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    01 语法填空上海市高三英语一模专项汇编Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    01 语法填空上海市高三英语一模专项汇编Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.2021黄浦一模Consider the Mechanical Pencil

    2、If you used to collect small objects. Im sure (if you were anything like my younger self) that you used to collect mechanical pencils.In one of the math preparatory classes I (21)_(go) to in elementary and middle school, we used to receive-mechanical pencils as prizes for doing well on the in-class

    3、exams or answering questions in class. This was (22)_ I built up my collection of Cadoozles, which are short mechanical pencils decorated with brightly colored spaceships and ice cream bars. But Ive long since used up all my Cadoozles and a majority of the mechanical pencils that I (23) _(hide) in a

    4、n empty moon-cake tin so many years before, which makes me reflect fondly back on those old days, when receiving a mechanical pencil was as easy as drinking a glass of water.Mechanical pencils are not only more convenient than your traditional Ticonderoga in the sense that they never need (24) _ (sh

    5、arpen); they also produce thinner, cleaner lines, which is extremely important for drawers and drafters. Furthermore, they are environmentally friendly, since you dont have to buy (25) _ wooden pencil whenever you run out of lead(铅芯). You can simply refill your mechanical pencil. There is only one s

    6、light negative I must remark on, (26)_ is that as someone who calls mechanical pencils lead pencil in casual conversation, the term is confusing. Mechanical pencil lead is actually not made from the chemical element lead. It is made from a mixture of graphite and clay, which (27)_ not give you lead

    7、poisoning. This is contrary to what my third-grade teacher said when she saw my classmate John clicking his mechanical pencil against his index finger out of boredom: John,stop that! Youre going to get lead poisoning! I think all the third-graders (and teachers) in the world would feel much (28)_(sa

    8、fe) if they knew what really made up the pencils they use every day.It used to be so easy to grab a mechanical pencil whenever I needed one, but (29)_ the moon-cake tin has become increasingly lighter, I have learned to appreciate my writing instruments more. Perhaps I should have collected a few mo

    9、re Cadoozles when I was younger; perhaps I should have appreciated the feeling of holding up the moon-cake tin when it was three-quarters full, hoping that there would always be a new pencil for me (30)_(use) tomorrow.答案21.went 22.how/when 23.had hidden 24.sharpening/to be sharpened25.another/a 26.w

    10、hich 27.can 28.safer 29.now that/in that 30.to use2021崇明一模Geography Makes a Silent ReturnIn many ways geography is the forgotten science. Even the word “geography” tends to make people think of students (21) _ (label) maps in social studies class. But that hasnt always been true. Before the internet

    11、, the world was a mysterious place. In many cases, people didnt really know (22)_ existed a few miles from home. Studying geography offered people a way to learn about the world. Geography, (23)_ (define) as the study of Earth, has always had a focus on maps. But mapping hasnt always been easy. In t

    12、he days before satellites, mapmaking required years of dangerous and difficult work. But mapping also meant a chance at adventure and fame. Geography became the subject of explorers. People were eager to hear about the new things and places (24) _ geographers had studied. National Geographic is a gr

    13、eat example of this interest. For more than a hundred years, the magazines stories and pictures (25) _ (tell) people about our exciting world. Technology has changed the way people think about geography. Travel is now easy. The internet makes information simple (26) _ (find). We trust our phones to

    14、take us (27) _ we want to go. Even National Geographic has expanded beyond traditional geography, but that doesnt mean geography has become (28) _ (important). While some apps are obvious examples of modern geography in action, geography remains important in more subtle (不易察觉的) ways, too. Geography,

    15、 which helps house hunters, solves public health issues, and determines good locations for new businesses, (29) _ (use) to plan communities as well. Like traditional geographers, modern geographers study many different topics. That makes them well-suited for many different jobs and industries. Today, geographers often have titles like “urban planner” or “data analyst”. And the world is noticing (30) _ number of graduates with degrees in geography is also growing. Maybe its time for you to discover the forgotten science a


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