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    1、A. At 6:00 B. At 6:30 C. At 6:40 ) 3. What are they doing?A. They are running. B. Theyre climbing. C. They are fighting.) 4. Why does Tim like summer?A. He can eat ice-cream. B. He can go hiking.C. He can play football.) 5. Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing?A. Its windy and coolB. Its rainy

    2、and cold C. Its sunny and cool. 笔试部分60%一、根据图片及发音规则,在空格处填入合适的选项5% A. sheep B. grape C. school D. fly E. tree二、选择与图片匹配的单词或短语5%三、问答句连线10%1. What do you do on the weekend? A. Its flying2. Thank you for telling me.B. No, they arent3. Whats the bird doing?C. Yes, it is.4. Are they having a picnic? D. I of

    3、ten go shopping.5. Is her birthday in May?E. Youre welcome.四、根据语言情境及图片选择正确的选项10% ) 1. - Hello! Can I speak to Tom? - Tom is drawing pictures in the study. _ A. This is Tom B. Please hold on. C. Im coming. ) 2. - Whats the date? - _.s Feb. 9th B. Its 12:s snowy and cold. ) 3. - Please be quiet. (请安静)

    4、 My mother is _. - OK. A. going hiking B. doing dishes C. sleeping ) 4. - When do you eat breakfast?- I usually eat breakfast _. And then I go to school at 8:00. A. at 7: B. at 8: C. at 9:20 ) 5.- Which season do you like best, Zoom?- _. Because I can sleep a long time. A. Summer B. Fall C. Winter五、

    5、任务型阅读10%Lisa正准备为家人制作生日表,请按Lisa.提供的信息,看看一年中Lisa一家谁最早过生日,谁最晚过生日,请按月份的顺序给他们的生日排排序吧。另外还有一个提示,Lisa在全家人中第三个过生日。My name is Lisa. My birthday is June 15th. Today is my birthday. I am so happy. Grandpas birthday is in June, too. Its June 20th. Hes 70 years old this year. We will (将) have a big dinner on his

    6、birthday.Grandmas birthday is in January. So she is the first to celebrate(庆祝) her birthday in my family. She is 68 years old. She is happy and healthy.My mother is a teacher. She is a lucky (幸运的) teacher. Her birthday is on Teachers Day. Mike is my brother. His birthday is March 12th. We often plan

    7、t trees on his birthday. Fathers birthday is in December. Its cold. Sometimes we can play with the snow on his birthday.六、阅读理解10% 下面是Sarah和Chen Jie的一段对话,阅读并判断正误,正确的打“”,错误的打“” ) 1. Sarah is a girl. ) 2. Chen Jie gets up at 7:00 oclock every day. ) 3. Chen Jie and her mother sometimes watch TV in the

    8、morning on the weekend. ) 4. Chen Jie and her friends play sports in the school on the weekend. ) 5. Chen Jies father likes watching TV.七、看图,读短文,选择合适的单词填空 10%书写部分10%一、请用手写体在四线格上抄写单词5%grandpa jump everyone Thanksgiving honey二、请用手写体在一线格上抄写句子5% Kangaroos live in Australia. There are sixty different typ

    9、es of kangaroos.小学新课程学习质量专题调研五年级(下)听力材1. why 2.often 3. listen to music 4. read books 5. three oclock1. Mary is having a picnic.2. Lucy is cooking dinner.3. Meimei is writing a letter.4. Amy is washing her hands.5. Lanlan is singing a song.6. Sarah is making a snowman.三、听小对话,选择正确的答案 10%1. M: When does Amy do her homework on Sundays?W: She does homework in the afternoon.2. M: When do you eat breakfast, Ann? I eat breakfast at 6:40.3. M: What are they doing? They are fighting.4. W: Why do you like summer, Tim?M: I can eat ice-cream. I like chocolate ice-cream.5. M: What Its sunny and cool


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