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    学年牛津深圳版英语八年级下册 Unit5导学案2B练习 教师版.docx

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    学年牛津深圳版英语八年级下册 Unit5导学案2B练习 教师版.docx

    1、学年牛津深圳版英语八年级下册 Unit5导学案2B练习 教师版Module3 AnimalsUnit 5 Save the endangered animals重点词汇:1. endangered 濒危的danger 危险物;威胁;危险dangerous safe endangered animals濒危的动物 face dangers 面临危险 in danger out of danger处于危险之中处于危险之外Exx: 1) Its _ for you to swim in the river. (dangerous)2)We should do our best to protect

    2、the _ species. (endangered)2. wild 自然环境,野生状态 野生的;野蛮的 in the wild 在野外 wild animals 野生动物 go/run wild 自由生长,不受控制Exx: 1)The students ran _during the summer holiday. (wild)2)_ animals go/run _ in the _ . (Wild/wild/wild)3) If you happen to get lost in the _, you should stay where you are and wait for help

    3、. (wild)3. adult 成年人或动物=grown-up(身体发育成熟的) 成年的 an adult man 一个成年人 adult education成年教育e.g. One adult and two children,please. adulthood 成年babychildrenteenageradultExx: 1) Children who is not accompanied by an _ will not be admitted. (adult)2)He spent his _ life in Cannada. (adult)4. population 人口,族群(动

    4、物的数量) the population of China(is)中国的人口 have/has a(large)population of(:表示人口多少用large,small)Exx: 1)How large is the population of China?不用many,few,much,little= Whats the population of China?2)Shenyang has a population of 5 million.=The population of SY _is_ 5 million.3)(2012,湖南)-_the population of Chi

    5、na?-Its about 1.3 billion. (A)A. Whats B. How many C. How much is4)(2010南宁模拟)_is the population of your city?(A)A. How large B. How much C. How many D. How small5. behavior(u)r bhevj 活动方式;行为;举止behave 表现;举止well-behaved 表现好的 behave well表现好 behave oneself检点自己的行为,举止端正Exx: 1)His_ at the party was good,He

    6、 _ well at school.(behaviour/behaves) 2) The audience was surprisingly _. (well-behaved)6. birth 出生;诞生 at birth 出生的 by birth 天生;在血统上 give birth to 生孩子;产仔;生Exx: 1)The baby weighed 7 Pounds at birthwhen he was born2)She gave birth(to a healthy baby)last night. birthdayBirthplacebirthmark 胎记7. patch 斑点

    7、;色斑补丁一小块地 the patches of grass一小块草地 a white face with black patches around it eyes.8. shoulder ld 肩;肩膀 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 face to face 面对面 hand in hand 手拉手 pat sb on the shoulder 在某人肩上拍了一下类似词:hit sb on the chin(下巴)pull/take sb by the hand动词+sb+介(by,in,on)the+部位Exx: 1) We walk in the street _ _

    8、 _. (shoulder to shoulder) 2) The bullet wounded his _. (shoulder)9. central 在中心的;中央的centre=center in the centre of the town=in the central part of the townExx: 1) The middle street is in the _ of SY. (center)=The middle street is in the _ SY. (central) 2) This is the _ point of his argument. (centr

    9、al)10. weight 重量weigh 重 称重量 put on weight 变胖;体重增加 lose weight 减肥 netweight 净重 Exx: Whats your _?How much do you _?Im 60 kilograms.How _ are you?I weigh 60 kg.11. bamboo 竹,竹子 :_ bamboo shoot 竹笋12. menu 菜单 on the menu菜谱上 recipe 食谱;烹饪法13. fur 动物的毛皮 (动物)软毛 毛皮大衣Exx: 1)Her coat is made of fur.2)Cats and r

    10、abbits have fur.14. cruel 残忍的 kind be cruel _to_ 对残忍cruelty 残忍 Its cruel _of_ sb to do sthcruelly 残忍地Exx: 1) We should not be _ _ animals. (cruel to) 2) I despise people who are _ _ children. (cruel to) 3) He was treated with _. (cruelty)15. Its adj _ sb to do 做某事对某人_ sb to do 某人做某事for:hard,difficul

    11、t,easy,impossible,possible,important,interesting,dangerous,safe,useful,helpful,right,wrongof:good,bad,kind,nice,polite,impolite,clever,silly,foolish,stupid,lazy,careful,careless,right,wrongExx: 1)Its important for us to protect the Earth.2)Its very kind of you to help me.3)It was impossible for a ch

    12、ild to answer the question.4)It was careless of him to make so many mistakes.16. file 档案 on file 存档 a fact file 一个实情档案17. include 包括;包含 exclude including 包括=besides=in addition to included 包含在内(后置定语)Exx1:1)The price includes the tax.2)Ten members are present at the meeting including my fathermy fath

    13、er included includebe made up of=consist ofcontainExx:1)The book consist of/is made up of 8 chapters.2)Books include textbooks,novels and stories.3)Outdoor activities include swimming and running.4)Oranges contain Vitamin.18. own 自己的(用于所有格后)(名词用法)自己的东西 拥有 on ones own=by oneself=alone of ones own 属于某人自己的e.g. I own a lot of books.Exx:He had a house of his own and the house was built on his own last yea


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