachin

    2、g Important Points:1. How to make suggestions.2. The grammar: infinitives.3. Some words and expressions: learn/know by heartTeaching Difficult Points:The grammar: infinitivesTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1

    3、: Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups. 1. Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why?2. What kinds of poetry do you like best?After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the class in front of the class.Step2: Listen to the ta

    4、pe and find the answers to the questions:1. Have Brian finished his poem?2. Whats Dannys poem about?Step3: Reading task:1. Read the text and underline the new words in this lesson.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer. We can use our body language if necessary.3. Tell

    5、 the main idea of this lesson.Step4: Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1. Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2. Brian wrote a poem about nature.3. Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5: Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion:The infinitives:I havent decided what

    6、 to write about.Would you like to hear my poem?Do you really want to hear?I dont need to read it.Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this lesson. Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step5: Activities1. Divide the class into several groups. Then let them translate a

    7、 Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets. Then compare the translations of the groups. Lets see which is the best.2. Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us. Then let them change the poems in groups. They may give their own advice to the poems written by ot

    8、hers.Step6: Describe the picture in English. Ask the students work in their formal groups. Then let them read their poems in class loudly.Step7: Come to “LETS DO IT”.Work with a partner. Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or C

    9、hinese poetry?All of the students have seen much Chinese poetry, but few of them have seen English poetry. So present the students several English poems. Let them discuss the mean ideas of the poems. Then let them finish the task.Step8: Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Get more information

    10、 about the English poetry after class.Summary: The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very necessary. We can use the Internet to help us. The teacher should stimulate the students interests about the English poetry. The

    11、 students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after class. Lesson 2: Poems About NatureTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, kiss, noisyOral words and expressions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topicTeaching Aims:

    12、1. Cultivate the students guessing ability of the whole text.2. Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.3. Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.2. Know how to write an English poem.Teaching Diffic

    13、ult Points:Use what we learn to write an English poem.Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into several groups. Talk about the next questions:Have you read any poems i

    14、n English? Which one do you like best? Why?What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter?Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the class. Show some pictures of winter to the students. Help them to find more words to describe winter.Step2: Listen to

    15、the tape and fill in the blanks.1. Does the poem make you think of _?2. You can write a poem about _, too.3. Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _.Step3: Read the text and find the new words.1. Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.Most of the new words are related nature. So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.2. Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today. E


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