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    1、“没有规矩,不成方圆 ” 。任何一家健康发展的企业,都离不开健全、科学的管理制度和优秀的员工。本手册规定了员工应遵守的工作纪律、劳动条件的基准及员工在本厂从事生产、生活之基本准则和劳动纪律。1-2 Application Scope适用范围 This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period. 本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。2. Personnel Management Regulations人事管理制度 2-1 Basic requirement fo

    2、r employees雇用基本条件 2-1.1 The employees must be over18 years old, hold Health Certificate, valid ID card, education certificate.年龄 18岁以上,持有效健康证,持有效身份证件和学历证明。2-1.2 If employees are found infected with serious infectious disease or not suitable for work, the company has the right to change their work po

    3、st or request them to leave the company. 如发现有任何严重传染病患者或身体不适的工作者,公司有权调整其工作岗位或要求其自动辞退。2-1.3 Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal 持有虚假证明进厂者一经发现以无薪解雇处理2-2 Regulations for employees who are recommended and who recommend被荐及推荐人守则 Current employees may reco

    4、mmend intelligent persons to the company, but should not receive any benefit or recommendation fee from them who are recommended. If it is found that there is such thing happened, both parties, whatever they are under probation period or not, will be fired immediately without any economic compensati

    5、on. If it is reported by the employee who is recommended, the reporting employee may stay in the factory, only the employee who recommended and received benefit will be fired without any economic compensation. 在职员工可推荐有才能的人员进入本公司,但推荐人不得收取被荐人的任何好处或介绍费。一经发现,推荐及被荐员工,无论双方是在试用期或已是正式员工,都将被立即开除,且无任何经济补偿。但如果

    6、由被荐员工揭发的,被荐员工可继续留厂工作,收取好处的推荐员工将被立即开除且无任何经济补偿。2-3 Probation period 试用期 2.3.1 Employees must pass the companys examination before they are hired, and then sign Newly Hiring Confirmation. 受聘用员工须经公司考核,合格后与公司签订新进人员雇用确认单 2.3.2 The probation period will be according to the term of Labour Contract:试用期期限将按照劳

    7、动合同期限决定。Term from one year to three years: probation period is three month. 劳动合同期限由壹年员工至叁年员工,其试用期为三个月 Term over three year: probation period is six months. 劳动合同期限超过叁年员工,其试用期为陆个月 2-4 Formal hiring正式聘用2-4.1 HR & Adm Department will release a Evaluation for Qualified Employees During Probation Period 1

    8、5 Days before the probation period is expired to the employees direct supervisor. 员工试用即将期满时,行政人事部将会发 试用期满合格人员评鉴表,由试用期员工所属部门及相关人员评鉴。2-4.2 The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee. 评鉴合格的将会被邀请成为正式员工 2-4.3 Both parties should de

    9、cide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.员工与公司须在劳动合同期满前一个月决定是否续签合同 2-5 Temporary Residence Permit暂住证 The company will apply for the Temporary Residence Permit for those employees who successfully passed the probation period and whose residence is not in this

    10、city. 公司按政府规定为试用期满的非本市户口员工申报及办理暂住证 2-6 Personnel records 个人档案 2-6.1 Personnel records record all the information related to the employees. 个人档案记录员工的所有信息 2-6.2 The employees should provide correct personal information. Changes must be reported to HR & Admin Department within five working days.员工必须提供正

    11、确的个人资料。如有变化,应于五个工作日内呈报行政人事部。2-6.3 The employee who provides false information will be punished. 若资料不实,将受纪律处分。2-7 Working time工作时间 2-7.1 The employees must comply with the companys working time, punch card in and out, have dinner and rest on time. 员工必须严格遵守公司的工作时间表,按公司规定打卡、上下班、用餐及休息。2-7.2 During worki

    12、ng time, no private visitor is allowed (except emergency), no private calling with office telephone is allowed, no private thing made on duty is allowed, otherwise the employees who violate will be punished. 工作时间内 ,任何人未经批准不得到公司作私人探访 (紧急情况除外 );不得利用办公电话打私人电话;不得处理私人事务,否则将受纪律处分。2-8 Attendance records考勤

    13、2-8.1 The company adopts shift system.work 40 hours a week, working hours should be set and be execute as per companysspecificmeasures公司实行轮班制,一周工作40小时,工作时间应岗而定,按公司具体办法执行。2-8.2For the employees who do not punch cards with reasonable reasons, the HR & Admin Department will has his/her attendance records signed by his/her managers. However, this should over two times a month.未打卡而有合理解释的员工,须由其部门经理签卡,但一个月内不应多于 2次。2-9 OT Working 加班 2-9.1 The company may request employees to work OT, and the employees should cooperate with it. OT application should be approved beforehand in writte


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