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    江苏省无锡市学年七年级英语上学期第一次学业质量检测试题 牛津译林版文档格式.docx

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    江苏省无锡市学年七年级英语上学期第一次学业质量检测试题 牛津译林版文档格式.docx

    1、( ) 10. A. tired B. first C. skirt D. third二、根据句义和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式(10分)1. Excuse me, can I _ ( 借) a book about art?2. There are all _(种类) of flowers in the park. They look beautiful.3. Welcome to our school! Let me _(带领) you around it.4. Do you like watching football _ (比赛) on TV in the evening?5. His

    2、 _(爱好) are fishing and swimming.6.The gate of the shopping mall is _ (开着)at noon.7. The clever dog is looking after its _ (主人) things.8. My favourite subject is (地理). We can learn a lot about the earth.9. -Excuse me , whos on the phone in the room? -_(再说一遍)?10. To play football in Huanghe Football T

    3、eam is my _ ( 梦想 )三、词形变化(5分)1. I make some new friends. They are (real) great2. -When do you do _ (sport) every day? -After school.3. Mr Liu is our teacher. He teaches _ (our) Maths.4. There are some _ (library) in the city.5. He is good at English. He can speak English _ (good).6. Jay Chou and Jack

    4、ie Chen are my _ (hero) .7. Look at my _ (parent) photo! They are happy.8. Reading can bring us a lot of _ (fun).9. Thank you for _ (let) me know the good news.10.Selina is a _ ( member ) of SHE.四、句型转换(7分)1. He does his homework after school. (改为否定句)He _1_ _2_ his homework after school.2. He goes to

    5、 work by bus. (改为同义句)He _3_ _4_ _5_ to work.3. Do you often have breakfast at home? (用Kitty 代替 you 改写句子)_6_ Kitty often _7_ breakfast at home?4. Our new building is big and modern. (对划线部分提问)_8_ _9_ your new building?5. He usually plays football with his classmates. (对划线部分提问)_10_ _11_ he usually play

    6、 football _12_ ?6. My father runs for one hour every day. (对划线部分提问)_13_ _14_ does your father run every day?五、单项填空(15分)1. you a member of the Football Team in your school? . A. Do; Yes, I do B. Do; No, I dont C. Are; No, you arent D. Are; Yes, I am2. Is there _ bread in the fridge?Yes. Would you lik

    7、e _?A. any; any B. some; C. some; some D. any; some3. On the left of the apple, there _ two glasses of water.A. is B. are C. am D. was4. Is Mr. Li your teacher? Yes. He teaches Maths. A. you B. our C. us D. we5. Jim likes to_ with her friends on QQA. speak B. say C. tell D. talk6. _ does he look lik

    8、e? He _ long hair.A. What, is B. What, has C. How, has D. How, is7. She is _. She likes _ lessons. A. an English, Chinese B. England, ChineseC. English, Chinese D. English, China8. This is _ car. It looks very beautiful.A. Kittys and Sam B. Kitty and Sams C. Kittys and Sams D. Kitty and Sam9. You lo

    9、ok very cool today. _. A. Thats right B. No, I dont look beautiful C. Thats all right D. Thanks 10. Millie has a little brother. _ often looks after _. A. He, her B. She, him C. She, he D. Her, him11. Hurry up! Its time _. A. play football B. for the lunch C. going home D. to go to school12. Does he

    10、r mother _ after work? A. walk to home B. walk home C. go home on feet D. go home by foot13. -Excuse me . Where _ Andy _ from ? -Nanjing. A. does ,is B. does , is come C. does , come D. do , come 14. -Lets go swimming tomorrow. - _ . A. Great. B. Thats right. C. Yes , we do. D. No , I dont.15.That s

    11、ong Gangnam Style sounds _.I often listen to it.A. wonderful B. wonder C.bad D. well六、动词填空(10分)1. Look! Everyone in our class _ (have) a new book.2. We should work hard and make our dream _ (come) true.3. -Can he _ (carry) the bags for you? - Yes, I think so.4. It takes me an hour _ (do) my homework

    12、 after school.5. She is too young. She doesnt know how _ (look) after herself.6. Simon _ (not be) like his father, he looks like his mother.7. Jim, with his classmates, _ (fly) kites every Sunday.8. Kate, _ (not eat) the food. It smells bad.9. -What do you want to buy? - Id like _ (buy) some books.10. The girls often have fun _ (dance) at the party.七、 完成句子(8分)1. 请向你的老师问好。Please _1_ _2


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