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    数据结构 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献.docx

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    数据结构 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献.docx

    1、数据结构 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献外文翻译原文Computer programming data structure is an important theoretical basis for the design, it is not only the core curriculum of computer disciplines, and has become a popular elective course other Polytechnic professional, so studied this course well and studied computer are clo

    2、sely related.一、the concept of data structureComputer data structure is the foundation of science and technology professional classes, is the essential core curriculum. All computer system software and application software to use various types of data structures. Therefore, if we want to make better

    3、use of computers to solve practical problems, only to several computer programming languages are difficult to cope with the many complex issues. To the effective use of computers, give full play to computer performance, but also must learn and master relevant knowledge of data structure. A solid fou

    4、ndation of data structure for learning other computer professional courses, such as operating systems, translation theory, database management systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. are very useful.二、why should learn from data structure?In the early development of computers, th

    5、e use of computer designed primarily to deal with terms. When we use the computer to solve a specific problem, the following general needs through several steps : the first is a specific problem of appropriate abstract mathematical models, and then design or choose a mathematical model of the algori

    6、thm,the final procedures for debugging, testing, until they have the ultimate answer. Since then the object is INTEGER, REAL, BOOLEAN, the procedures of the main designers of energy is focused on programming skills, without attention to the data structure. With the expansion of computer applications

    7、 and development of software and hardware, the issue of non-terms increasing importance. According to statistics, Now dealing with the issue of non-occupancy of more than 90% of the machine time. Such issues involve more complex data structure, the relationships between data elements generally can n

    8、ot be described by mathematical formula. Therefore, the key to solving such problems is no longer mathematical analysis and calculations, but to devise appropriate data structure, can effectively address the problem. Description of the terms of such non-mathematical model is not a mathematical equat

    9、ion, but such as tables, trees, such as map data structure. Therefore, it can be said that data structure courses primarily designed to study the issue of non-value calculation procedures as a computer operations and the relationship between objects and their operating disciplines. The purpose of th

    10、e study is to understand the structure of data for computer processing of the identity object to the practical problems involved in dealing with that subject at the computer out and deal with them. At the same time, through training algorithms to improve the thinking ability of students through proc

    11、edures designed to promote student skills integrated applications and professional qualities.三、the concepts and terminologySystematic study of knowledge in the data structure before some of the basic concepts and terminology to give a precise meaning. Data (Data) is the information carrier, it could

    12、 be computer identification, storage and processing. It is the computer processing of raw materials, a variety of data processing applications. Computer science, computer processing is the so-called data objects, which can be numerical data can be non - numerical data. Numerical data are integer, th

    13、e actual number or plural, mainly for engineering computing, scientific computing and commercial processing; Non - numerical data, including characters, text, graphics, images, voice and so on.Data elements (Data Element) is the basic unit of data. In different conditions, data elements can be calle

    14、d elements, nodes, the peak, recording. For example, students information retrieval system table information, a record high, 8 Queens issue of a state tree, teaching programming issues such as a peak, known as a data element. Sometimes, a data from a number of data elements (Data Item), for example,

    15、 the student information management system students each data element table is a student record. It includes students of the school, name, sex, nationality, date of birth, performance data items. These data items can be divided into two types : one called early such as student gender, origin, etc.,

    16、these data were no longer divided in data processing, the smallest units; Another called portfolio, the performance of students who, it can be divided into mathematics, physics, chemistry and other smaller items. Normally, in addressing the question of the practical application of each student is recorded as a basic unit for a visit and treatment.Data objects (Data Object) or data element type (Data Element Class) is the nature of the data elements with the same po


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