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    无机矿物外加剂气态状填充料活性二氧化硅微粉Silica Fume产品使用说明书文档格式.docx

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    无机矿物外加剂气态状填充料活性二氧化硅微粉Silica Fume产品使用说明书文档格式.docx

    1、 硅尘粉(SilicaDusa)凝聚硅胶(Conden SedsilicaFume)由矿热电炉和电弧炉冶炼硅系合金中将石英矿(硅矿石)用电极加热2200高温,加焦碳,加氧化铁还原后,即成为硅金属:工业硅、金属硅、硅铁产品。冶炼中与烟尘气一同排放浮在冶炼炉面层上约有15%的一氧化硅蒸气与氧结合成二氧化硅。这类气状烟气粉尘通过烟道无组织排放在大气层中,造成环境污染。本公司运用创新的专利技术将烟气粉尘有组织收拢,消除污染、改善环境,同时将烟气粉尘通过电炉烟气净化,烟尘分离提纯粉体材料成套装置生产气状粉体新材料活性二氧化硅微粉。Silica dusa conden sedsilica fume is

    2、made from quartz mine (silicon mine) through heating to 2,200 by electrode in ore-smelting electric furnace and electric arc furnace refining, and then through reduction reaction by coke & ferric oxide. The final products are industrial silicon, metallic silicon and silicoferrite. About 15% of silic

    3、on monoxide smoke is emitted together with the soot gas and oxidized to silicon dioxide by oxygen, which will pollute the environment if it is randomly emitted to the atmosphere. The Company is to produce the new gaseous powder - active silica fume through collecting this soot powder with its patent

    4、 technology - electric furnace gas cleaning, soot separation and purification and powder equipment, which also cures the pollution and improves the environment. 这类气化状二氧化硅烟尘,在日本称:“活性硅”、法国称“硅烟雾”、“硅灰”、大多国家称“冷凝硅烟灰”。已有世界应用专家称之神奇的新材料,也是业界(建材、耐材、橡胶工程塑料、涂料、建筑混凝土)公认的第一大活性无机新材料。已作为产品用:高强高性能混凝土用矿物外加剂(GB/T18736

    5、-2002)。防水材料中的干粉密实剂,无机活性剂,橡胶工程塑料替代的矿物加工粉体填充剂(代替“白炭黑”使用)、环氧、聚胺脂材料节约增强剂;耐火材料中高温结合剂。Usually called “condensed silica fume” in most countries (“activated silica” in Japan and “silica fume” or “silica smoke” in France), this gaseous silicon dioxide soot is highlighted as a new kind of material by some app

    6、lication experts in the world, and is also publicly accepted as the No. 1 new inorganic material in building material, wear resistant material, rubber engineering plastics, coating material, concrete and other fields. It has already been used as mineral additive in high strength high performance con

    7、crete (GB/T18736-2002), dry powder compacting agent in waterproofing material, inorganic promoting agent, mineral powder loading agent in rubber engineering plastics (as a substitute of “white carbon black”), intensifier in polyurethane material & epoxy and high temperature wedding agent in corhart.

    8、 活性二氧化硅微粉(Silica Fume)产品应用范围及用途Application Scope and Usage of Active Silica Fume一、橡胶、工程塑料工业中I. Rubber and engineering plastics 活性二氧化硅微粉(Silica Fume)是无机矿物质的粉体材料,以熔炼形成的气状粉体,与机械动力研磨的矿物粉体不同之处,是自然火山灰活性,不是添加改性有机活性剂。物化指标及生产方法与气相二氧化硅(白炭黑)相似。化工、橡塑行业用白炭黑HG/T3061-1999标准,而性价比低于专业性生产的“白炭黑”。活性二氧化硅微粉将替代传统“白炭黑”应用的范

    9、畴。Active silica fume is a kind of melted gaseous inorganic mineral composition powder. It is different from mineral powder grinded by mechanical power because of its pozzolanic activity, rather than a kind of orgranic promoting agent with additive. The physical and chemical indexes and production me

    10、thod are similar to that of aerosil (white carbon black) which is in accordance with the HG/T3061-1999 Standard for White Carbon Black in Chemical and Rubber Industries but with lower cost performance than the white carbon black produced with professional technologies. As a result, the active silica

    11、 fume will replace the traditional white carbon black.1、在橡胶中添加活性二氧化硅微粉作填充料,经上海橡胶工业研究所的实验证明,在天然橡胶和再生橡胶中将硅微粉作为填料,代替传统的矿物粉体(沉淀白炭黑)填充后,橡胶的延伸率,抗撕裂性和抗死化度有很大提高。辅助橡胶物料成本降低,性价比提高。是橡胶制品及炼胶后胶胎的增加剂、耐磨剂。1. Active silica fume as plugging compound in rubber. The experiment in Shanghai Institute of Rubber Products

    12、has demonstrated that the active silica fume as plugging compound to replace the traditional mineral powder (precipitated silica) can greatly improve the percentage of elongtation, tearresistant and aging resistance ability. Besides, the cost of supplemental material is reduced, and the cost perform

    13、ance is increased, which qualifies it as the best choice of additive and anti-wear agent for rubber products and gumming after milling. 2、在工程塑料中将活性二氧化硅微粉代替“沉淀白炭黑”作填充料。经实验后,硅微粉作为工程塑料的新型功能型无机填料,因它是一种轻质微细型球状物质,主要成份是二氧化硅,还含有多种金属氧化物,具有耐高温、热导率低等优点。经试验,在PP中填充活性二氧硅微粉可增加(PP)的耐磨、抗压、阻燃等性能,并可提高材料的加工流动性,增加制品表面光泽

    14、,减少吸附的污垢。根据实验用活性二氧化硅微粉在改性塑料(PP)采用70Mpa的注塑压力,可制得综合性能较好的共混材料。2. Active silica fume as plugging compound to replace “precipitated silica” in engineering plastics. In experiment, active silica fume is the new functional inorganic filler in engineering plastics because it is light ultrathin ball material

    15、 with silicon dioxide as main composition and other metallic oxides which is specialized in high temperature resisting, low thermal conduction, etc. In addition, the experiments show that filling of active silica fume in PP can enhance its wear, pressure and fire resistances and other performances,

    16、improve the processing flexibility, the luster of surface and decrease dirt adsorption ability. If the injection pressure is 70Mpa for active silica fume in PP, composite material with excellent general performance can be manufactured. 添加硅微粉(SiO2)对聚苯醚(PPS)的共混改性提供新的途径,将硅微粉能将充分,均匀地分散到(PPS)中,就完全能达到提高特种工程塑料的韧性目的,从而改善(PPS)力学性能。同时,由于硅微粉的高流动性,可


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