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    1、Reference: classification and their respective characteristics of nc machining centerPress: chemical industry press; Version 1 (March 16, 2009)Author: Xu Heng, Duan XiaoxuMachining center is a typical set of high-tech machining equipment in one, its development represents a countrys level of design

    2、and manufacture greatly improved labor productivity, reduce labor costs, improved working environment and reduce the labor of workers strength. This movement through the different programs and the design of various components of qualitative analysis and comparison of vertical machining centers to de

    3、termine the progress of education to drive the program are: fixed-bed body, spindle seat installed by installing the sliding seat rail bed , use rolling guide rail bed can be achieved to the movement into the Y direction. Precision CNC XY table by a two-way drive to complete the workpiece X, Y two d

    4、irections into a movement; X, Y, Z three directions of movement are ball screw feed, driven by AC servo motor. Guides, ball screws with the corresponding lubrication, protection and other devices.Processing center ( English abbreviate is CNC called Computerized Numerical Control ): is the library wi

    5、th a knife and automatic tool changer of a highly automated multi function numerical control machine tool. In China, Hongkong, Taiwan and Guangdong generation also has many people call it the computer gongs.Workpiece in machining center by a clamping, digital control system can control the machine t

    6、ool according to different process, automatic selection and replacement of tools, automatically change the spindle speed, feed rate and cutting tool relative to the workpiece movement track and other auxiliary functions, followed by the completion of several surface workpiece multiple processing pro

    7、cedures. And there are a variety of changing knife or blade selection function, thereby greatly improving the production efficiency.Machining center CNC machine tool is provided with a computer numerical control system of machine tools, CNC system capable of processing procedures, control machine to

    8、ols to complete a variety of actions. Compared with the general machine tools, CNC machine tools to complete the plane curve and space curve surface machining, the machining precision and the production efficiency is relatively high, so it has been widely applied.The composition of CNC machine tools

    9、In general, numerical control machine tool is composed of a mechanical part, a digital control computer, servo system, PC control part, hydraulic pressure drive system, cooling and lubrication and discharge device. CNC machine tool is controlled by a program, part of the programming work is the impo

    10、rtant part of NC machine tool. Servo system of CNC machine tool is driven in part, computer output control command is generated by the servo system coordinate movement. Ordinary vertical machining center with three servo motors to respectively drive workbench, longitudinal, transverse worktable, spi

    11、ndle box along the X direction, Y, Z to exercise. X, Y, Z are mutually vertical coordinate axis, so when the machine three coordinate linkage can machining space curved surface. And for the five axis linkage CNC machine, is a B axis and C axis. The Y axis of rotation of the shaft as the axis B, Z ax

    12、is of rotation of the shaft as the C axis.The processing of CNC machine tools motionMachining by cutting the main movement and feed motor complete, control the main movement can be a reasonable speed, to control the feed can obtain all kinds of different machining surface. CNC machine tool coordinat

    13、e motion is motion, for the three coordinate NC machine tool, the coordinates of the direction of movement is usually perpendicular to each other, whereby the respective along the Cartesian coordinates X, Y, Z axis positive and negative direction. How to control the moving coordinate system to compl

    14、ete different kinds of spatial curved surface processing is the main task of digital control. As we all know, in the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, space any point can be used X, Y, Z coordinate values to indicate, to a space curve can also use the three-dimensional coordinate function to

    15、express. How to control the axis of movement to finish machining of curved surface? Now to introduce it.Curved surface cutting tool moving trajectory and theoretic curves do not coincide, but an approximation line. Due to various interpolation formula is different, the approximation of the line are

    16、also different, usually has the following several calculation methods: point by point comparison method, integration method and time division method.The advantages, disadvantages of NC machine toolCNC machine tool has many advantages, it is developing very quickly, become the dominant machine machining.( 1) machining with NC machine tool can achieve good accuracy, stable processing qualityCNC machine tool transmission parts, particularly a bal


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