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    1、take me home, country road .Now please enjoy it ! Por Una Cabeza is a classic tango from the classic movie Scent of a Woman , Next ,Ma Li with other students will perform this tango, please welcome!Uygur dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please en

    2、joy Uighur dance Happy dancing . by Liu Yuqing and other students.Guzheng is one of the representative ancient Chinese musical instruments, but also an embodiment of Chinese culture accumulated over thousands of years! Now lets enjoy the music Yuzhouchangwan After watching so many wonderful performa

    3、nces by our Chinese students, now our American friends also want to show us their talents, please warmly welcome!Thank you for your wonderful performances! During a-week stay in our Sichuan Agricultural University, the American friends experienced and learned a variety of Chinese culture, including

    4、Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese folk music and folk dance, Now they will sing the famous song Jasmine for us, welcome!A famous Chinese singer Song Zuying once sang a famous song - jasmine in Vienna Golden Concert Hall, tonight the young teachers from my university will sing the series of folk songs inc

    5、luding jasmine, please enjoy it!I think a lot of students do want to have a close contact and communication with American students, dont you? Well, next we are going to play a game with the American students, I hope you can take an active part in. and here are the rules for the game Hip-hop is the s

    6、ymbol of youth and vitality, modernity and passion, now please enjoy breaking dance!There is a famous Chinese guy enjoying a good reputation both at home and abroad, he is famous for his amazing Kongfu, and he is Bruce Lee. Now let us enjoy a wonderful martial arts show. China has thousands of years

    7、 civilization and 56 ethnic groups diversified and splendid culture, and among them , Tibetan ethnic minority is like a snow lotus flower rooted in the Chinese big family , Tibetan dance is very elegant and holy ,passionate and unique .now please enjoy the Tibetan dance the song on the snowy land! H

    8、ow time flies! We cant stop the time passing, but we do can change our own feelings, all the best blessings and wishes are expressed in music and dance ,and at the highlights , lets sing the song Auld Lang Syne together , and we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichu

    9、an Agricultural University will last forever!A: here, We have hardworking teachers and diligent students!B: Here, We have ink fragrance and the beating pulse of youth Here, We have passion for life and dreams for our future All: Because we always believe that tomorrow is going to be better!Let us bl

    10、ess in the new year, we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichuan Agricultural University will last forever! We hope the young people in both United States and China can cherish our friendship and make a great contribution to the development of Sino American relationship! And that comes to the end of the party, Ladies and gentlemen, good night.


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