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    1、一、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. Among all Chinese traditional arts, Nancy likes _ Beijing Opera best because it is really_ fun.A. /; a B. / ; / C. the; a D. the; /2. Its _for you to keep secrets for your friends. In this way,you can win their trust.A. strange B. necessary C. possible D. lucky3. A

    2、bout how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork,Justin asked me for my_.A. position B. attention C. suggestion D. introduction4. Many tourists prefer five-star hotels because they think expensive hotels always_ guests with better service.A. prevent B. protect C. present D. provide5. Ama

    3、zing China (厉害了,我的国)wins high praise from the public. I think the documentary is well worth_.A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched6. Not only children but also my husband_crazy about the movie Operation Red Sea (红海行动A. is B. are C. am D. be7. Mum won t let Simon go out unless he promises to be

    4、 back _10 o clock tonight.A. till B. before C. as D. since8. Be patient! Give him more time,_he will find the answer to the question on his own.A. but B. or C. and D. so9. Great changes have taken place in our hometown over the past years.Yeah. Things _different when we were young.A. have been B. ar

    5、e C. will be D. were10. Good news! China won a gold at PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games._,we won six silvers.A. Moreover B. However C. Instead D. Otherwise11. More and more people give out “red packets” on WeChat to celebrate festivals.Thats true. I have just received_ from my friend.A. it B. that C

    6、. one D. them12. To keep children away from danger during the coming summer holiday, parents _give them some safety tips.A. should B. may C. could D. might13. Id like to choose light blue as the color of our bedroom. _ . The color brings us a calm and peaceful feeling. A. No way B. Sounds great C. I

    7、n your dream D. I cant decide 14.Simon failed the exam again. Thats not surprising. Computer games _too much of his time. A. take in B. take on C. take off D. take up15.Could you please tell me _? Last month. A. how long Daniel has been away from Taizhou B. how long Daniel stayed in Taizhou C. when

    8、Daniel will come back to Taizhou D. when Daniel left Taizhou二、完形填空 阅读短文 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart. My family sent her to the 16 . After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, “You have such a 17 heart condit

    9、ion that you should have an operation.”“But the complications (并发症) can happen.” the doctor 18 my grandmother and looked at her worried face. The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 percent possibility of having a heart trouble 19 the operation, a 35 percent possibility of being unable to

    10、 stand up, and even 20 percent of 20 on the operating table because of her old age. My grandmother was terribly surprised and quickly said, “Doctor, since youre talking about these 21 , I have one for you: there is a 100 percent possibility that you wont operat on me! ” 22 these words, my grandmothe

    11、r got up and 23 the doctors office. The next day, my grandmother went to 24 doctors office. There she was also told she needed an 25 . The doctor also said that her 26 might cause some problems. 27 he was quite sure about the success of operation. My grandmother might be brave, but she is not silly.

    12、 She then asked the doctor, “If I am your mother, what will you 28 ?”The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arms 29 her, and said, “Mom, lets have the operation!My grandmother had the operation and came outy 30 ! Her positive attitude (乐观的心态) added many wonderful and happy years for her and en

    13、joy live with my family.16. A. park B.hotel C. restaurant D. hospital17. A. wonderful B. serious C. difficult D. proper18. A. advised B. warned C. promised D. encouraged19. A.during B.before C. till D. against20A.fighting B.hurting C.returning D.dying21. A. actions B. changes C. possibilities D. con

    14、ditions22. A. At B.With C.for D.By23. A. Left B. researched C. passed D. visited 24. A. other B. the other C.another D.one25. A. operation B.experience C.offer D.examination 26. A. weight B. height C.length D.age27. A. when B. if C. but D.because 28. A. imagine B. recommend C.mind D.need 29. A. over

    15、 B.above C.around D.below30. A.fine B.disabled C.dead D.sad三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分) A31. From the passage we can know that _in Big Bend National Park. A. lions wont attack tourists B. there is danger for tourists C. snakes are active during winter D. you cant find monkeys or rabbits 32. When your car breaks down in Big Bend National Park, you can _.


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